How to make the most of the holidays

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

With so much to get done this holiday season, you’ll have to prioritize what you should use your limited time on. While some traditions are impossible to rid yourself of, that doesn’t mean you can’t add new, fun and memorable experiences to your to-do list. To help you get that list started, I compiled a group of must-do’s to get you started on making the most of this winter.


  • Play in the snow. If you have the option to play in the fluffy, cold snow, engage in a snowball fight or build the world’s best snowman: take it. Your freezing cold fingers and toes will forgive you later.
  • Go ice skating. Maybe you aren’t the most coordinated, graceful or athletic person. That’s okay; ice skating provides a fun time for even the biggest klutz — on a personal note, I’m talking about myself.
  • Make holiday cookies. Who doesn’t enjoy a warm cookie during this time of year? Plus, getting the chance to make and ice them with people you love makes for an even more fun and messy time.
  • Watch your favorite holiday movie or special. The holidays often are associated with that nostalgic feeling you get when thinking of it. The best way to stir up that feeling, in my experience, is to watch old specials that bring you back. For ideas on what to watch, check out the entertainment section.
  • Visit those who are important to you. With emotions heightened, memories being resurfaced and warm and fuzzy feelings all around, this is the best time of year to remind the people you love why they’re so important to you. Take some time to deliver your undivided attention to them.
  • Treat yourself. Remember, this is your winter break. You just worked your butt off for the last term, give yourself a second to relax by doing something you love.
  • Drink way too much eggnog. Admittedly, this is a little biased because there are few things that get me more jazzed than seeing that eggnog is back in stores. But, if you’re anything like me, you’ll be consuming an entire carton this season.
  • Decorate. For whatever holiday you celebrate, or just for winter, make your living space reflect the aspects that you love most about it. For a better experience, deck the halls while listening to your favorite holiday tunes.
  • Give back. This holiday season, remember that there are people who aren’t fortunate enough to receive anything at all. Give what you can, even if it’s just your time. The smallest things will go a long way.


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