Heartworm, a dream pop group ready to release music

Never Retallack  | Entertainment Editor

There are many interesting bands in the making, included is New Orleans based, Heartworm. I was able to grab an interview with musician Dani Kardon, who is originally from Portland, OR. 


Q: How long have you been practicing music? 

A: I’ve been playing music for about 12 years now, I’ve jumped around from guitar to vocals to piano a fair amount! 

Q: What got you interested in music? 

A: I think just being a kid and loving the act of being loud and making noise probably, I get more and more into it the more I play, I think the interest just feeds itself!

Q: How would you say your music has changed over the years? 

A: My music changes a lot with what I’m listening to definitely. I grew up on old soul, the motown collection, all that. But I cycle through musical phases and I think I just pick up little bits of everything that I like and shove ‘em into my songs.

Q: How did you and your band get together? 

A: Me, Eryn (Bass) and Sabrina (Guitar) work/worked at the school of rock Metairie together, and Hannah (Drums) was in a band with Sab before. We just kind of were like, “okay let’s jam on some songs” and then it turned into hanging out and playing music, and then it turned into “okay we definitely need to be a band.” I would just like to put on record that I f**king love them.

Q: What is your position in the band?

A: I’m just like the singer — whatever else needs to be done person. I play keys a lot for the band. I’m also one of the songwriters in the band! I’m also the baby, that is another role I play. But like, boss baby.

Q: What are the future goals for your band? 

A: I think just ride the wave as long as possible. If it works it’ll be amazing and if it doesn’t it will still be amazing while it lasts. All of us take it seriously but at the same time very much don’t take it seriously, does that make sense? I’d love to tour and release albums obviously, that feels like it’s way in the future, but we’ve already recorded enough for a small EP so I guess it’s not so mystical and far away.

Q: How would you describe the style of music your band does? 

A: Lazy Punk and Dream Pop, what does that mean? Wouldn’t you like to know. We would also like to know. I dunno, just listen to us! People will figure it out.

Q: When can listeners expect music to be released? 

A: The middle of January! Like soon soon.  

Q: What is your favorite part about creating music? 

A: I love the song writing process, and what’s so amazing is taking a song to a band and watching it turn into the thing that you had in your head, or even better than what was in your head.

Q: Anything else you would like to add? 

A: Our merch is stupid cool, it was specially designed by a girl at Loyola named Maggie Chreene who is like a Goddess amongst women, and we’re working on an online store to buy it. Not to brag but a tik tok of her making the merch got like 10K likes. So yeah that’ll be something to watch for, because they really are gorgeous, we love Maggie. I’ll put the link in here. Also just thank you so much for interviewing me about my band, we love the interest people have been having in us and we’re so eager to share our music and lil band with everyone!


Contact the author at howlentertainment@wou.edu