Mount Hood

Contain the stain: stain removal made easy

Hacks for getting out common stains

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

Stains are always a hassle to deal with, especially stubborn substances like coffee and grease. But all stains can be conquered; here are some easy tips for removing common stains.

For coffee and tea spills, start by flushing the stain out from the inside of the garment with cold water. If there is still residue after several minutes, take some liquid laundry detergent or dish soap and dilute it with water. Gently rub this mixture into the stain, let it sit for five minutes, then rinse from the back of the stain. Launder as usual.

When grease gets on fabric, grab a cloth and some dish soap. First, blot as much oil out as possible. Then, pour dish soap directly onto the stain and work it in with the cloth. Dish soap will cut through grease just as it does on dishes. Let the soap sit for a few minutes, rinse with warm water, then wash at the hottest setting the fabric can handle.

For tomato-based sauces, start by scraping off as much excess as possible. Next, soak the stain in cold water for about five minutes before using laundry detergent on a toothbrush to scrub it. Wash normally in hot water.

Sweat stains can be treated with distilled white vinegar, a common stain remover. Let the stained garment soak in a container of equal parts cold water and distilled white vinegar for about 30 minutes. If the stain doesn’t come out completely, mix some lemon juice with equal parts water. Rub this into the stain, then wash the garment as usual.

A great way to get blood out of fabric is by using hydrogen peroxide. After rinsing the stain with cold water, pour hydrogen peroxide directly on the stain. Repeat as necessary until the stain is mostly gone, then launder in cold water.

With any stained fabric, be sure to check that the stain is completely gone before tossing it into the dryer, as heat will make the stain set.

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Únase a la caza del tesoro navideña en busca de gnomos ocultos

“Gnome on the Roam,” a free holiday event in Independence

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento 

In order for the community to celebrate this year’s holiday season, many local events and traditions have to make accommodations. “Gnome on the Roam,” a free family-friendly scavenger hunt, is a holiday event hosted by the Independence Downtown Association. Running from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and spanning from Nov. 28 to Jan. 9, there will be plenty of time for members of the community to participate in the scavenger hunt and find the 15 plus gnomes that are painted in the shop windows along Main Street and C Street in downtown Independence. 

These crafty little gnomes will be hiding well, so be on the lookout and pick up a scavenger hunt form ⏤ they will be available in front of Indy Commons and other businesses starting Nov. 28. Once all the mystery items have been found, people can drop off the form in the dropbox at Indy Commons, 154 S Main Street, for a chance to be entered into a weekly drawing. 

The prizes will include $20 gift certificates to any downtown business of your choice. Updates on the “Gnome on the Roam” scavenger hunt and future events can be found on the Independence Downtown Association’s Facebook, and their Instagram page @downtownindependence. 

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Navegar en cuarentena durante la temporada de manguitos

Tips for staying sane when visiting family

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

La pandemia de COVID-19 ha sido una época de aislamiento para la gente; estar encerrados en casa y tener que pasar la cuarentena tras el contacto ha afectado negativamente a la salud social de algunos. Los que participan en la temporada de esposas han sufrido las consecuencias, teniendo que sopesar el riesgo de las citas en persona frente a una creciente necesidad de contacto físico. Para quienes siguen buscando a esa persona especial con la que pasar el invierno, he aquí algunos consejos a tener en cuenta. 

Las videollamadas y los chats por mensaje directo son la opción más segura para tener citas, pero el objetivo de la temporada de esposas es encontrar una pareja con la que acurrucarse en el frío. Así que, antes de quedar en persona para una cita, haz que ambos miembros de la pareja se comprometan a permanecer en cuarentena durante 14 días, tal y como recomienda el Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Incluso después de quedar en persona, intenta mantener círculos sociales reducidos para contener la propagación del COVID. 

La comunicación es especialmente importante para mantenerse protegido este año. Pregunte a sus parejas sobre sus prácticas de distanciamiento social y su reciente exposición a grandes grupos. Además, sea abierto y firme con respecto a su nivel de comodidad personal a la hora de salir en público.

Salga en citas de bajo riesgo; las actividades caseras más seguras son hornear, ver la tele y pedir comida para llevar, pero hay otras opciones. Disfruta de un parque local dando un paseo o haciendo un picnic, pero no olvides abrigarte bien. Da una vuelta en coche para ver las luces navideñas o ve al autocine. 

La temporada de esponsales puede continuar siempre que se tomen ciertas precauciones. Ten en cuenta la salud de todos los implicados para poder disfrutar de la compañía de los demás de forma segura.

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Make a wish on the Geminids

The largest meteor shower of the year arrives December 13

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

Every year in the middle of December, the night sky glistens with the celestial bodies of the Geminids meteor shower. This meteor shower produces as many as 120 meteors per hour, making this event exciting for both experienced astronomers and novice stargazers. The Geminids peak this year on Dec. 13 and 14 under the nearly new moon. 

To best view the meteor shower, head outside, away from city lights, let the eyes adjust to the dark for about half an hour and look straight up to view as much of the sky as possible. Be prepared for the cold and bring winter jackets, blankets and some hot cocoa to enjoy the show. 

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Navegar en cuarentena durante la temporada de manguitos

Cómo conquistar a tu pareja durante la COVID

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

La pandemia de COVID-19 ha sido una época de aislamiento para la gente; estar encerrados en casa y tener que pasar la cuarentena tras el contacto ha afectado negativamente a la salud social de algunos. Los que participan en la temporada de esposas han sufrido las consecuencias, teniendo que sopesar el riesgo de las citas en persona frente a una creciente necesidad de contacto físico. Para quienes siguen buscando a esa persona especial con la que pasar el invierno, he aquí algunos consejos a tener en cuenta. 

Las videollamadas y los chats por mensaje directo son la opción más segura para tener citas, pero el objetivo de la temporada de esposas es encontrar una pareja con la que acurrucarse en el frío. Así que, antes de quedar en persona para una cita, haz que ambos miembros de la pareja se comprometan a permanecer en cuarentena durante 14 días, tal y como recomienda el Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Incluso después de quedar en persona, intenta mantener círculos sociales reducidos para contener la propagación del COVID. 

La comunicación es especialmente importante para mantenerse protegido este año. Pregunte a sus parejas sobre sus prácticas de distanciamiento social y su reciente exposición a grandes grupos. Además, sea abierto y firme con respecto a su nivel de comodidad personal a la hora de salir en público.

Salga en citas de bajo riesgo; las actividades caseras más seguras son hornear, ver la tele y pedir comida para llevar, pero hay otras opciones. Disfruta de un parque local dando un paseo o haciendo un picnic, pero no olvides abrigarte bien. Da una vuelta en coche para ver las luces navideñas o ve al autocine. 

La temporada de esponsales puede continuar siempre que se tomen ciertas precauciones. Ten en cuenta la salud de todos los implicados para poder disfrutar de la compañía de los demás de forma segura.

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Say yes to yoga with a sun salutation

A yoga sequence anyone can try

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

Yoga is a great exercise that can both energize and relax the body. According to, yoga has numerous benefits, including decreasing stress and improving strength and flexibility. Try out this yoga sequence — a sun salutation — whether a beginner or a pro.

Take as much time as needed to perform the first and second cycles of the sun salutation. It’s more important to do each pose correctly than to finish the sequence as quickly as possible.

Warm up for a few minutes by sitting comfortably and just focusing on breathing. Stretch out by rotating the neck, wrists, shoulders and ankles. Once ready, slowly move to a standing position and begin the sequence.


Mountain pose: Stand with a straight spine and feet shoulder-width apart. Relax the shoulders while engaging the core.

Upward salute: Take a deep breath in and reach arms straight overhead. Keep pulling shoulders away from the ears.

Forward fold: Exhale while reaching fingertips down to the floor. Keep the back flat, and bend the knees if there is too much strain in the hamstrings.

Half forward fold: Inhale and place hands on shins while looking up and straight ahead. Engage the core to maintain a straight spine.

Lunge: On the exhale, move the left leg straight back and keep the right leg bent at a 90º angle to come into a lunge. Distribute body weight equally between each leg.

Chaturanga: Move into a push-up position on the inhale. With the exhale, lower down towards the floor first the chest, then the pelvis. Come all the way to the floor if needed, and adjust the feet so that the top of each foot is touching the ground.

Upward-facing dog: Breathe in and press into hands to lift the whole body off the floor, including legs. Keep leg muscles active while pulling shoulders down and back from ears. Look straight ahead or upwards if it’s comfortable.

Downward-facing dog: Exhale and adjust the feet so that the soles are now touching the floor, then push up and back into an inverted V-shape. Straighten the spine and bend the knees if necessary.

Lunge: Take a breath in and move the left leg forward into a lunge.

Forward fold: Exhale and relax into forward fold.

Upward salute: Inhale and reach arms upwards.

Mountain pose: Return to an engaged standing position with an exhale.

Repeat this cycle three to four times, then take a few minutes, either sitting comfortably or lying on back, to cool down and once again focus on breathing.

A demonstration of the sun salutation sequence can be found on our website,, and our Instagram @thewesternhowl.

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Addressing anxiety by being in the now

Join the Student Health and Counseling Center for weekly mindfulness meditation sessions

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

This fall term has brought a new service to Western students through the Student Health and Counseling Center: mindfulness meditation sessions are being held weekly over Zoom by counselors Emily Horak and Bliss Boutin.

Western’s administration requested that the Student Health and Counseling Center create a group in light of common stressors that students were facing, including concerns about COVID-19. Horak and Boutin volunteered to tackle these stressors.

“Mindfulness is something that we’re both really passionate about,” Horak said. “We heard that there was a need to start a group kind of like this, and the two of us volunteered to form it.”

During these mindfulness meditation sessions, students get time in a group setting to process the stress going on in their lives and understand ways of coping with them. Students not only learn about mindfulness, but they also practice mindfulness exercises. Horak and Boutin said they aim to utilize a combination of group counseling and mindfulness.

“With classes being online we’re really wanting it to feel less like a lecture and more interactive,” Horak said. 

She hopes they will achieve this by expanding their group. Students do not need to have prior knowledge or experience with mindfulness to join these sessions. The goal of this mindfulness meditation group is to help any Western students who may be experiencing stress. Horak and Boutin said there is no pressure for prospective students. 

“We just want it to feel very welcoming and inviting, and it’s not meant to feel formal for anyone,” Boutin said.

The mindfulness meditation group meets every Thursday at 3 p.m. until Dec. 10. It is free for students who have paid the fall term health service fee. Contact the Student Health and Counseling Center at 503-838-8313 if interested in joining.

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