What to think about before getting a tattoo

Rylie Horrall  | Editor de estilo de vida

Tattoos are a commitment that someone should be sure about getting, and can be an overall fun experience to have. However, there are some essential things to keep in mind before and during the time a person gets a tattoo.

Staying hydrated should definitely be kept in mind when getting inked. Firstly, when the body is hydrated, it will take to the ink more effectively, so overall it could be best for the final look. Moreover, staying hydrated can make the process less painful overall. From the day before to the day of, drink plenty of water, and remember to bring some for during the appointment.

Eating something that is filling is important as it reduces the likelihood of becoming lightheaded or passing out during the tattooing process. The body’s blood sugar will be raised and more prepared for the stamina and energy needed for an appointment. In addition, the body’s pain tolerance will be higher on a full stomach versus an empty one. If the tattoo will take a while to complete, consider bringing something to eat during a break as well.

Avoid drinking an alcoholic beverage the day of a tattoo session. Some people may drink beforehand as an alternative to taking painkillers, but alcohol can thin a person’s blood, which could lead to bleeding more easily during the inking process. On top of that, it can also thin the ink, which could lead to an unpleasant and unwanted final result. It’s best to avoid drinking the day before, so there isn’t anything lingering in the body.

With that said, don’t take painkillers before getting a tattoo either. Painkillers like Advil and Ibuprofen also thin the blood, which will lead to similar issues that alcohol has. Acetaminophen may potentially be fine to take, but should be discussed with the artist beforehand. It’s best to avoid these as well the prior day and the day of the appointment.

Dress for comfort over style; the tattooing process can potentially take a long time to complete, so sitting in sweatpants may be a better idea for the long haul. They also need to be looser, depending on where the tattoo is being placed. A baggier shirt is better for a rib tattoo than a form fitting one, or shorts and capris over leggings and jeans for tattoos on legs. In addition, wearing something dark will prevent any ink or blood stains from retaining.

When planning for the day of, make sure enough time is set aside for the session to avoid any rush — whether that’s rushing the tattooing process, which could be detrimental to the final result, or feeling pressure to be on time to a previous engagement. It’s best to feel as relaxed as possible, so managing time is one way to relieve tension. Practicing various breathing exercises during the tattooing is another way to help with relaxation.

Finally, be sure to research the tattoo artist before picking one. It’s best to find one who has a good portfolio that has a style that’s liked and maybe pertains to the desired tattoo — such as picking an artist who specializes in lettering for someone who wants a quote tattoo. If they offer a consultation, it would be good to meet with them and fully discuss the idea.


Póngase en contacto con el autor en rhorrall17@wou.edu

Photo courtesy of Emily Hedges