Mount Hood

Una lista de 15 TikTokers que no te puedes perder

Éstos son algunos TikTokers que quizá aún no conozcas

Natalie Dean| Editor de entretenimiento

Una de las bellezas de la tecnología moderna es lo fácil que resulta descubrir nuevos contenidos, música, vídeos, bricolajes, recetas y diversos creadores y comunidades. Con tantas opciones disponibles, puede ser difícil saber por dónde empezar con algunas de estas aplicaciones. Sumérgete en TikTok echando un vistazo a estos 15 TikTokers que tienen una gran variedad de historias atractivas, anécdotas personales inspiradoras, personajes creativos e información útil:

  1. blakesdailybread hace vídeos como un personaje serio, y ligeramente espeluznante, que se lanza a las nuevas tendencias. 
  2. calebwfrancis tiene un montón de chistes, situaciones y personajes improvisados, y también muestra clips de sus retransmisiones en Twitch. 
  3. candlereviews destaca vídeos satisfactorios de fundición y vertido de velas antiguas con todo lujo de detalles y los reseña.
  4. chantyb97 hace vídeos con su pájaro, Hamlet, al que le gusta cantar en la ducha sobre tortitas con bacon y siempre le pregunta a su dueña, Bridget, "¿Qué haces?".
  5. chaserutherford tiene un gusto musical y unos movimientos de baile inmaculados, todo ello mientras hace expresiones faciales perfectamente sincronizadas. También me hace querer comprarme una lente ojo de pez. 
  6. caseykfrey hace un contenido que parece tan divertido sin esfuerzo ⏤ y es sin duda su propio y auténtico sentido del humor ⏤ mediante el uso de POV's, personajes y bailes a audios de moda. 
  7. christiaan.long aprovecha su enérgica presencia para hablar de la actualidad de su vida, de su salud mental y de experiencias interesantes que ha vivido. 
  8. davidyrodriguez crea personajes y situaciones que son relatables pero salvajes, además sus reacciones y su timing cómico son geniales.
  9. fascinadoporloshongos muestra primeros planos de hongos y otros aspectos de la naturaleza con el fin de educar a los espectadores. También identifica las especies de setas y sus cualidades.
  10. flambothedog es un cachorro muy inteligente que puede hablar de juguetes, de paseo, de sus dueños y de su hermana Espeon mediante botones en el suelo ⏤ tras ser adiestrado y aprender a hacerlo.
  11. oldtimehawkey ayuda a la gente con sus vibraciones tranquilizadoras de la naturaleza, sus conversaciones con los pies en la tierra y sus paseos con su perro.
  12. shanewhalley está en un viaje de pérdida de peso que ha inspirado a mucha gente; se muestra vulnerable con su público y está decidido a seguir trabajando duro para conseguir sus objetivos. 
  13. truecrimecam tiene vídeos sobre hechos delictivos reales y los describe con inquietante detalle.
  14. telehuefood lleva la reflexión a otro nivel con sus vídeos e historias de cocina. 
  15. qué_sobre_la_coneja es otra perra parlanchina, que también aprendió a utilizar botones para comunicarse con sus dueños. 

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Nuevos acontecimientos en Independence, Portland, Eugene y otros lugares

Enjoy quality time with these virtual and in-person events 

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

As February begins, it can be fun to plan events to attend with family or individually for people to enjoy and explore. Some events have gone virtual ⏤ which makes it even easier to enjoy with family or friends ⏤ or going to in-person events alone while social distancing and taking the necessary precautions can add some variety to the day. Either way, everyone needs some new things to do this year, and it is important to still be engaged and social for mental and emotional health. 

Virtual and in-person events can be a way to find new friends and folks with similar interests, or it can be a way to get out of the old comfort zone. Life gets busy and it’s not always easy to know what the latest happenings in and around town are, so here are some recommended events to look into:

  1. Teen/Adult DIY – Valentine Flowers: Feb 5. Virtual event. Independence, OR. 
  2. Kid Craft Fun – Valentine Cards: Feb 8. Virtual event. Independence, OR. 
  3. Virtual Storytime with Miss Jo: Each Wednesday — Feb. 10, 17 and 24. Virtual event. Independence, OR. 
  4. Holiday Show at River Gallery: Feb. 4 through March 5. River Gallery 184 S. Main St., Independence, OR. 
  5. Spark of Love Virtual Auction: Feb. 5 through 10. Supports the Salem Fire Foundation. Virtual event.
  6. Something’s Brewing: a global look at tea and coffee customs: Jan. 6 through March 5. Pringle Park Plaza, 390 Liberty St. SE, Salem, OR. 
  7. First Friday Artists Receptions: Feb. 5, 7 to 9 p.m. Lunaria Gallery 113 N Water St., Silverton, OR.  
  8. Portland’s Seafood and Wine Festival: Feb. 5 through 6. Oregon Convention Center, 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR. 
  9. Portland Jazz Festival: Feb. 18 through 27. Virtual and in-person options. Portland, OR.  
  10. Chinese New Year Celebration: Feb. 12 through 28. Lan Su Chinese Garden, 239 NW Everett St., Portland, OR. 
  11. Cascade Festival of African Films: Feb. 5 through March 10. Virtual event. Portland, OR. 
  12. Eugene’s Virtual Boat & Sportsmen’s Show: Feb. 5 through 11; March 12 through 31. Virtual event. Eugene, OR.

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‌Meet new people at WOU by joining a club

Look into these clubs and organizations at Western

Natalie Dean ‌|‌ ‌Entertainment‌ ‌Editor‌ ‌

These clubs and organizations at Western can help winter term pass by with the help of new friends, building fond memories and getting involved in campus life. There are a ton of selections out there that have taken safety precautions and are holding virtual meetings over Zoom. Even if meetings aren’t in person, there’s still the chance to meet new people with similar interests. Get involved with a handful of these clubs: 

  • Abby’s House: Their hours have been recently updated as of Jan. 6; advocates can be reached by email, and staff and hours of operation can be found at their website, Don’t forget to check out their Facebook, “Abby’s House at WOU.”
  • American Sign Language: Winter term club meetings will be held twice a month. As announced on their Facebook and Instagram, there will be a study event on Wednesday, Jan. 27, from 6 to 7 p.m. Look out for their newsletter ⏤ which has the Zoom link ⏤ their Instagram @wouasl or their Facebook, “WOU ASL Club.”
  • Black Student Union: For this term, meetings are held at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays over Zoom. The link can be found in their Instagram bio, @woubsu.
  • Cru: They have club meetings on Mondays at 7 p.m. at the Praise Assembly in Monmouth, and have Bible study at 7:45 p.m. at Munson House on Wednesdays. 
  • Mecha: They’re having bi-weekly meetings on Tuesdays from 5 to 6 p.m.; updates, information and the Zoom link are all on their Instagram, @mechadewou.
  • Triangle Alliance: With weekly meetings on Mondays at 6 p.m., folks can find Zoom links and current information on their Instagram @wou_ta or join their group on Facebook at “WOU Triangle Alliance.”
  • Unidos: They’re holding bi-weekly meetings, and have a newsletter that is regularly released. Meetings are held on Mondays at 5 p.m. over Zoom, and the link can be found on their Instagram page @unidoswou. Their Facebook page also has more information and can be searched under “Unidos Club At WOU.” 

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Artist Spotlight: WOU student and poet fuels the art scene

Sam Marshall, a poet, rock climber and The Northwest Passage editor-in-chief

Natalie Dean ‌|‌ ‌Entertainment‌ ‌Editor‌ ‌

Sam Marshall first started writing poetry at 14; originally drawing inspiration from poets like Edgar Allen Poe, they moved on to experimenting with darker elements and themes in their own writing. The writing process isn’t always an easy one ⏤ and Marshall is no stranger to writer’s block ⏤ but after spending years of writing, revising and keeping old poems to reflect on, they were able to begin building a strong skill set. 

As a young poet from Sherwood, OR, they learned to identify and try out different poetic devices in their works, such as stanza breaks, rhyme and meter. Now, as a senior at Western, they have taken their skills and enthusiasm for the writing process one step further. 

Marshall is an English major with a concentration in literature and a writing minor, and they have utilized the writing skills they developed to good use. This determination earned them the position as editor-in-chief at The Northwest Passage, which is Western’s literary and fine arts magazine compiled of students’ work. 

The latest issue of The Northwest Passage was released fall term, and Marshall gained a lot of valuable experience working with other students while curating it, saying, “I have to thank everyone who submitted their work to the magazine. There was a wide range of submissions, and I tried my best to highlight each individual work while creating a cohesive product that students can enjoy.”

Although most of their writing is private for now, they look forward to the possibility of publishing works one day. They recently wrote a poem called “Can’t Stargaze Under a Cloudy Sky,” which was inspired by their experiences while stargazing at the Big Dipper and finding comfort in the vast night sky. Given time, they learned what worked for their writer’s block and what didn’t, and found that the right words will come to the writer when they want to.

Marshall elaborates on their work when they were younger, stating, “[Edgar Allen] Poe is still one of my favorites … there’s substance in pain and melancholy, and I found it easier to write with those kinds of themes. I still write in that same vein of melancholy. I find it difficult to write anything happier than bittersweet.” 

When they aren’t writing, Marshall can be found reading, rock climbing, finishing up online classes, listening to music and working on The Northwest Passage.

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Petals & Vines is the grow-to place for plants

Local florist Petals & Vines is blooming with beauty 

Natalie Dean ‌|‌ ‌Entertainment‌ ‌Editor‌ ‌

Family owned and operated florist shop Petals & Vines has been established in Monmouth since April 2007 ⏤ run by the charming and welcoming mother and daughter duo, Maggie Triplet and Martha Zuck. When it comes to the variety of plants and items available, they have all the bells and whistles for any customer, occasion or budget. Martha describes their inventory as having everything from buying flowers by the stem, “big and bougie” trumpet-style flowers, or “low and lush” arrangements with styles in between that can have glass vases. 

Zuck stated, “I’ve lived and breathed flowers since 1995, it’s second nature to me … I love working with my mom, being involved in the small-town community, and watching customers’ kids grow up through the years,” which is her favorite part about working with her mom.

With Valentine’s Day coming up and spring fast approaching, anyone can roam around in the nearly twenty different types of plants in their shop and soak in the greenery. Daily fresh-cut flowers, blooming bouquets, tropical plants, ferns, air and household plants are just a few choices.

“As Valentine’s Day comes up, wedding and proposal season usually comes right after,” Zuck pointed out.

No matter what the event or season, there are plenty of quality arrangements, plants and gifts like decor, cards, candies and stuffed animals. Dedicated to working with customers and their budgets, Petals & Vines has “$10 Tuesdays” where there are various plants and items available for $10. There are other deals that happen throughout the year, and they also do pickup and delivery services. If there’s ever a plant they don’t have in-store, they’re happy to order it. 

Located at 410 Main St W East in Monmouth, patrons should also keep an eye out for JJ, their friendly orange cat that patrols the neighborhood. Additional details can be found on their Facebook at “Petals & Vines Flowers and Gifts,” and Instagram @petalsandvines. For any other questions or concerns, check out their website, or give them a call at 503-838-1773.

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A preseason event and CDL season postponement

Next month will start the second season of CDL

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

It was recently announced that the second season of Call of Duty League will start off with an opening event, taking place Feb. 11 through 14. CDL took a similar route as other competitive game leagues, and switched to an online format due to COVID-19. The regular season has been announced ⏤ although fans will have to wait for the schedule and matchups, as they have yet to be finalized. On Jan. 23 and 24, the preseason Kickoff Classic took place, where six preseason matches were voted on by fans. At this Kickoff Classic, they discussed the upcoming season and the Stage One Group Selection Show. 

There are other new changes to the season that will come next year, such as the switch to PC and their 4 vs. 4 gameplay mode. Among the 12 CDL teams, the Los Angeles Thieves will be taking the place of Optic Gaming Los Angeles. All of the teams qualify for each major tournament, and it should be noted that the prizing system for 2021 was slightly adjusted.

There’s an impressive $500,000 thousand at stake for each Major and a staggering $2.5 million for the playoffs, with a prize pool of $5 million. The Kickoff Classic, the regular season and the playoff games will be broadcasted live and on-demand at the Call of Duty League YouTube channel. 

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Cinco sitios de juegos en línea para perderse

Cinco sitios web con juegos en línea para combatir el aburrimiento 

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

Los juegos en línea son desde hace tiempo un elemento básico de Internet ⏤ con juegos flash de vestir y cambiar de imagen, carreras de coches, concursos de cocina y muchos que provienen de programas como "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody", "Bob Esponja" y "Tom y Jerry". Los juegos en línea como éstos pueden ser una buena forma de quemar algo de tiempo a solas; o, si los niños están aburridos en casa y necesitan algo nuevo que hacer, déjalos explorar los primeros juegos de Internet. 

Antes había muchas otras opciones para jugar a este tipo de juegos, pero debido a las amenazas de seguridad del Flash Player, Adobe sugiere encarecidamente que se desinstale. A partir del 12 de enero, Adobe bloqueó el contenido Flash para que no se ejecutara Flash Player, ya que el programa se encuentra al final de su vida útil. Siempre es inteligente ir a lo seguro y ser cauteloso a la hora de hacer clic en anuncios extraños, enlaces o instalar cosas desconocidas en el ordenador. Dicho todo esto, aquí tienes algunos sitios que permitirán a cualquiera jugar a algunos juegos divertidos:

  1. De entrada, tiene otros como "Zack and Cody Pizza Party Pickup Game", "Tom and Jerry Cheese Swipe", "Spongebob Mini Golf" y "Spongebob Rock Collector". 
  2. tiene "Smarty Bubbles", "Badland", "8 Ball Billiards Classic", "Crazy Caves", "Jungle Run", "Archery World Tour", "Solitaire Klondike", "Diamond Rush" y páginas llenas de otras opciones. 
  3. En, está "Fireboy and Watergirl 5", "Tiles", "Phase 10", "Gold Strike" y "Master Chess". Echa un vistazo a este sitio para ver también otros juegos en categorías como aventura y plataformas, acción y lucha, cerebro y cartas, habilidades y multijugador y cartas. 
  4. contiene juegos de navegador y gratuitos, además de un montón de MMORPG (juegos de rol multijugador masivos en línea). Hay muchas categorías alternativas, como bolos, terror, estrategia y juegos de memoria.
  5. Por fin, es el hogar de "Garden Bloom", "My Little City", "Mad Racer", "Yeti Sensation" y mi favorito personal, "Super Onion Boy". 

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