Esta semana en horóscopos completamente inventados

El personal de Western Howl

Tema: Trimestre de primavera

Aries 21-4/19  

I haven’t slept in 4 days.

Tauro 4/20-5/20

What day is it again?

Géminis 21/5-6/20 

already dropped a class, how’s your first week going?

Cáncer 21/6-7/22

Does that window open? Cuz I’m gonna jump out of it

Leo 7/23-8/22

Missed my monday classes cause I thought it was sunday owo

Virgo 8/23-9/22

I Hope This Doesn’t Awaken Something In Me.

Libra 9/23-10/22

4 cups of coffee later and i’m still not ready for syllabus week

Escorpio 10/23-11/21 

You never know when crime hits. My crime was taking more than 2 classes

Sagitario 22/11-12/21

*slept through their first meeting*

Capricornio 12/22-1/19

My allergies are acting up, I have a migraine, classes already have homework due. Sounds about right.

Acuario 1/20 - 2/18

Logged onto Canvas, saw each week was locked… never dropped a class so fast.

Piscis 2/19 - 3/20

Already assigned 150 pages to read for next week. Yay spring.

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