Winter Guard getting ready for upcoming shows

Hannah Greene  | Sports Editor

Winter Guard, color guard, was created by Kayla Dow, sophomore, through her passion — started last year with a group of eight members and since then are growing.

Color Guard is a uniformed group of individuals who choreograph and parade with their school or organization’s flag during ceremonial occasions. 

Dow participated in Color Guard all throughout middle school and high school, and was also a part of the Drum Corps International. 

Winter Guard will be performing during the Men’s and Women’s Basketball games during halftime on Thursday, Feb. 27 and Saturday, Feb. 29. The team will also be attending the Strawberry Festival in Lebanon with Western’s Marching Wolves on Saturday, Jun. 6.

Anyone is able to join the Winter Guard by, either showing up to rehearsals — on Fridays in Maple Hall 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Sundays in Maple Hall from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. — or by contacting a member already involved, by emailing Ben Prothero at or Dow at There will be some fees, but none too expensive and they are more than willing to work with anyone, the last season’s cost was 35. “I want to stress that anyone can join the guard,” Dow said about those who may be undecided about joining. There are some group members who have “never touched a flag in their lives” but other members who have experience and won’t judge. Everyone is out there to have a good time and create “something beautiful,” according to Dow.


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Photo by Ashlynn Norton