Mount Hood

Western professor wins “Educator of the Year”

IndyMo honors Dr. Leanne Merrill during  the 56th year of community awards

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

For a little more than half a century, the cities of Monmouth and Independence have celebrated community members through their “Community Awards.”

This year, Western’s own mathematics professor Dr. Leanne Merrill was honored as co-honoree in the “Educator of the Year” category. A newer hire at Western, Merrill has been teaching full time for less than four years, and taught part time at University of Oregon while completing her master’s degree.

“I feel very lucky to have been recognized at such an early stage in my career — I don’t even have tenure yet,” said Merrill. “I love my job because I am so grateful that I get to work with (Western) students. Every single day I am energized and inspired by (Western) students’ work ethic, humility, bravery and accomplishments.”

Merrill goes on to say how rewarding it is for her department to receive such a high achievement.

“Mathematics gets a bad rap a lot of the time,” said Merrill. “But I strongly believe that everyone can be a successful practitioner of mathematics, and that mathematical empowerment is a human right.

As an educator, Merrill says she has struggled with imposter syndrome, particularly being a woman in science, technology, engineering and math. Being given the award made Merrill feel empowered, and that her teaching style is resonating with students while also making a difference in their lives.

“Teaching is a great but challenging career because there is no one right way to do it — what works well is depending upon the teacher, the students and the relationships that are formed in the classrooms,” said Merrill. “As a teacher, I believe it is my duty to meet students where they are. Teaching is so dependent upon the individuals involved that it’s always possible to rework ideas or discover new fun ways of doing things.”

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Postponed certification of ASWOU elections officially finalized

Elections Committee delays certification after a grievance presented to the committee

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

After a week of candidates campaigning, the Associated Students of Western Oregon University Elections Committee has selected the candidates that will be representing Western students for the upcoming school year.

For the upcoming school year, students have elected Logan Jackson as ASWOU President, Devin Jay Thongdy as ASWOU Vice President, Elizabeth Braatz as Senate President, Hannah Young as Judicial Administrator, Maria Cuevas and Austin Olin as Justices and Caitlin Wheeler as an Incidental Fee Committee Member. 

Prior to the public certification of the election, the committee received an “outstanding grievance request” from one of the candidates, according to committee chair Houston Winslow.

“Our hearing (on April 27) was pursuant to a grievance regarding the actions of some members of the football team, coaches and players, who advocated a vote for the candidates Logan Jackson and Hannah Young,” said Winslow. “One coach sent a message to players saying: ‘VOTE! Or 1000 versa monday ;)’ which was challenged as threatening voters, a violation of our election’s bylaws.”

Ultimately, the grievance was determined by the committee to not be the result of any actions taken by Jackson and Young, and the candidate that submitted it did not file for an appeal; the committee certified the election results on April 28 at 8 a.m.

“Everything went through the proper channels and it was eventually proven that there were no signs of wrongdoing which I expected,” said junior public policy and administration major and newly elected ASWOU president Logan Jackson. “I think after witnessing such a ‘bumpy’ national election last year, it was made clear that elections may not always go as smoothly as planned.” 

Following similar trends to the national election, Jackson made history at Western for being the first female Black, Indigenous and Person of Color to be elected into the executive branch of ASWOU. 

“I think that it is a sentiment to that fact that we, as a university, are making progress because students of color are starting to want to be involved in leadership positions and decision-making processes,” said Jackson.

Looking towards the future, Jackson plans to work with all members of ASWOU as Western transitions from virtual learning back to in person and hybrid learning. She wants to ensure that students are comfortable and safe being in a lecture hall setting, and open opportunities to address and learn about the stress of members of the BIPOC community. 

Additionally, Jackson advocated for the community to remain proactive during the current health crisis.

“Now that everyone ages 16 + are eligible for the vaccine, get vaccinated!” said Jackson. “We’re at a very pivotal moment in this pandemic where we have the ability to turn things around for the better — that being said, I encourage everyone to schedule their appointments, bring their friends, and ask questions if they have any hesitancy! We’re all in this together.”

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La ropa no es consentimiento

WOU clubs and organizations promote awareness of sexual assault by participating in Denim Day

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

For 22 years, Denim Day has been dedicated towards promoting awareness of sexual assault.

At Western, various organizations on campus ⏤ such as Abby’s House, the Student Health and Counseling Center and University Housing ⏤ are taking to social media on April 28, opening their space for students, staff, faculty and members of the community to participate in wearing denim.

Denim Day was first celebrated in Los Angeles, California in 1999 after a 1992 Italian court case conviciting a 45-year-old driving instructor of raping an 18-year-old was overturned by the Italian Supreme Court on the premise that victim was wearing tight jeans and had to help the assailant remove the garment, constituting under Italian law as consenual sex. In over 50 countries, this is now known as the “jeans alibi,” according to

“We believe survivors. Survivors are never to blame for experiencing sexual violence,” said Abby’s House Advocate Rocio Avalos. “Wearing denim on Denim Day shows support for survivors and those who have experienced sexual violence by pushing back on harmful narratives, victim-blaming rhetoric and rape culture … We can change the conversation, express our support and belief of survivors and end sexual assault and interpersonal violence.”

To participate this year, community members are invited to take pictures of themselves on Instagram using “#DenimDay” and tag @abbyshouse_wou in the photo.

For Western community members interested in learning more, visit the Abby’s House website,

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Todo lo que necesita saber sobre la última reunión del Consejo de Administración

Actualizaciones importantes de la penúltima reunión del Consejo de Administración del curso escolar

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias  

El 21 de abril, el Consejo de Administración celebró su penúltima reunión. En la reunión, los estudiantes, el personal y los profesores presentaron a la Junta el estado actual de la universidad y las acciones importantes que afectarán a los estudiantes para el próximo año escolar.

Propuesta de los estudiantes: A lo largo de unos meses, los estudiantes han ido elaborando una propuesta detallada para la junta. Makana Waikiki ⏤ el actual presidente del Comité de Tasas Incidentales ⏤ dirigió la presentación en tiempo prestado del gobierno compartido después de que el 13 de abril se denegara una solicitud para ser incluido en la reunión debido a que el orden del día estaba lleno. Durante la presentación, Waikiki expuso cinco puntos principales que tendrán la oportunidad de debatirse en un foro especial antes de la última reunión del Consejo en junio. Cabe señalar que la presentación no se menciona en ninguna parte del orden del día de la reunión.

  1. Destinar $1 millones de la tasa por cursos en línea no utilizados por la CFI al "Centro de la Libertad", a programas financiados por la CFI, a reponer las reservas de la CFI, a financiación adicional para los estudiantes deportistas y a la contratación de un Director de Equidad e Inclusión.
  2. Compuesto por un comité formado por un estudiante negro indígena de color recomendado por ASWOU, un estudiante BIPOC designado por el Sindicato de Estudiantes Negros, un estudiante BIPOC enviado por el Sindicato de Estudiantes Multiculturales, un miembro del profesorado BIPOC recomendado por el sindicato del profesorado, un miembro del personal BIPOC designado por el sindicato del personal y un administrador designado por el presidente de Western.
  3. Permitir 30 minutos de comentarios públicos sobre la reapertura del campus para el trimestre de otoño.
  4. Que el Presidente Fuller venga a la próxima reunión de la junta con una nueva política sobre la contratación de profesores y personal. Todos los comités deben estar obligados a tener un estudiante, personal y miembro de la facultad que está dentro de la comunidad BIPOC.
  5. Celebrar una serie de foros públicos en otoño de 2021 para que los estudiantes, el personal y los profesores den su opinión a diversas organizaciones del campus.

IFC: La recomendación de la cuota incidental está incluida en el Libro de Matrícula y Cuotas y cuenta con el apoyo del Presidente Fuller. El Comité Directivo de la Cuota Incidental se reunirá durante el trimestre de primavera para revisar los Estatutos de la CFI. El IFC ha votado cambiar la tasa a $355 por trimestre, que se cobrará a todos los estudiantes al crédito uno.

Artículo 15:  El Comité del Plan de Estudios votó a favor de rechazar los puntos restantes del Artículo 15. El Dr. Leigh Graziano, Presidente del Senado de la Facultad y Profesor Asociado de Inglés, anticipa que los artículos restantes también serán desaprobados por el Senado de la Facultad el 27 de abril.

Declaración sobre diversidad, equidad, inclusión y accesibilidad: En colaboración con el Comité Asesor de Diversidad e Inclusión de la Universidad y el Comité Asesor de Competencia Cultural de la Universidad, el Comité Ejecutivo de Gobernanza y Administración del Patronato publicó una declaración oficial en lugar de Políticas o Procedimientos de la Universidad que comunica procedimientos operativos o transaccionales. La declaración se divide en tres secciones: términos clave y definiciones, las siete prioridades y expectativas y la responsabilidad y los pasos que dará la universidad para garantizar que cumple las expectativas del Patronato.

Actualización de la reapertura: Actualmente, un gran comité se reúne cada dos semanas para discutir los planes de reapertura para el otoño de 2021. En este momento, la universidad prevé celebrar clases presenciales y reanudar las actividades cocurriculares y las reuniones de grupo. Western está revisando actualmente un documento de debate presentado por las facultades de Matemáticas y Ciencias en el que se evalúan los filtros de aire de partículas de alta eficiencia en las aulas. Western probará los filtros en los próximos meses, evaluando el ruido y la eficacia general; los fondos para el proyecto procederán del Plan de Rescate de América.

Comité Consultivo de Matrículas y Tasas: Para el próximo año escolar, el comité ha recomendado un aumento de 0% a la matrícula actual ⏤ $184 por crédito ⏤ citando una preocupación relativa a la disminución de la matrícula y 546 estudiantes que indicaron $184 por crédito era el máximo que estaban dispuestos a pagar. Sin embargo, el comité recomendó un aumento de $5 en la tasa por el servicio de Salud y Asesoramiento Estudiantil, que pasó de $145 a $150 por trimestre.

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Get involved with SOLVE for Earth Day this year

Volunteer in these cleanup initiatives with SOLVE

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

Since 1969, SOLVE — a nonprofit organization dedicated to environmental cleanups  —  has prioritized “taking care of Oregon” by organizing statewide cleanup initiatives for the coast, rivers, forests and parks.

In honor of Earth Day, SOLVE has dedicated over a week’s worth of events to continue to make Oregon clean for future generations.

“Earth Day Spring Planting”: April 22, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Located at 409 E. Main St., Hillsboro, OR.

“Terwilliger Plaza Community Clean-Up”: April 22, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Located at 545 SW Terwilliger Blvd., Portland, OR.

“Portland Gear x Earth Day Clean-up!”: April 22, 12 to 3 p.m. Located at Portland Gear Clubhouse, 627 SW 19th Ave., Portland, OR outside of Providence Park.

“Coldwell Banker Bain’s Earth Day Clean-up – NW Portland”: April 22, 1 to 3:30 p.m. Located at 636 NW 21st Ave., Portland, OR.

“Urban Nature Partners Earth Day Clean Up Event at Rocky Butte”: April 22, 2 to 7:30 p.m. Located at Northeast 92nd Avenue & Northeast Skidmore Street, Portland, OR.

“Boise Eliot Native Grove Earth Day Clean Up!”: April 23, 12 to 2 p.m. Located at 300 N. Ivy St., Portland, OR.

“Earth Day Sheridan Clean-Up!”: April 24, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Located at 435 S. Bridge St., Sheridan, OR.

“Medford Parks Cleanup – Fichtner-Mainwaring Park”: April 24, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. More details will be given by contacting Michael Mace at 541-774-2695 and

“Round Butte Overlook Park Clean Up”: April 24, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Visit SOLVE’s Park Clean Up page for more information.

“Woods Park Volunteer Event 4/24/21”: April 24, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Meeting location will be emailed once a participant has registered on the event page

“Willow Creek Drive/ SW 194th Community Cleanup”: April 25, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Located at Southwest Willow Creek Court, Beaverton, OR.

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WOU veterans kick off Earth Day weekend on the Oregon coast

Student Veterans of America participate in Neskowin Beach cleanup

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

This past weekend, a total of 33 volunteers collected 11 medium sized bags of garbage off of Neskowin Beach. 

Western student veterans were among those searching for garbage that was washed up on shore or was left by beach goers. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 80% of all marine waste found on beaches during cleanups and surveys is a result of improperly disposed waste. In their most recent study, the EPA lists Oregon to be the 12th highest in dumping new waste into its 19 operational landfills, estimated to total 1.6 tons in 2019 alone.

“When I got out of the military and moved back to Oregon I wanted to get involved,” said senior public policy and administration major and Western Oregon Student Veterans of America Chapter President Brian Ulbricht, “(by doing) volunteer work, making the community better … after changing the purpose of service to the country to service to the community.”

Over the course of an hour, Ulbricht said the group collected an estimated two pounds worth of garbage, with microplastics being the most common type of garbage found on the beach.

In 2020, a study published under the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography investigating the gut content of fish found that 100% of the samples taken had plastic in the gills or digestive system. According to the National Wildlife Federation, there is not a definitive number for animal lives lost due to plastic ingestion, but it is currently documented that 331 species, including birds, have been found to have consumed man-made plastic materials. In a 2014 study, it was estimated that around five trillion pieces of plastic were floating in the ocean.

According to the volunteers that participated in the beach cleanup initiative, there was less trash on the beach than previously anticipated.

“It was a pleasant surprise,” said Oregon City resident Angie Stennick. “I had hoped we’d be able to find more garbage … It’s a positive thing. It’s a lot cleaner than we thought it would be.”

Ulbricht stated that Oregon beaches have progressively become cleaner over the years, referencing a picture he took 20 years ago containing forgotten sand castle molds, needles and leftover food garbage. 

“It’s a good sign,” said Ulbricht. “Visitors to the beach want to keep this nicer and think more about others.”

However, onsite park rangers said one contributing factor to less pollution on the beach is in part due to declining rain in Oregon.

Ulbricht wants students to be aware that climate change is real and that being proactive in volunteer cleanups is a great way to help with the environment. 

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ASWOU presenta a sus candidatos

The 2021-22 candidates answer why they’re running and more

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

Introducing the ASWOU candidates running for office for 2021-22. Voting begins on April 19 at 5 p.m., and Western students have until April 23 at 5 p.m. to submit their ballots on Engage. Nominees answer the question, “What plans do you have for Western?” Read even more about each candidate in our online issue at

For students interested in asking the candidates questions, ASWOU is hosting Candidate Forums on April 14 and April 21 via Zoom from 6:30 to 8 p.m.. The Zoom link is available on Engage.

Logan Jackson

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: Junior

Major: Public Policy and Administration 

Position: President (2021-22) and Vice President (Spring 2021) 

Why are you running?

I am running for these positions because I know that I can make a positive impact on WOU as a whole. I’ve been involved in leadership for most of my school career and I believe that those past experiences have equipped me with the tools needed to pinpoint problems and implement solutions in solving them. I believe that I have been able to view WOU in a different perspective ⏤ as a Black woman who has held leadership positions within housing, ASWOU clubs, as well as being a student athlete, I’ve seen many things within the institution that could use improvements. I’m a firm believer in if you don’t like how something is being done and there is an opportunity for you to get involved, then you need to step up and be the change that you want to see ⏤ and that is what I’m doing.

What plans do you have for Western?

My main focuses will be addressing the inequalities present here at WOU involving race, sexuality and economic status as well as diving deeper into the lack of support our minority groups have here on campus. During such (a) divisive time in our nation, the least we can do as a university is create a space where students not only feel safe physically, mentally and emotionally, but also genuinely feel supported by the administration, staff/faculty and their peers.

What qualifies you to run for this position and help make Western a stronger community?

As I previously stated, I have been involved in leadership for my entire school career, from middle school to college in a variety of different environments all of which required attention in different areas. I believe that those past experiences have equipped me with the tools needed to pinpoint problems and implement solutions in solving them.

Makanaohaililani Johnson-Waikiki

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: Junior

Major: Communication Studies

Position: President (2021-22)

Why are you running?

As a woman of color I have dealt with discrimination, bashing, harassment, racism and misogyny. I believe it is a leader’s responsibility to give others the ability to shine by holding spaces of power and opening them to everyone. As your president I intend to use my position to hold the space and open it to students like me who have felt like they didn’t belong, they weren’t safe, they weren’t welcome, they weren’t respected, like they did not have a voice. We have extraordinary potential on this campus, if all students’ voices are heard in the spaces of power. Because we are powerful together. 

What plans do you have for Western?

As a native Hawaiian I hold strong values of community, family and teamwork. As this institution’s first Native Hawaiian president, I plan to create a more inclusive and welcoming culture at WOU that helps everyone feel a sense of community ties, family bonds and togetherness as a team. I will continue championing the Freedom Center and elevating the voices of students of color. I will work to pass legislation that will increase the spaces for BIPOC students and those from marginalized backgrounds to be heard in the conversations that occur in every level of our college experience. I will hold departments accountable for making changes to address discrimination. I will hold administration accountable for their responsibility to ensure that students of color feel safe at WOU. I will work to create a stronger connection between departments across campus and the student body. I will ensure that students are reminded and educated on the power they have to make WOU a safe and inclusive university for everyone.

What qualifies you to run for this position and help make Western a stronger community?

This last year I’ve been involved in ASWOU as the Incidental Fee Committee Chair, I’ve worked alongside other students of color to develop a plan for the WOU Freedom Center ⏤ a resource center and safe space on campus where students of color can be the majority, and I’ve worked closely with the Oregon Students Association to promote students’ needs at the state level. I was a peer advocate with Abby’s House and am currently the Vice President of the Multicultural Student Union. Through these roles I’ve found a drive and passion to change the culture of ASWOU through creating an environment of transparent and open communication, ensuring that students are paid fairly for their jobs on campus, increasing BIPOC representation and addressing the widespread discrimination on our campus.

Devin Jay Thongdy 

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Year: Junior

Major: Psychology 

Position: Vice President (2021-22)

Why are you running?

The reason why I am running for Vice President is to not be an echo in a crowd of underrepresented but a voice that empowers us to push for change, to fight for what is right and do more to help one another. I am a first generation student, first to graduate highschool, first to graduate college next year in my family, came from a family that consisted of my brother, my single mom and me and many more titles and identities I hold. My whole life I had to do more to be where I am now. I did with determination, passion, care and with love. I want to make a change for this campus that not only serves the majority but the minority, the underrepresented, the one (whose) voice gets lost in the crowd. If I am elected for Vice President for the 2021-22 school year, this is what I will do to ensure that we become better and equitable communities.

What plans do you have for Western?

The plans that I have for WOU is to increase accessibility for the student government to the student body. I will increase the connection for ASWOU and student organization to ensure that we have transparency and are meeting students needs. I will get funding and resources for a Freedom Center to ensure BIPOC students have a place to feel safe and seen. I will make every attempt to increase the student wage because every student needs a stable income to be successful in their college journey. 

What qualifies you to run for this position and help make Western a stronger community?

The qualities that will help me run for this position (are) that I am very determined, organized, have passion and compassion and many more. I believe these qualities allow me to work hard for what is right but also do it with love and passion for helping others. These will help make WOU a stronger community by always putting the student first and being able to be the voice for them. The Western community itself is filled with people who are also determined and (have) passion for what they want to do. For me running for this position will ensure this community will not be in the shadow and be heard. 

Elizabeth Braatz

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: Junior 

Major: Criminal Justice

Position: Senate President 

Why are you running?

I have been involved in leadership since the second week of my first year at college. I have served as the Vice President of Heritage Hall government, Vice President of the Residence Hall Association and I am currently serving as a Resident Assistant. I also serve on the University Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee, as well as the University Cultural Competency Advisory Committee. I am running for this position because I am extremely dedicated to listening to students and their voices, and making sure that students have a spot of the table. I am a Black, Hispanic, Alaskan Native Indian, gay woman, so I know how it feels to be left out, unheard and unseen. I will represent this student body to the best of my ability, and make sure that every student feels heard, seen and feels welcomed and loved at this institution.

What plans do you have for Western?

If elected as Senate President for the 2021-22 school year, I will continue my efforts in listening to what students of this university need to feel welcomed, loved, heard and seen. I will continue using my platform to continue the important and necessary conversations that need to be had. I want to ensure that I graduate next year knowing that I worked hard to leave a more welcoming and equitable university that embraces BIPOC members of this campus community, as well every human being regardless of their walk of life. 

What qualifies you to run for this position and help make Western a stronger community?

I served as Vice President of Heritage Hall government, Vice President of the Residence Hall Association, Resident Assistant of Barnum Hall, member of University Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee, University Cultural Competency Advisory Committee, Ambassador, PLUS Team Peer Advisor and Summer Bridge Peer Advisor. My first year at school I helped create and lead the End Hate March on campus, I am also the founder and creator of the newly implemented Satisfactory/No Credit grading option for the 2020-21 school year. Those are my qualifications.

Hannah Young

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: Junior 

Major: Public Policy and Administration 

Position: Judicial Administrator 


Why are you running?

I chose to run for Judicial Administrator because I believe that I could continue the work I’ve done so far this academic year, and continue to grow and be a part of greater changes in ASWOU. I can do this in the role of Judicial Administrator by providing just and honest feedback and decisions that uphold the Governing Documents and prioritize the needs and betterment of the student body. 

What plans do you have for Western?

I hope to provide leadership experience while working together to promote ASWOU’s values and to prioritize student voices in order to best represent the entire student body. My goals are to work closely with both students and advisors to strengthen the relationship between all branches of student government in order to work to achieve goals led by student voices.

What qualifies you to run for this position and help make Western a stronger community?

I have already been serving in the role of Judicial Administrator since the beginning of Winter Term 2021 ⏤ in that time I have grown as a student leader and gained invaluable experience in ASWOU. This year has been a wild and challenging time for all students, including myself. In my role, I have worked to protect the student body’s ideals and values set forth by our Governing Documents, and gained experiences working with my own Judicial Board as well as numerous other students and groups on campus.  

Kassidy Fegles-Jones

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: Sophomore 

Major: Political Science 

Position: Judicial Administrator 

Why are you running?

I became interested in serving as a Judicial Administrator once I settled into college life and figured out where my ambitions and passions lie.

Truthfully, my first year at Western Oregon University, I did not get involved because I never saw myself being the person I am today. I was raised in West Salem which is a fairly conservative and predominantly white domain. I had a harder time adjusting in high school because I came out as openly gay my junior year, not to mention I was already known as the girl who had (two) moms. I experienced many things that ultimately led me to deter from getting involved in school clubs, organizations and taking chances. That perspective and lens changed when I began dating a woman of color. The experiences we faced led me to wanting to make change anywhere I could.  

What plans do you have for Western?

I will use my platform and the privileges that I hold for the betterment of equitable representation on this campus, and ensuring that BIPOC and marginalized voices on this campus are listened to by students, faculty and the university administration. As a campus community, we need to do right by all of the students who chose to go here. 

What qualifies you to run for this position and help make Western a stronger community?

Being appointed as the Director of Equity for the Associated Students of Western Oregon University has helped me step into who I’ve always been meant to be. It has given me the platform to create change and start conversations that are needed. 

Within this role I work with clubs and organizations, state organizations and committees, as well as help put on campus programs focused on diversity and inclusion. This year I began testifying on bills and measures that would directly impact students and universities, as well as as Oregonians as a whole. I was appointed as a member of the University Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee, as well as worked on Statewide Cultural Competency Campaigns. 

Maria Cuevas 

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: Sophomore

Major: Early Childhood Education 

Position: Justice 

Why are you running?

I am running for this position to be an active student at WOU, but also to be a voice for students during hard times. 

What plans do you have for Western?

I plan to be an honest and active member of the judicial board. I plan to listen to students and make sure that ASWOU’s laws and constitution are being upheld. 

What qualifies you to run for this position and help make Western a stronger community?

During my time at WOU, I was secretary of the Unidos club. This club is a great example of making WOU a stronger community, with all the outreach they do and making sure that WOU students feel safe and accepted. 

Austin Olin

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Year: Junior

Major: Political Science 

Position: Justice

Why are you running?

I am currently the Vice-Chair of this year’s ASWOU Judicial Board, and I have found the judicial branch of ASWOU to be an important part of my life. It helps me connect to WOU’s student body while allowing me to contribute my judicial knowledge to ASWOU through making important decisions alongside my fellow Justices. I would love nothing more than to continue serving as a Justice in my final year at WOU. 

What plans do you have for Western?

WOU is an amazing college, and part of what makes WOU so incredible is the hard work that ASWOU puts into their responsibilities. I plan to uphold the ASWOU Constitution and Bylaws while also keeping in mind the greater good of the WOU student body in my decisions as an ASWOU Justice. I believe that the Judicial branch of ASWOU is extremely important, and if I am elected as a Justice in the following year, I will continue to take my responsibilities seriously while contributing to the ASWOU Judicial Board to the best of my ability.

What qualifies you to run for this position and help make Western a stronger community?

As a political science major, I have continually studied judicial practices throughout the last three years of my life. Not only do I have experience as an ASWOU Justice, but I also plan to start a career in law after I graduate WOU. This is my passion, and therefore I believe I am extremely qualified for this position.

Caitlin Wheeler

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: First-year

Major: Criminal Justice  

Position: IFC Member

Why are you running?

To engage more of the student body in the power of IFC and how Incidental Fees can work for them, overall in (an attempt) to make their experience here more exciting!

What plans do you have for Western?

Allocating funds where they’re needed (is) dependent on what the student body wants out of their experience at WOU. I want to educate more students on what their money is going towards.

What qualifies you to run for this position and help make Western a stronger community?

I am a natural-born leader with great listening abilities. I believe strength comes from the people and WOU is (a) developing community that needs more voices heard. As a potential IFC member, my focuses would be directed towards full frontal honesty of why Incidental Fees are collected and how they are redistributed amongst our programs here at Western.