IMa create a league of my own and compete in IMLeagues

Hannah Greene | Sports Editor

Ever wanted to be the leader of a team? The creator, the all mighty powerful emperor of your own squad? IMLeagues is a good way to do this. Every quarter there are multiple teams one can either join, create or even be a free agent — where any team can add you/pick you up.

“Intramural (IM) Sports program offers opportunities for the Western Oregon University community to participate in a variety of team and individual sport leagues,” explains the Western Oregon University Intramural Handbook. 

IMLeagues is accessible through the IMLeagues website, using Western Oregon University as the school and your regular school email as your login. From there, students will create a password and fill out some paperwork and then voila — free to roam and play all the sports or join multiple teams.

As of right now the sports offered are: flag football, volleyball, badminton and a powerpuff team for Homecoming weekend. The teams include different sections like co-recreational, competitive, all men’s or women’s.

Join now, be a part of a team, have fun and step into the community of Western Oregon University Intramurals.

Anyone identifying as female can still join the Powerpuff team before 11:59pm on Oct. 16.


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