Jacob Joliff band performs as a Smith’s Fine Art Series event

Jamari Gilbert | Freelancer

On Oct. 12, Jacob Joliff and his band came together and put on a concert for Western students. This concert was part of The Smith’s Fine Art Series, a collection that showcases many talents and performances here at Western. The artists perform from Oct. 5 through June 8 of 2019, with two events in January 2019, one event in April, and the final performance in June. This event was held in Rice Auditorium.

The Jacob Jolliff Band is a Bluegrass ensemble that is comprised of four key members: Jacob Joliff, the singer and Mandolin player, Alex Hargreaves the fiddle player, Jeff Picker on the bass, and Stash Wyslouch, their guitarist. With their cooperation, the band put on a unique and entertaining performance.

Bluegrass is a style of country music, but with jazz and gospel influences. No banjos were used during this concert, although that’s what some people may think of when bluegrass is mentioned. Most of the songs focused on being instrumental but a few had some lyrics spread throughout to spice things up every now and again. The music was unique and complex, but can be defined as a fusion of jazz and country.

The excitement the Joliff band had to play in front the audience was palpable. The passion and hard work that went into each song could be felt as they were performed on stage. Before the artists started the next song, the pride on their faces was obvious when the audience exploded into a round of applause and whistled.

Watching how they all shared the space and the microphone, easily stepping out of the way when it was time for one of the other members play their heart out during their songs was arguably the best part of the performance. The Jacob Jolliff Band performed very well and the enthusiasm for the music they performed only made the experience better.

The Joliff band is worth a listen by anyone who is a fan of jazz or country, and by anyone who is looking for music that is full of spirit and energy. If students find themselves free and wanting to try something new, events from the Smith Fine Arts Series provide fun opportunities on campus. The series offers some truly unique experiences.


Contact the author at jgilbert16@mail.wou.edu

Photo courtesy of Ashlynn Norton