IFC and ASWOU Senate finalize budgetary plans for next school year

IFC plans for 2021 to be approved by the Board of Trustees

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

The Incidental Fee Committee has concluded its open hearings and finalized the budgetary allocations and fee application for the next school year.

In their preliminary decisions, the IFC had a total of 34.77% budget reductions for all 15 of the funded areas, and 27% of the reduction was taken from the Athletics department’s funding. However, 100 students ⏤ primarily athletes ⏤ attended the open hearings advocating for a reduction on the Athletics budget cut. 

In the final plans, budgetary reductions for Athletics was reduced and some of the weight was spread into other departments. In the finalization meeting, department heads voiced they were willing to have greater reductions to their own personal budgets. In total, six areas volunteered to have budgetary reductions: Associated Students of Western Oregon University with 2%; Campus Recreation 0.5%; Creative Arts 3%; Student Engagement 1%; SE: Leadership, Inclusion, Activities 2%; Student Activities Board 1%; Student Media 0.5%.

Because other departments took on the burden of reducing their budgets, the Athletics department budget currently only reflects a 13.5% cut. Athletic Director Randi Lydum has not put in writing what types of cuts the department will face under this budget

Students can anticipate seeing a $355 flat rate fee on their bill for the 2021-22 year, regardless of modality. Under the current projections, the IFC anticipates collecting $4,106,640 from the fee in the upcoming year, and will be drawing $373,781.09 from the reserves to meet budgetary needs.  

Contact the author at scarpenter18@mail.wou.edu

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