Good Music is Good

By: Darien Campo
Staff Writer

In high school, my Facebook page proudly proclaimed that I liked “all music except rap and country.” Of course, this wasn’t true at all; I couldn’t have given you the name of one Vaporwave track, I hadn’t heard a single Gregorian chant in my life. Which is a little embarrassing for someone who likes “all music” (except rap and country). What I really meant was that I really liked classic rock and heavy metal, and pretty much nothing else.

Somewhere around my junior year I began to frequent, a website I still use to find artists. By chance, I happened to run across the album “Nostalgia” by a trip-hop band called Wren. This album opened my eyes (and ears). After I first heard those gorgeous beats and beautifully sampled vocals, I realized that I had spent my life ignoring an entire world of music I should have given a chance. After Wren, I learned to withhold my judgement on new music, and instead open up and let myself explore new ideas and sounds.

It’s very easy to find a genre that’s comfortable for you and stick to it, but I’m telling you to be careful not to fall into this trap. It always saddens me to hear someone who “only listens to rock” or “only listens to rap.” Just the same as someone who refuses to listen to an entire genre based on the merit of a single band, or because of how obnoxious the fans are. Sure, Radiohead fans are crazy and we need to shut up about our conspiracy theories, but have you HEARD “In Rainbows”? I mean, yeah, Neutral Milk Hotel fans can be really pretentious, but there’s a REASON “In the Aeroplane Over the Sea” is so revered.

My high school band teacher shared this Miles Davis quote with us: “Good music is good no matter what kind of music it is.” I try to remember this quote every time I’m exploring for new artists. I can guarantee that if you don’t like hip hop, there is still a hip hop artist out there for you. The same goes for any other genre. If you love music, you do yourself no favors by closing any doors. Open your ears and scour the internet and record stores around you, there is beautiful music around every stereo; be sure you don’t miss any of it.

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