Mount Hood

Northwest Housing Alternatives finaliza las reformas y el mural de College Manor

Northwest Housing Alternatives presenta a lo grande el proyecto de Monmouth

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

Durante las vacaciones de primavera, Northwest Housing Alternatives ⏤ promotora sin ánimo de lucro de viviendas asequibles en Oregón ⏤ terminó las reformas del complejo de apartamentos College Manor.

A partir de agosto de 2020, la organización comenzó a renovar el diseño interior, principalmente con la sustitución de los sistemas de aguas residuales y domésticos existentes y la actualización de los baños. Las renovaciones exteriores incluyeron la sustitución de revestimientos y ventanas en los alzados norte y sur, la sustitución de escaleras exteriores y cerramientos, la adición de rampas y pasarelas accesibles, la siega de bandas, el sellado y el cambio de las bandas del aparcamiento. 

"Las viviendas asequibles que están bien cuidadas son un recurso cada vez más escaso en todo Oregón, especialmente en las comunidades más pequeñas/rurales", afirmó Promotor de viviendas Northwest Housing Alternatives Clayton Crowhurst. "Garantizar que esta propiedad siga siendo... asequible durante muchos años y no se venda a un promotor a precio de mercado que suba los alquileres y deje caducar los vales de vivienda es fundamental."

En el transcurso de la construcción, la actualización sufrió contratiempos, como un retraso de cuatro semanas debido a la COVID-19 y a los incendios forestales de Oregón de septiembre, la sustitución de frigoríficos mohosos y la recaudación de fondos.

"Lo más difícil de un proyecto de este tipo es obtener la financiación necesaria y conseguir que todos los financiadores y abogados implicados den su visto bueno", explica Crowhurst. "El proceso de cierre tuvo lugar justo al inicio de COVID y se produjo en el último momento, ya que otros proyectos sufrieron la retirada en el último minuto de importantes financiadores por temor a la evolución de la economía".

Sin embargo, el proyecto pudo financiarse íntegramente con el Crédito Fiscal para Viviendas de Bajos Ingresos, el Fondo de Asociación para la Vivienda y un préstamo permanente con el Crédito Fiscal para Viviendas Asequibles de Oregón. Durante el COVID y los incendios forestales, Crowhurst declaró que el coste de los materiales aumentó significativamente, lo que supuso un reto para mantenerse dentro del presupuesto. Según Crowhurst, el equipo de construcción de 80 a 100 personas se mantuvo dentro del presupuesto, con un total de $4.553.747 en mano de obra y coste de los materiales. 

Además de la construcción, Northwest Housing Alternatives realizó un mural ⏤ pintado por la artista de Portland Heidi Schultz ⏤ para mostrarlo durante su pequeña presentación al público. 

"Los dos barajamos varias ideas de diseño", explica Crowhurst, "y nos decidimos por el roble... Abarca los temas del crecimiento, pero también de la solidez y la protección en tiempos de cambio. Recogía un montón de esas cosas que encarnan nuestra organización".

Crowhurst explicó que la organización no busca ganar dinero rápidamente, sino que se preocupa de verdad por su gente. Poder ofrecer 3.000 oregoneses con un lugar al que llamar hogar cada noche ⏤ porque la vivienda es un derecho humano y nadie debería tener que elegir entre comida, vivienda o atención sanitaria ⏤ le hace sentirse orgulloso de estar afiliado a Alternativas de Vivienda en el Noroeste. 

Aunque se han hecho reformas en College Manor, los alquileres actuales no aumentarán. Para más información sobre la organización, visite su sitio web en

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Making Spring Break safe

Five precautions to take if traveling for Spring Break

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

This Spring Break may look similar to the one in 2020, but luckily, we’ve had much more time to prepare for 2021. While the Center for Disease Control and Prevention continues to discourage unnecessary travel, it cannot be denied that many of us are ready to get out and enjoy the break. If leaving home or school for Spring Break, follow these tips for safe travels.

Consider household members: Remember that traveling can also put roommates and family at risk for COVID-19 upon returning. Plan a trip with household members to keep social circles small, and self isolate for one week after arriving home. Or, hold off on traveling entirely if someone is at high risk for contracting COVID.

Plan ahead: COVID regulations change constantly, and every place has different requirements for travelers. Research the destination’s local, statewide and nationwide regulations about travel, lodging, entertainment and eateries beforehand. Get tested for COVID one to three days before leaving, and print out negative test results to present just in case.

Car or plane?: While planes have great air circulation, crowded airports do not, making contracting COVID more likely when traveling by plane. Road trips are easier to maintain social distancing, even with stops for gas and rest areas. Packing food from home can also prevent exposure at restaurants or grocery stores. If still planning to fly, double check requirements for travel ⏤ such as presenting a negative COVID test ⏤ and try to avoid layovers.

Pack the new essentials: Among a toothbrush and a phone charger, some new items have become essential for travel. Don’t forget to pack masks and extra filters, hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content, disinfecting wipes and disposable gloves. Always wear a mask in shared spaces, like rest areas and hotel hallways, and use hand sanitizer regularly if soap and warm water is not available.

Take it outside: The COVID virus is much less likely to spread in well ventilated areas where social distancing can be maintained, so try to spend Spring Break outdoors. Take a day trip to a park or beach, go camping or enjoy outdoor activities such as swimming and hiking. If visiting with others, sit outside to eat and chat if possible.

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West Valley Hospital moves second vaccine distribution site to WOU

Western’s Pacific Room is being used to allocate COVD-19 vaccine during Phase 1A 

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

Last week, West Valley Hospital relocated their second distribution site for the COVID-19 vaccine from the Polk County fairgrounds to Western’s campus.

 “We were able to put up our first week there,” said Pathway Program and Community Outreach Administrator Jenny Von Derahe. “We moved here because it’s a central location and the technology is adequate for our needs.”

According to Von Derahe, the clinic was furnished in a day with the help of hospital facility workers, the environmental services team and kitchen staff.

“It feels safer and more comfortable than the fairgrounds,” said Polk County resident Wendy Brockhouse. “It just seemed weird in the big old barns … this just seems more a part of the community and safer.”

At this time Western is not charging West Valley to rent out the Pacific Room. According to Von Derahe, Western is not funding employment for the workers or volunteers of the clinic, however there are discussions of potentially allowing Western students interested in the medical field to volunteer at the clinic. Additionally, the clinic is not administering vaccines to administrators, faculty, staff or students unless they qualify within Phase 1A.

“One positive that’s come out is the collaborations that have taken place,” said Western Alumnus and District 1 Polk County Fire Chief Ben Stange.

Stange explained that Western has worked extensively with the community to facilitate a functional clinic on its campus.

“The Pacific Room would normally be used for this or that … but we (Western) can’t have events so it’s available. So what can we do to help the larger cause,”said Stange.

According to the Oregon Health Authority, Polk County has partially vaccinated 8.5% of its population and fully vaccinated less than 1% of the population. 

“It’s been such a huge deal to our people,” said Stange. “We were transporting positive patients every couple days, and it’s been difficult to see. The opportunity to actually hands on start to fix a problem that we’ve really felt we’ve had zero control over has been nice.”

Stange explained that, just like other health care professionals, their focus is to take care of people during emergency situations.

“There hasn’t been anything really till this moment that we’ve felt like we can do to make a large impact,” said Stange.

At this time, West Valley is charging a $60 administration fee for the vaccine that will be billed to the patient’s insurance. If uninsured, the hospital waives the fee. Due to the unpredictability of vaccine dose delivery, clinics are not open daily. To learn about hours and vaccination qualifications, visit their website at

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COVID-19 vaccines arrive in Oregon

Oregon enters Phase 1A of vaccine delivery initiative

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

In late December, select Oregon residents received doses of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

To deliver the vaccine to all Oregonians, the state has implemented a three-phase rollout plan. On Jan. 5, Oregon began Phase 1A of its vaccination schedule. In Phase 1A, the Oregon Health Association lists in its plan: hospital workers and first responders, elderly and those involved in their care, prison doctors, clinics serving high-risk groups, visiting nurses/home health care providers, other health care providers and funeral home workers to be vaccinated first. 

Over 51,000 Oregonians have received the first dose of the Coronavirus vaccine since the beginning of 2021, whereas only nine people have completed the two doses required for full vaccination according to Currently, the CDC reports Oregon has delivered over 117,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine and over 121,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine.

Currently Pfizer and Moderna are known to have three major differences, including age restrictions, temperature storage requirements and length of time between each dose. In comparison to Pfizer, the Moderna vaccine can be kept at -4 °F, whereas Pfizer’s must be kept at  -94 °F. Additionally, a person must be at least 18 years old or older to receive the Moderna vaccine and the two doses must be administered 28 days apart in comparison to Pfizer’s 21-day separation, which has an age restriction of 16 years.

On Dec. 22, West Valley Hospital in Dallas received its first shipment of Moderna vaccine according to a press release by Salem Health. 

“For decades, West Valley Hospital has been providing a wide range of quality care to residents of Polk County,” said West Valley Hospital Chief administrative officer and licensed registered nurse Brandon Schmidgall in the press release. “Today we begin offering a new and historic service — the COVID-19 vaccine — first to our health care heroes, but eventually to our small-town community.”

As of Jan. 5, Polk County has vaccinated 1% of an estimated 82,000 residents according to the OHA. Local clinics like Western’s Student Health and Counseling Center have not received COVID vaccines yet; although, on Dec. 22, Oregon added educators to the list. 

 “Teachers have recently been added to Phase 1A and who that all includes will need to be more clearly defined by OHA,” said Polk County Public Health Administrator Jacqui Umstead. “We will work with Western Oregon University, and other local educational institutions to ensure that both staff and students have access to the vaccine, when it is their turn.” 

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Editorial: Current information keeps our staff and students safe

Increased communication is crucial to the community 

The Editorial Board

It has been a little over nine months since students from Western and around the world have adapted to a new, virtual lifestyle. All things considered, Western has done as much as they can to provide us with a safe environment. However, there is a need for more transparency with information regarding positive cases, and further precautions to be taken on campus.

Some of the controversies started when Western took a long time to announce that fall term would be taught virtually, leaving students abroad scrambling to prepare for another stressful term. And then, Western failed to be clear with their community about the number of COVID-19 cases. 

Information regarding the number of positive coronavirus cases has been notoriously hard to track down due to privacy concerns. However, the university can disclose these numbers while still respecting the patient’s privacy. Plenty of other universities disclosed their numbers to the community, all while respecting the boundaries of privacy. Oregon State University reported a total of seven confirmed cases as of Nov. 4; and, Southern Oregon University has 19 confirmed cases — they even specified if the individual lived on or off campus. Additional information is posted on both of the university’s websites, under “OSU-Cascades Dashboard” and “SOU COVID-19 Cases.”

Eventually, Western followed suit. Now, as of Nov. 16, there are less than 10 confirmed cases in the community. This information, while originally hard to find, is now updated and available at

While it is reasonable to respect the privacy of positive patients, Western shouldn’t have left their community in the dark for as long as they did. These numbers inform whether or not safety protocols are working or if they need to change.

With those things out of the way, it’s safe to assume that some students of Western appreciate the improved effort. But now, a new problem has arisen in regards to COVID testing for both staff and students. When further researched, it is inconclusive if free testing is offered for staff. 

If you were to look on the COVID-19 webpage — which is ridiculously difficult to navigate by the way — they detail the steps you can take if you are seeking testing. However, the webpage doesn’t help you understand whether or not you should seek a test in the first place. How are students who may be asymptomatic supposed to know what to do? None of this is specified.

The problem is if you check “yes” on the CDC’s survey that you’ve been in contact with someone who tested positive, they will tell you to wait out the 14-day isolation, and if you develop symptoms at the end of that period, you go take the test. While there’s quite a bit of information regarding symptomatic cases, there’s not a lot of specification for asymptomatic cases, which leaves folks uninformed.

Western is a smaller school with already limited funding and budget cuts left and right, so we may be tight on funding, but that doesn’t mean that people deserve to be uninformed. Transparency with Western students and the greater community is what establishes a trusting and close-knit feeling for everyone, especially for a small town like Monmouth.

Students who are looking for information on testing can find it at If an appointment needs to be set up, call the Student Health and Counseling Center at 503-838-8313.

Six ways to celebrate Thanksgiving during COVID

Enjoy Thanksgiving together while social distancing

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

COVID-19 has impacted nearly every aspect of our lives, including celebrating holidays. It’s important to stay safe and protect loved ones by maintaining social distancing and adhering to state and national guidelines. Here are some new Thanksgiving traditions to try with family and friends this year.

1) Virtual gathering: With numerous communication options available ⏤ such as FaceTime, Skype, Google Meet and Zoom ⏤ scheduling a virtual meeting with family and friends can be a good replacement for in-person celebrations. Each family can prepare a feast at their own tables while enjoying the company of others through a computer screen. Set a laptop at one end of the table and chat away.

2) Exchange Thanksgiving dishes: If loved ones live nearby, consider swapping side dishes. Have each household make one side dish — mashed potatoes, a casserole or a salad to name a few — and leave a dish on one another’s doorstep. If close relatives live some distance away, band together with neighbors to create a contactless potluck.

3) Share recipes: As opposed to cooking for one another, design and send loved ones recipe cards. Go old-fashioned and send a notecard in the mail, or simply text and email the recipes. Send them ahead of time so that everyone can make each other’s favorite dishes on Thanksgiving Day.

4) Movie marathon: Enjoy some holiday classics with the household or watch one of each person’s favorite. Use Teleparty ⏤ a Google Chrome extension ⏤ to watch along with friends and family, no matter how far they are. Leave movies playing all day, or begin the morning by watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade before jumping into movies.

5) Outdoor games: If the weather permits, try hosting some games outdoors. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, gathering outdoors promotes social distancing and is better ventilated than indoors. Cornhole, soccer, bocce ball and Kan Jam are just a few games to be played outside, or simply toss around a football.

6) Give back: There are also many ways to help in the community this Thanksgiving. Collect canned foods and nonperishable goods to donate to a local food bank. The Food Pantry at Western is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for two hours each day; check their website — — for updates. Alternatively, donate money to local organizations and charities, or cook a meal for a homebound neighbor. 

No matter how Thanksgiving is celebrated this year, remember to maintain social distancing when possible and wash hands often.

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Valsetz delivers meals to WOU students testing positive for COVID

Western introduces quarantine meals to campus dining

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

Over the course of back-to-school season, many universities are facing COVID-19 outbreaks and are being forced to shut down. Western’s administration observed these outbreaks and planned for fall term accordingly.

Instead of having one move-in day for all new students, Western reduced its numbers to less than two-thirds and had four days designated for move-in. During that time, all students were subjected to COVID testing, and students that tested positive were relocated to Gentle Hall and Butler Hall for isolation purposes.

The people currently living in those halls are receiving “dining accommodations” known as quarantine meals. 

“The quarantine meals were food for the entire day and (were) delivered to them,” said Albert Worotikan, Director of Campus Dining. 

Originally, the food served in the quarantine meals was similar to foods given to students experiencing flu-like symptoms. Students could expect to order things like soup, gatorade, milk or orange juice once a day. However, Worotikan said that after their first weekend starting on Sept. 26, students sent feedback to dining about the quarantine meals. 

According to Worotikan, many of the residents living in the isolation zones have reported to be asymptomatic and requesting food with sustenance. The residents don’t want meals that are designated for flu-like symptoms because the meals are light and not filling.

“Yes, they have the virus, but they still want to eat normal (food),” Worotikan explained.

After a meeting with the Dean of Students and Director of Dining, Tina Fuchs, they completely flipped the system; starting Oct. 5, students living in Butler Hall and Gentle Hall are able to order three regular meals a day under the ‘quarantine meals’ section of the app, Nutrislice, with no additional cost for delivery.

For labor efficiency, campus dining has designated specific times for delivery service, Worotikan said. From 8 to 9 a.m., students can have breakfast delivered, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., students can request lunch to be delivered and from 4 to 5 p.m., dinner can be delivered. The residents are also allowed to order snacks during these times. 

In an effort to reduce physical contact during delivery, dining has also set up a notification system to let the person know when their food has been delivered.

“In our system we would be able to email the individual and let them know that the food has arrived,” Worotikan said. “Also with the way Butler and Gentle is set up, the door is outside. Of course we are also going to wear the face masks as well.”

If students start experiencing symptoms late in the term, they are advised to contact the Student Health and Counseling Center to see if they qualify for testing. If a student does qualify for testing, they will be charged $95 for the lab work. Most insurances cover the testing fee, but if a student doesn’t have insurance they can call 211 for additional resources. 

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