Home-field advantage

Lake Larsen | Sports Editor

In recent seasons, Western softball has been littered with canceled practices and delayed games. While rain delays can be common occurrence in softball, especially in Oregon, these delays weren’t at the hand of the weather but instead the result of unfavorable conditions of the field. Due to these conditions, the playing surface has finally received a much needed renovation.

Over the previous summer, the softball field was transformed from an unplayable mess to a top of the line facility. The new field features a modern drainage system in the grass outfield to help lower the possibility of rain delays. It also has an entirely-turf infield complete with Western logos.

While the new playing surface is a welcomed change, the most exciting change for Western’s new field is simple: it will be able to host home games again.

“Two years ago we didn’t have any home games at all, we had to travel everywhere,” said senior first baseman Jenna Kelly.

“It’s hard to gain fans, too, when we’re not even here to have (home games),” added senior second baseman Raynne Whitaker. Because of the lack of home games for the previous seasons, the players greeted with open arms the ability to host games again.

“It’s a privilege to be a part of this, to be able to experience with my senior class,” noted senior catcher Nicole Miller.

Looking beyond the excitement of the new field and being able to host games again, the gift of the renovations are not forgotten by the team.

“(President Fuller) came and watched one of our home games last season when we had to tarp the field multiple times and we were out here doing fieldwork in between,” explained senior utility Cheyanne Rimer as to why the field was renovated.

“He came and watched that and realized this isn’t really how it’s supposed to be. (We’re) supposed to be here for game day, and not worry about loading bags of dirt onto the field and making sure that the field is playable. So I just wanted to really make sure that he knows that were thankful for him,” Rimer added.

The opening of the new field will allow Western Softball to no longer endure the headache of constant field management paired with the anxiety of not knowing if a game will need to get canceled due to conditions.


Contact the author at llarsen13@wou.edu

Photo courtesy of Paul F. Davis