Take the hassle out of moving with these hacks

Simplify the moving process with these seven handy tips

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

For many college students, summertime means moving season — which can be a highly stressful time, especially if moving during finals week. Though moving certainly takes a lot of effort, there are plenty of tips and tricks to make the process that much easier. Follow these packing, unpacking and moving hacks that will keep moving day running smoothly. 

Before moving, get rid of stuff: From clothes, to furniture, to unused food, getting rid of unneeded items means less stuff to pack. Donate or throw out unwanted things before starting to pack, or hold a garage sale. 

Pack an essentials bag or box: Group items needed from day one — things like medication, chargers, trash bags, box knives, toilet paper, hand soap and paper towels — altogether in one container so that day one at the new place is easier. Keep this separate and easy to access so that it doesn’t get lost among all the other boxes. 

Color code boxes: Use stickers or colored tape to label which room each box belongs in. This is especially useful if using plastic containers that cannot be written on like cardboard can. Hang up cheat sheets with each color and room name all over the house so that movers know where to take the containers. 

Keep boxes light but full: Use up every inch of boxes and totes for less total boxes, but be sure they’re not so heavy that someone can’t carry them. Pack heavy items like books, large dishes and tools in smaller boxes, or utilize a suitcase with wheels so that the items don’t have to be carried. 

Pack clothes with trash bags: Keep clothes on their hangers and simply slide a plastic trash bag over about a dozen clothing items at a time to make transportation quick and simple. 

Use items around the house as packing material: Save money on packing material by being resourceful; use soft items such as newspapers, towels, wash cloths, linens and clothes to protect breakable items. 

Prioritize what to unpack first: Many people will find bedding, bathroom items and kitchenware to be the most imperative things to unpack, though everyone is different. Determine what needs to be unpacked first, make a to do list and stick to it. 

Póngase en contacto con el autor en avanderzanden19@mail.wou.edu

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