Únase a la caza del tesoro navideña en busca de gnomos ocultos

“Gnome on the Roam,” a free holiday event in Independence

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento 

In order for the community to celebrate this year’s holiday season, many local events and traditions have to make accommodations. “Gnome on the Roam,” a free family-friendly scavenger hunt, is a holiday event hosted by the Independence Downtown Association. Running from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and spanning from Nov. 28 to Jan. 9, there will be plenty of time for members of the community to participate in the scavenger hunt and find the 15 plus gnomes that are painted in the shop windows along Main Street and C Street in downtown Independence. 

These crafty little gnomes will be hiding well, so be on the lookout and pick up a scavenger hunt form ⏤ they will be available in front of Indy Commons and other businesses starting Nov. 28. Once all the mystery items have been found, people can drop off the form in the dropbox at Indy Commons, 154 S Main Street, for a chance to be entered into a weekly drawing. 

The prizes will include $20 gift certificates to any downtown business of your choice. Updates on the “Gnome on the Roam” scavenger hunt and future events can be found on the Independence Downtown Association’s Facebook, and their Instagram page @downtownindependence. 

Póngase en contacto con el autor en ndean17@wou.edu

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