IFC planning to cut 5.5% from Campus Recreation, your activities

Hannah Greene  | Sports Editor

Intramurals are a way to get out and be active; they happen all year long with multiple teams one can join each term. Not only do students actively participate in Intramurals, but the league also provides jobs for more than 25 students, from referees to scorekeepers to supervisors. 

Currently, the IFC, Incidental Fee Committee has released a preliminary decision to reduce the Campus Recreation Department budget for next year by 5.5%, amounting to about $61,000. 

What does this mean for fellow students? As of right now, Volleyball during spring would no longer be offered, multiple free tournaments would be taken away — golf and bowling for example — and the champions of the Rogue tournaments would no longer receive a free Championship shirt. 

Right now, Campus Recreation is hoping that students will share their voice to help reverse these proposed budget cuts. There will be one more hearing this month where Campus Recreation is encouraging students to attend the final open hearing to speak about their experience with Intramurals and the Campus Recreation Department in an effort to curb the finalization of the preliminary decision. On Feb. 27, an Open Hearing is scheduled for 4 p.m. in the WUC Pacific Room; a sign-in sheet will be provided for those wishing to speak, as an individual or as a group. There will also be smaller group discussions where one is able to speak to a smaller crowd — these will take place after the hearing. 

The IFC will have a table across from the bookstore where one is able to voice their thoughts and concerns to their peers — Feb. 26 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Feb. 27 from 12 to 3 p.m


Contact the author at hgreene18@wou.edu