Get to know your Western athletes: Cheyanne Rimer

Mikaela Wong | Staff Writer

It’s typical for students to watch school sporting events and cheer on the athletes from the stands. However, it’s also easy to forget that the very athletes they are there to watch, are students too, who have lives outside of their sport.

Cheyanne Rimer, a senior and exercise science major, is one of these student-athletes, who plays third base on Western’s softball team. It can be difficult to see her outside of this lens, especially when she’s reaching high success with the team.

An example of this success came during the matchup against the Montana State University Billings on April 8. Rimer hit a grand-slam, which sealed her sixth homer of the year. Western conquered both games, 12-0 and 11-1.

When asked what got her first interested in playing softball, her answer was honest.

“I’m from Scio, Oregon and to be honest, there’s not a lot to do in Scio… My graduating class was 59 people and I knew most of them since pre-school.”

For this reason, she picked up the sport. But she didn’t want to quit, and she had a reason for that.

“Softball just happened to be my favorite sport, so I just kind of kept with it.”

While some may see her and think of her as only an athlete, there’s more to Rimer than softball. When asked to describe her personality in a nutshell, she explained it in simple terms: “I’m goofy, kind of loud, friendly, approachable,” Rimer said.

While there are many reasons to enjoy the sport, Rimer said her favorite part of playing softball actually has to do with her teammates.

“I never grew up with a sister, so I feel like I was kind of shorted out on that aspect,” said Rimer, “but I get that with them.”

Although it’s clear she built important relationships with the teammates she works so closely with on and off the field, Rimer also has traditions she keeps with her friends apart from those she made through softball.

“My roommates and I have ‘roomie nights’ where we all make something for dinner and then watch a movie together — usually classic ‘80s movies,” Rimer explained.

After the end of the season, Rimer will be graduating from Western. Upon her graduation, she has plans to hone in on her future career aspirations.

“I have an internship in the fall for Cardiac Rehab which is where I want my career to go,” said Rimer. “And then eventually (I’ll) move to Roseburg because I really like it down there.”

As for her potential to ever give coaching a try, Rimer’s stance wasn’t entirely certain.

“I would consider coaching but not right away because I want to focus on my career. But I can see myself going back to it in the future.”

Catch Rimer and the rest of Western’s softball team at their next game. April 13, Western will be playing a doubleheader at Concordia University, followed by another doubleheader against Concordia University at home on April 14.


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Photo courtesy of Ashlynn Norton