Men’s Rugby lose match versus Oregon State University

Hannah Greene  | Sports Editor

This past Saturday, Feb. 1, the Men’s Rugby team held a friendly match against the Oregon State University Beavers — a team they beat during the 2019 season.

The first half, the Wolves were challenged, showing more exhaustion by every passing minute. With only 26 more seconds left, the Beavers persisted on, getting a few more points — Beaver forward juked out multiple Wolves and broke through to finish and score, making the score 21-10 at the start for the second half.

The Wolves showed great power and strength coming onto the field for the final half — dominating on the defensive end and stopping the Beavers attack. However, the Beavers were able to catch the Wolves off guard and score, and made the score 28-10.

As the game continued, more and more Wolves got injured and lost energy. Luckily, the Beavers showed great sportsmanship and sent one of their own to join the Wolves. 

Twenty minutes into the second half, the Wolves finally scored, bringing themselves within six points of the Beavers.

As the clock counted down, it was easy to tell who was going to win this match — the Beavers kept knocking at the Wolves’ door with no fight back from the Wolves.

Beavers were able to walk away with a 47-22 win, a 25-point difference.

The Wolves’ next home game is on Saturday, Feb. 8 versus Pacific University. Go out and support this club team.


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Photo Courtesy of Emily Prall