20 classic games to play with family and friends

Board and card games to revisit this season

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento 

Between the stress of buying gifts for the holidays and the building excitement of the incoming new year, a classic board game can be all anyone needs to destress. Tabletop games are about coming together with family and friends to have a lively, fun and lightly competitive time together. Some games are straightforward and lighthearted, like Candy Land or Connect Four, while other games seem like they are designed to cause an all-out debate about the rules and technicalities at the table, like with Scrabble or Clue. 

In any case, here’s a list of classic board games that everyone loves to play and hates to lose. Nearly all of these can be purchased online or in stores; thrift stores are also a good place to check for more unique games or neat card decks to try out. These games are ranked from the least to most likely to start a debate about the rules and who won. 

  1. Uno
  2. Marbles
  3. Mancala
  4. Connect Four
  5. Dominoes
  6. Hungry Hungry Hippos 
  7. Candy Land
  8. Chutes and Ladders
  9. Operation
  10. Don’t Break the Ice
  11. Sorry!
  12. Jenga
  13. Battleship
  14. Checkers
  15. Chess
  16. Twister
  17. The Game of Life 
  18. Scrabble 
  19. Clue
  20. Monopoly

Póngase en contacto con el autor en ndean17@wou.edu

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