Hoop yeah, Men’s Basketball sleigh over break

Hannah Greene  | Sports Editor

Men’s Basketball held their final exhibition game on Dec. 14, against the Corban University Warriors. After a rough start to their GNAC conference, losing to both Alaska and Alaska Anchorage, the Wolves came home and dominated over their rival Warriors.

This game was no back and forth battle, but a high scoring game with long point streaks. 

During the second half, the Wolves were able to counter on every mishap the Warriors created, from turnovers to steals — scoring 21 points. 

The final score ended with the Wolves ahead by 20 points, beating the Warriors 91-71. 

This was the Wolves ninth consecutive win over the Warriors since 2002, and this game being won with the most points.

On Dec. 20 the Wolves took on #6 Dixie State University, with another blowout — beating them 91-75, a great sendoff into a New Year. The Men’s Basketball play Concordia next, on Dec. 31 at 2 p.m. at home.


Contact the author at hgreene18@wou.edu