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Soon-to-be graduates may be worried about their job prospects during the pandemic

Sage Kiernan-Sherrow | Editor de noticias

The Service Learning and Career Development Center at Western is continuously sending out emails with various links to resources for career growth and strategies for career obtainment. From building a resume to executing a  perfect interview, the SLCD is also available to deliver guidance and review one’s materials via appointment; students interested in this service can access it through Handshake in their portal and then clicking the black-and-white wolf head.

Recently, they’ve begun holding online seminars like “Life After College: Mapping Your Financial Future” and “Graduating During an Economic Downturn,” and will undoubtedly be offering more virtual events in the future. For the students who haven’t attended these events or who aren’t receiving the emails, here is a brief summary featuring advice from the professionals:

In an email sent out on April 20, the SLCD recommends updating resumes, creating a professional online presence, building new skills, practicing virtual interviewing and cultivating one’s professional network during this time. Since employers typically view a resume for roughly six seconds before deciding whether or not a candidate is a good fit  — according to the SLCD — it’s crucial that an individual’s resume is clean, concise and representative of their goals and achievements. The SLCD also recommends googling oneself and making sure their online persona fits with professional standards; creating a LinkedIn account or developing an online portfolio is a good start. In addition, individuals can commit themselves to learning new marketable skills — like learning a new language or technology. Finally, reaching out to professionals in one’s desired career path for advice may open doorways and communicate commitment. 

Besides the information recognized in this email, the SLCD has also sent out various LinkedIn articles about applying for jobs during the pandemic. Most of these articles emphasize patience and resilience; having a picture-perfect application doesn’t guarantee an offer. Students interested in gaining career guidance from the SLCD can contact them via the route previously listed in this article, or email them at slcd-staff@mail.wou.edu.


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