Locations in the pacific northwest to travel to for Spring Break

Rylie Horrall  | Lifestyle Editor

The end of the term is just a stone’s throw away, which means that it’s almost time for Spring Break. Western’s Spring Break is happening towards the end of March, which could likely mean that the weather won’t be ideal for bikinis on the beach — for those who haven’t been to the Oregon coast, it’s pretty cold 90% of the time. On that note, Spring Break doesn’t have to solely consist of a trip to the beach. Around the Pacific Northwest, there are quite a few options for people to partake in.

The Columbia River Gorge is a beautiful, green spot here in Oregon that’s great for sightseeing and hikes. Spring is when the wildflowers in the Gorge begin to bloom, which “happens to overlap with peak waterfall season,” as stated on oregonlive.com. There’s a multitude of hikes available to choose from — perfect for nature lovers or those that want to photograph some beautiful scenery.

There are a couple of choices available for those that are thinking of going whale watching. According to oregonstateparks.com, this year’s Spring Whale Watching will last from the 21 of March to the 29 and is an opportunity to watch as the gray whales migrate to Alaska. There’s a map on their website filled with the many destinations that people can travel to in order to see them. There’s also the San Juan Islands, located in Washington, which is home to a few pods of orca whales year-round. While it is also possible to see other species around the islands — such as humpback whales, porpoise and sea lions — their website, visitsanjuans.com, claims that “this is the best place in the world to see (orcas) in the wild.”

Olympic National Park, located in Washington, gives visitors a variety of things to do during their Spring Break. There’s various options for hikes and chances to see diverse wildlife, many campgrounds to stay in and numerous options for different water-related activities. 

Hopping from city to city is another way to spend Spring Break. If someone has never been to Portland, take them for a day trip or stay somewhere for a couple of days to go sightseeing. Favorite play or band in concert happening in Seattle? Take a road trip with roommates and check it out. Feeling the need to go on a shopping spree in Vancouver, WA? Grab some best buds and take to the road.


Contact the author at rhorrall17@wou.edu