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El último documental del que se habla en Hulu

Hulu’s hottest documentary: “Framing Britney Spears” available now

Natalie Dean| Editor de entretenimiento

Released on Feb 5., “Framing Britney Spears” is a highly anticipated documentary episode of “The New York Times Presents.” The hour and 14 minute long documentary begins with the story of Britney Spears before her stardom — her life in Kentwood, Louisiana. Through compelling narratives laid out in interviews, the audience can gain an understanding of her humble beginnings, and how she went from performing in small town malls to gaining instant stardom. 

The documentary shows behind the scenes clips of Spears performing for music videos and in interviews and commercials, but also touches on topics like the struggles in her family. Not only does it showcase unseen details from Spears’ life, but the documentary also highlights how scrutinized she was from early in her career. 

The audience can see the ways in which the paparazzi’s involvement ended up fueling the drama surrounding her decisions, relationships and her parenting. Not only that, it goes into detail about the conservatorship her father has held for the last 12 years — which includes control over her person (for medications, medical records, etc.), finances and for her estate. The battle of her conservatorship has reignited people’s concern for Spears, and the show explores the #FreeBritney movement. Viewers can gain a better understanding of the pressure Spears faces from being under the spotlight, and how all of these issues have taken a toll on her mental health, also leading to why she should be freed from her current conservatorship. Find the full documentary on Hulu to learn more about Britney Spears’ conservatorship and details on the #FreeBritney movement. 

Overall review: 9/10 because I’m a Britney stan, but also because they went very in-depth and provided useful information toward her situation.

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Pruebe estas cinco kombuchas

Prueba estos sabores y marcas de kombucha

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

La kombucha es una bebida fermentada y ligeramente efervescente, elaborada con té negro o té verde, que suele consumirse para mejorar la salud intestinal gracias a los probióticos y antioxidantes que contiene. También aporta beneficios el té que incluye, y algunas kombuchas se elaboran también con un mayor contenido en cafeína. Con el fin de cribar entre todas las marcas y tipos, he aquí una lista ordenada desde los tipos de kombucha más accesibles hasta los sabores más fuertes e intensos. 

  1. Marca y sabor: Health-ade Kombucha, Rosa burbujeante

Revisión: Haciendo honor a su nombre, esta bebida es muy burbujeante y tiene un toque de rosa. A los principiantes en la kombucha les recomendaría esta bebida para empezar, por el delicado sabor floral que desprenden las bayas de espino, el mangostán y los pétalos de rosa. 

  1. Marca y sabor: Kevita, Melón lavanda

Revisión: Tiene un sabor muy ligero, y el sabor de la kombucha no es abrumadora debido a la lavanda y melón. Personalmente, podría tomar un sabor más fuerte de lavanda, pero el aroma está realmente allí, y el melón todavía tiene un sabor crujiente y refrescante. 

  1. Marca y sabor: Brew Dr. Kombucha, Piña Guayaba

Revisión: Este tiene un diseño divertido y un perfil de sabor muy afrutado, que hace que sea fácil de sorber y disfrutar. El sabor de la piña es fuerte desde el principio, y la guayaba ayuda a reducir la ligera acidez de la piña, lo que crea un buen equilibrio entre los sabores. 

  1. Marca y sabor: humm, Limonada de Granada

Revisión: Humm es otra opción segura, ya que es bastante popular y se puede encontrar con más frecuencia en las tiendas que otras marcas. La granada y la limonada hacen que sea una bebida suave y cítrica, pero se unen para una combinación de sabores sorprendentemente buena. 

  1. Marca y sabor: Sinergia, Trilogía

Revisión: Esta es mi marca favorita, sobre todo por el sabor fuerte y ácido de la kombucha. Trilogy es una combinación de zumo de kiwi, frambuesa y limón con té verde y té negro, todos ellos muy potentes cuando se fermentan juntos.  

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Trip out over Brent Faiyaz’s latest single, “Gravity”

Trippy visuals and bass guitars come together 

Natalie Dean| Editor de entretenimiento

Music artist Brent Faiyaz has gained traction for his talents and recognition in the music industry following the huge response from his album, “F–k the World,” which was released in February 2020. Fans have been long anticipating another album or single, and when the time finally came, Faiyaz didn’t disappoint. Released on Jan. 27, Faiyaz’s latest hit, “Gravity,” comes stacked with vocals and lines from DJ Dali and Tyler, the Creator, and has Steve Lacey on the guitar and bass. 

Through the song, both Faiyaz and Tyler describe their lifestyle on the road and the way it impacted their relationships. Both artists experience a type of “gravity” from their partners, who try to pull them back home from the rush of a luxe lifestyle, and the amount of energy it takes to maintain that balance. 

Faiyaz boasts a bit about his fame in the chorus with, “I’m on (Don’t act like I’m average)/ But you want me home (Home)/ I’d get you what you want (Superstar status)/ But you want me alone (I’m gone, baby, I’m active).” And Tyler, the Creator echos the message of finding a balance between here and there in the third verse, “Now when I’m gone, and I roam ’round the globe for three months/ That’s too long without somethin’ that’s sweet/ So I phone, little treats, that’s a snack, not a feast/ They don’t mean much to me/ ‘Cause I know that I have a bakery back at home.” 

There are effortless transitions between verses paired with strong vocals and unique melodies, which all together form a trippy auditory time-warping experience. Following this theme, the album cover includes fluorescent colors that look like a psychedelic oil spill, resulting in a warbling and eye-catching artwork. 

The melodies, layers of instruments and laid back vocals create a pop song that will hit the top of the music charts and stay there. As of right now, fans wait to hear if an official music video will be released within the coming months. While they wait,  a video of the audio alongside engaging visuals is currently on YouTube. 

Find Brent Faiyaz’s ⏤ and other accompanying artists’ ⏤ latest music on Spotify and other streaming platforms.

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Look into these four poets this month

Find a real page-turner with this poetry recommendation 

Natalie Dean ‌|‌ ‌Entertainment‌ ‌Editor‌ ‌

Poetry is often enjoyed because of its versatility ⏤ especially since there are so many different poets and genres to explore. To help narrow down the search, here’s a list of four poets and their works to help get the ball rolling:

  • “Among the Dog Eaters” by Adrian C. Louis.

Louis covers material centered on being Native American in the 20th century and recounts his experiences in a vivid, vulnerable way. From the foreword written by Jimmy Santiago Baca, “[Louis] deals with margin life, the blood and betrayals, the bleak joys and raging ecstasies of our lonely, primal dance as humans living in a world insanely intoxicated on cheap thrills.” Broken into five parts ⏤ all jam packed with poems ⏤ the titles alone are enough to make a reader intrigued. Some of my personal favorites are “Sometimes a Warrior Comes Tired” and “In the Ghetto on the Prairie there is Unrequited Love.”

  • “at the helm of twilight” by Anita Endrezze.

With a tough love, no-nonsense attitude, Endrezze uses lyrical poetry to wrap the reader into the natural rhythm that is created, and her sharp imagery keeps the pages turning. She takes closely familiar, universal experiences, examines them and then uses original approaches to poetry, such as the ways it can be read and enjoyed by many audiences. The poem, “Sunflower Woman,” is a poem that can be read in vertical or horizontal columns, and another poem, “In the Horizontal Sky,” consists of twelve short sections.

  • “The Captain’s Verses” by Pablo Neruda.

Neruda is a staple among many people’s poetry collections and is well known for his artistic use of language that pulls at the readers’ heartstrings. He addresses the visceral feelings of new love and ecstasy, relationships with one another and the deep connections people share through their lives. In his poem, “Not Only the Fire,” he describes, “Ah my life/ it is not only the fire that burns between us/ but all of life,/ the simple story,/ the simple love/ of a woman and a man/ like everyone.”

  • “War of the Foxes” by Richard Siken.

Siken takes a compelling and haunting approach to his poetry, touching on issues around morality, personhood and the ways people find meaning and purpose in art. He uses raw language that can also be found in his poems from earlier published collections, such as “Crush.” This collection holds stories of birds, war and tales about the moon.

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Opinión: El amor propio no tiene por qué ser lineal

Aprende a gustarte a ti mismo primero, y el resto vendrá después

Natalie Dean| Editor de entretenimiento

El Día de San Valentín solía ser sencillo y relativamente libre de estrés. En aquella época, lo único que teníamos que hacer como estudiantes era garabatear un "xoxo" en unas tarjetas baratas que nuestros padres compraban a última hora. Lo más estresante era asegurarse de que todos los nombres estaban bien escritos en la tarjeta. A medida que crecemos, nos damos cuenta de que existe una presión externa para encontrar a alguien "especial" con quien pasar San Valentín. Y si estás soltero durante las fiestas, entonces la siguiente misión es tomar esa soltería y "simplemente quererte a ti mismo" a través de ella. En un mundo que presiona mucho para quererse a uno mismo, ¿qué puede hacer alguien que ni siquiera se gusta a sí mismo? 

Por suerte, no tienes que quererte a ti mismo. Al menos, no de inmediato. 

El amor propio es importante, pero últimamente se ha convertido en la solución rápida sugerida para los problemas de la gente. Si quererse a uno mismo fuera tan fácil, todo el mundo lo haría, y nadie estaría luchando con las partes de sí mismo que esconden. Pero la vida no consiste en quererse de inmediato, sino en respetar el proceso de conocerse a uno mismo y dar pequeños pasos realistas. Al fin y al cabo, el dicho es cierto: vayas donde vayas, ahí estás. 

No es una carrera y requiere una práctica activa. Aunque puede resultar difícil ponernos a nosotros mismos en primer lugar, existen muchos enfoques para el crecimiento personal. Algunas formas que pueden ayudar es practicar la paciencia con uno mismo, y mostrar aceptación y gratitud al cuerpo que te ha hecho superar una pandemia. Si estás harto de estar enfermo y cansado, hazte responsable de las cosas que quieres cambiar y trabaja para conseguirlo. 

En lugar de ser nuestros peores enemigos, ¿qué pasaría si intentáramos ser tan pacientes con nosotros mismos como lo somos con los demás, como hacemos con nuestros seres queridos? Si cometen un error, nuestro primer instinto no es derribarles, sino animarles con cariño a que vuelvan a intentarlo. Es importante reconocer cuándo nos hablamos o nos tratamos mal a nosotros mismos, y luego intentar ser más comprensivos y pacientes. 

Este último año ha sido muy duro para mucha gente, y puede parecer que no hacemos más que pasar por lo mismo hasta que nos asentamos por completo en nuestra nueva normalidad. Mientras el polvo se asienta, es importante saber que este tipo de aceptación y amor no puede suceder de la noche a la mañana, y es crucial pedir apoyo cuando sea necesario. El amor y la amabilidad hacia uno mismo es algo que se puede trabajar en cualquier momento, no sólo porque sea un nuevo año o porque sea San Valentín, sino porque te mereces sentirte a gusto contigo mismo todo el tiempo. 

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Celebra la estación del amor con estas actividades

Ways to spend time this Valentine’s Day if alone or single

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, but not everyone has plans this year, or a significant other to spend it with. However, the holiday doesn’t have to be full of sadness or longing for a partner; instead, it can be an opportunity to make the most out of singledom and celebrate love in other ways. Here are some of the best ways to spend time alone when single or without plans:

  • Write letters to family or friends: If spending this holiday solo, love letters or letters of gratitude for friends and family can go a long way. This past year has been hard on everyone, and a small moment of appreciation can mean more to someone than initially thought. It doesn’t have to be pages long, but can highlight favorite memories, inside jokes or a cute message. Go the extra mile and mail them out if needed. 
  • Pampering: There are a ton of takeout and delivery services available to enjoy a nice meal, beverage or sweet treat from home. Or the day can be spent cooking favorite meals or treats at home, with a movie or music. Take a nap, get out of the house, enjoy time in nature ⏤ do whatever brings the most relaxation through the day.
  • Spend time with pets: Valentine’s Day can be spent with pets, either out on a walk, playing, lounging around or by giving them treat after treat. Have a fun photoshoot with pets to commemorate the day together, give them a little Valentine’s with a toy or treat in it and bestow some extra attention (flowers are optional, chocolate not recommended).
  • Random act of kindness: There are plenty of people in our community that need a helping hand, from folks facing homelessness to families in our own neighborhoods. Donating time and resources can make a big difference to those who may be struggling, even if it’s something small. Spread the love by going through old clothes, dishes, home items or unwanted food products and donating them to food pantries and homeless shelters. 
  • Valentine’s Day cards: If there are any kiddos or youngsters in the family, they may really appreciate some chocolates, a toy or Valentine’s Day cards — since they aren’t in classrooms and can’t quite celebrate in the traditional way. It can be an exciting time for children to soak in the holiday, so try out a themed activity with them. Have them make their own cards to give to family members or friends, decorate the house, bake goodies or have a spa day. 

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          Find classic hits in this Valentine’s Day playlist

          Add these classic love songs and heartbreaker anthems to a Valentine’s Playlist

          Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

          Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and this season of love can best be enjoyed ⏤ or not ⏤ with music. Jam out with these 40 songs, half being love songs and the other half being heartbreak anthems. These songs can create an upbeat tone during date night or enjoy quality alone time if flying solo this year. Or, hit shuffle, grab some ice cream and see how the night goes. 

          The playlist has artists from Etta James, Prince, Cyndi Lauper, Oasis, and all the way to Soulja Boy and The Pussycat Dolls. This lively playlist can add some excitement to this year’s Valentine’s Day, no matter someone’s relationship status. Find the official playlist ready to stream on Spotify @thewesternhowl:

          Love songs:

          1. “A Sunday Kind Of Love” — Etta James 
          2. “If I Ain’t Got You” — Alicia Keys 
          3. “Every Breath You Take”— The Police
          4. "Wonderwall" - Oasis
          5. “Cupid’s Chokehold / Breakfast In America” —  Gym Class Heroes
          6. “Kiss Me Thru The Phone” —  Soulja Boy, Sammie
          7. “Tainted Love” —  Soft Cell
          8. “She Will Be Loved” —  Maroon 5
          9. “Hopelessly Devoted To You” — Olivia John-Newton
          10. “Can’t Take My Eyes off Of You” —  Frankie Valli
          11. “Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love Babe” —  Barry White
          12. “Let’s Get It On” —  Marvin Gaye
          13. “My Girl” —  The Temptations
          14. "Love Her Madly" - The Doors
          15. “Kiss” —  Prince
          16. “More Than A Woman” —  Bee Gees
          17. “Lucky” —  Jason Mraz, Colbie Callait
          18. “Better Together” — Jack Johnson
          19. “My Stove’s on Fire” —  Robert Lester Folson
          20. “Baby, I’m Yours” —  Barbara Lewis

          Heartbreak songs:

          1. “One Is The Loneliest Number” —  Harry Nilsson
          2. “I Hate This Part” —  The Pussycat Dolls
          3. “Everybody Hurts” —  R.E.M.
          4. “Jar Of Hearts” —  Christina Perri
          5. “I’m Not In Love” —  10cc
          6. “What a Fool Believes” —  The Doobie Brothers
          7. “Time After Time” —  Cyndi Lauper
          8. “Heartbreak Hotel” —  Elvis Presley
          9. “I DON’T LOVE YOU ANYMORE” —  Tyler, The Creator
          10. “F*** Being Friends” —  Jessie Reyez
          11. “Bad Religion” —  Frank Ocean
          12. “Sign Of The Times” — Harry Styles
          13. “when the party’s over” —  Billie Eilish
          14. “Someone Like You” —  Adele
          15. “Fix You” —  Coldplay 
          16. “Baby Come Back” —  Player
          17. “Gonna Hurry (As Slow As I Can)” —  Dolly Parton
          18. “I Have Nothing” —  Whitney Huston 
          19. “My Heart Will Go On” —  Céline Dion
          20. “We’ll Meet Again” —  Vera Lynn, Sailors, Soldiers, & Airmen of Mer Majesty’s Forces

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