Finding time in a busy college schedule

Written by: Gretchen Sims | Editor-in-Chief

One of the most difficult aspects of being a new college student is learning to work within a set schedule. From elementary school to high school, classes have always been set in stone — 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. for most students. However, come college, doors are opened up for one to set their desired class times — classes at Western are offered from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 

Often, students will have one to three classes a day and sometimes won’t have a class at all. This opens up endless opportunities throughout the week, but it is a challenging adaptation for some. 

While it is handy to have the ability to organize one’s schedule around work, one’s social life and individual interests, it also brings forth its own set of unique challenges. Not having a structured schedule leaves it up to the individual to find time to do assignments, study for exams or do important classwork — not to mention carving out time for practicing hobbies or engaging in self-care. 

Thankfully, there are some tips and tricks that I, a graduating senior, have learned along the way that have helped me navigate a jam-packed schedule.

Look at your week/month ahead of time — Something that has helped me is taking a broader look at my schedule. Tackling assignments and work daily can be daunting, but stepping back and seeing everything one has to do that week is crucial. In doing so, one can plan to ensure that assignments are not procrastinated right up to the due date.

Invest in a whiteboard calendar and some sticky notes — I love using my whiteboard calendar because it’s right where I have to see it. I have placed it strategically so that when I walk into my room, I have to address my responsibilities for the day. Additionally, I have my whole week’s assignments planned out on sticky notes so I know exactly when I have carved out time to do them — this helps avoid procrastination. 

Make sure you are leaving time for self-care — Between work, school and one’s social life, it can seem impossible to step back and take a few moments for oneself. However, burnout is rampant among college students, so it is crucial to foster a great relationship with oneself. This can even just come in the form of waking up 30 minutes earlier to do a skincare routine. 

Start a planner — If one still finds themselves procrastinating or surprised by deadlines, writing due dates in Google Calendar might be helpful. This planning method is useful because Google Calendar sends out text alerts which I have found useful for pulling myself out of doom scrolling.

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