Pursue one’s dreams and become a business owner

Perseguir los propios sueños y convertirse en empresario

Escrito por: Sierra Porter | Staff Writer Uno de los mayores atractivos que ofrece Oregón es su gran variedad de negocios únicos, creativos y de propiedad local. Entre ellos se incluyen negocios como camiones de comida, empresas de jabón, excursiones embrujadas, pastelerías, artículos hechos a mano como ropa, joyas y mucho más. Con un poco de incentivo y mucha determinación, uno puede convertir sus mayores pasiones en una carrera profesional. ¿Quién no querría ser su propio jefe? Una de las ventajas de montar un negocio propio es tener plena libertad creativa y conectar con la comunidad a través de esa creatividad. En los últimos años han aumentado las oportunidades para quienes sienten pasión por el arte y la artesanía hecha a mano. Aunque uno no tenga su propia tienda o un local permanente para vender sus productos, existen numerosas opciones para darse a conocer. Oregón cuenta con numerosos mercados de temporada o festivos, acontecimientos deportivos, eventos locales y festivales abiertos a los artistas locales que les permiten tener la oportunidad de vender sus productos. Poner en marcha un negocio puede ser una tarea desalentadora y alquilar un local en este tipo de eventos puede no estar al alcance de todos; no se preocupe, hay formas de dar a conocer el propio negocio sin preocuparse por los costes iniciales. Por ejemplo, la Feria Estatal de Oregón ofrece varios tipos de concursos que no requieren una cuota de inscripción y pueden brindar la oportunidad de darse a conocer. Este tipo de concursos ofrecen al público la oportunidad de conocer cómo se hacen y cómo funcionan las empresas...

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Life lesson from Libby and Lucie

Lección de vida de Libby y Lucie

Escrito por: Liberty Miller | Redactora de Estilo de Vida Mientras crecía, siempre prestaba a mi madre a mis amigos como si fuera una película de éxito. Recuerdo decir algo parecido a "Ella puede adoptarte, es la mejor. Te cocinará un montón de buena comida y te dirá lo que necesitas oír". A mis ojos, esa era la receta para un hogar lleno de amor. Hasta el día de hoy, creo que la cura para cualquier situación difícil es una comida casera y una charla severa de la propia leyenda. Aunque ponga los ojos en blanco y me queje de que es demasiado dura conmigo, sus consejos tienen una razón de ser. Hoy en día, mi madre está sometida a mi constante bombardeo de llamadas e informes sobre situaciones desastrosas, y ni una sola vez me ha defraudado. Así que, en honor de poner a mi madre en la edición impresa del Aullido, voy a compartir algunos de los mejores consejos que he recibido de ella y algunos de mis mejores consejos también. La premisa: cómo ser un joven adulto en un mundo que hace que ser joven adulto sea casi imposible. ¿Te cuesta adaptarte a las nuevas circunstancias, a un trabajo duro, a una carga de trabajo estresante o simplemente a la gente? Esto es lo que Lucie me dice: "Cuando uno se compromete con algo, lo mejor para esa persona es llevarlo a cabo y hacer su mejor trabajo. De ese modo, al salir de una situación difícil, puede confiar en que ha hecho lo mejor que ha podido, lo correcto y ha superado el reto. Así que muchas veces...

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Online dating safety tips

Consejos de seguridad para las citas en línea

Escrito por: Taylor Duff | Freelancer En el mundo moderno de hoy, encontrar el amor es más que difícil, ya que todo el mundo puede, en un milisegundo, rechazar un perfil que ve mientras se desplaza por las muchas aplicaciones de citas. Por casualidad, uno puede encontrar a alguien que le intrigue. Esa persona es perfecta. Es divertida y sus valores coinciden con los tuyos. El futuro parece prometedor. Llega un momento en que se consigue un pretendiente y ambos participantes sienten que las cosas van lo suficientemente bien como para quedar. Cuando se trata de citas en línea, hay que tener en cuenta algunas cosas cruciales. Crear un perfil - A la hora de crear un perfil de citas, lo mejor es evitar utilizar fotos o vídeos de uno mismo en lugares que puedan ser rastreados o que revelen información personal. Mostrar interés - A la hora de mostrar los intereses y datos personales, hay que ser claro y sutil. Sea claro sobre lo que uno espera de la aplicación; esto ayuda a los demás a determinar la diferencia entre una cuenta real y una falsa. Discreción - Sea discreto: utilice sólo un nombre o apodo en su perfil y absténgase de mostrar números de teléfono o cualquier otra identificación personal. Estafas - Tenga cuidado con los estafadores. Internet puede ser un lugar peligroso, incluidas las aplicaciones de citas. La gente puede pedir dinero, favores personales o más información personal de la que uno debería estar dispuesto a dar. Si esto ocurre, lo mejor es desvincularse y bloquear al usuario. Conocer a alguien - Si te emparejan con alguien que te gusta, habla con él todo lo que puedas y...

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Whole bean coffee makes you whole

El café en grano te hace completo

Written by: Liberty Miller | Lifestyle Editor Listen while you read: Tom’s Diner by AnnenMayKantereit, Giant Rooks Go sit in a coffee shop. Any college student — or college newspaper reader — with a busy schedule would ask what the value is in going to a coffee shop and sitting down without doing something productive. However, the plague in our society is our incessant need to be on the go — accomplishing herculean feats in every nanosecond of the day.  In reality, sometimes the more productive thing to do is to sit in silence. Our world is full of sensory information, such as smells, tastes and sights. The environment we place ourselves in dictates the contents of our informational input.  An employee can’t truly experience an island resort if they are simply drinking a margarita at nine in the morning from the confines of their office cubicle. They have to feel the ocean air, hear the birds and THEN drink a margarita. We must find places where we can feel at peace in the bustle and action of our everyday lives. Ergo, the coffee shop. What about cafes brings people so much joy? They were created for joy. Community, conversation, comfortability — cafes. Every local sit-in coffee shop has some sort of theme and most likely some sort of artwork lining the walls, plants in every corner as well as comfortable seating and lots of windows. They were designed for people to sit down and enjoy what suits their tastes.  Now, it may be in the innate marketing nature of these cafes that they would want to be the ideal...

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Cheap and easy food recipes

Cheap and easy food recipes

Written by: Sierra Porter | Staff Writer Living in a dorm room on campus has tremendous benefits like meeting new people, having access to resources for school and finding opportunities for new experiences. One thing that does not come easy is finding cheap and dorm-accessible foods that don’t require a kitchen.  Here are three delicious dorm room food recipes that are $15 or less and are sure to satisfy one’s hunger without leaving the comfort of one’s room: FINGER LICKER SANDWICH:  Start to finish: 15 minutes ½ cup banana, sliced 2 tablespoons of nutella  2 slices of cinnamon bread  2 tablespoons sugar 1 cup cream cheese, softened  Let the cream cheese sit in a small bowl for 8-10 minutes to allow it to soften then add sugar – and mix until smooth. Add nutella to one side of the cinnamon bread and the sweet cream cheese on the second slice. Cut the banana into smaller slices then lay them on top on the nutella side, close and enjoy.  Recipe from Socheesy.guru APPLE CINNAMON OVERNIGHT OATS: Start to finish: Overnight or 8-12 hours ½ chopped apple, or whatever fruit one prefers ½ cup old-fashioned oats 1 tablespoon raisins  ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon  1 cup 2% milk, or whatever milk one prefers  Chopped nuts — optional  Chop up an apple, or fruit of choice, into small pieces then combine all ingredients in a container or mason jar. Another option is to layer; put half of  the oats, fruit, ground cinnamon, raisins and then ½ cup of milk in one layer– repeat again for the last layer. Keep cold overnight and enjoy...

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Growing up is bad for you

Growing up is bad for you

Written by: Liberty Miller | Lifestyle Editor t seemed like only yesterday that my biggest concern was feeling nauseous on the 30 minute bus ride back home before getting picked up by my mom at the end of the lane; everything was taken care of, and I had little to no thoughts about the future… back in the day.  Nowadays, we are all in the unique position of having adult responsibilities like work, the dreaded annual taxes, homework and the understanding that if we sleep wrong, our necks will hurt for the next five days; and yet, we are not quite real adults. College is a buffer where one can undergo a trial phase instead of feeling the crushing reality of adulthood immediately following high school graduation.  There are a set amount of variables that we can count on to appear as we traverse into our early 20’s: jobs, financial responsibility, stress, challenges and independence. However, I think that there is one big fallacy — a lie that’s been incorporated into our minds by society for years now.  Childlike wonder, youthful optimism, utter refusal to abide by the stoic and unforgiving rules of society. These are the things we need to carry into the world and possess — in tandem with all of the givens that define adulthood.  The big lie of society is the predetermined expectation to let these things go. Don’t give up on the smallest of small things that make life joyful because of societal conditioning to be put together, ultra-productive, serious and “mature.”  If I think that the Wiggles are the greatest musical group to...

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October opportunities and activities

October opportunities and activities

Written by:  Sierra Porter | Staff Writer As students jump into the school year this fall, heads will be filled with priorities of homework, classes, jobs and of course, the pressures of everyday life. Oregon has a tremendous amount of October opportunities of all sorts stemming from screamingly scary to family friendly.  When it comes to the scariest Oregon has to offer, Fear PDX, Nightmare Factory and the Halloween Train are the best places to look.  Fear PDX Haunted House takes place every weekend from Sept. 29  until Nov. 1 and is the largest Halloween event in Portland. Fear PDX offers up to eight different terrifying attractions that include gore, chainsaws and escape games.  The Nightmare Factory is at the Oregon School for the Deaf and is held every weekend in Salem from now until the end of November. Deaf students, alongside volunteers, provide a heart-racing experience with interactive lights, displays and scary characters. Proceeds from the Nightmare Factory contribute to the yearly funds for the Oregon School for the Deaf and help support the longest-running haunted house in all of Oregon.  Mt. Hood offers the Phantom of the Rails Halloween Train — available to book online Oct. 20-21 and Oct. 27-28. Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe, the Halloween Train provides a two-and-a-half-hour ride filled with ghosts and spooks.  Oregon has more than just spooky attractions and has a variety of events perfect for people of all ages and scare levels. Bauman’s Farm puts on a harvest festival each year from Sept. 23 through Oct. 29 that includes hay rides, pumpkin picking, a dark maze, an animal petting zoo...

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How Washington and Oregon shape culture in the PNW

Cómo Washington y Oregón conforman la cultura del PNW

Written by: Liberty Miller | Lifestyle Editor The first things that come to mind when asked about the Pacific Northwest are somewhat stereotypical — trees, coffee, cult classics like Twilight and Grey’s Anatomy and the inevitable rainy sky.  Taken at face value, all of these subcomponents of Pacific Northwest society seem one-dimensional, however, our little corner of the world has a rich, encompassing culture, filled to the brim with small moments of joy. In a place where cloudy days consume 222 days of the year, we have managed to create a special space where art, caffeine and the environment coincide to procure the comfortable place we all call home. We are approaching those times now. The residents of the Northwest are prone to seasonal depression — most of the time shut in by circumstance. As a result, we create sanctuaries to nurture our minds and enjoy the creative and diverse individuals around us. Locals light up indoor spaces with their art. Social events, clubs, family and friends tuck us into close proximity, making our days just a little more bright. Our region’s rich and deeply enmeshed relationship with coffee brings many of us warmth and energy.  Many of us line our rooms with plants, real or fake, to bring the outdoors to our bedside. Many of us watch comfort shows, and to no surprise, a few of those hit close to home. Movies like Sleepless in Seattle, The Twilight Saga, Ten Things I Hate About You, Halloweentown and The Goonies show off our little corner of the world, and we find solace in our sparse representation.  Although the population...

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Watching anime can inspire, embolden and transform

Written by: Liberty Miller | Lifestyle Editor Anime. Such a peculiar hill to die on. I think so too. I also think we all have some innate urge to share what is close to us, especially if it has a great impact on who we are as a person or changes the way we think. Consumption of inspiring media, such as sports or shonen anime, can be of great benefit for personal growth. Many of my personal tales are centered around, and can partially be attributed to, beliefs and values I determined for myself while watching anime.  In my senior year of high school, I read Haikyuu — a manga about high school volleyball players. I decided I wanted to play professionally — like the main character. “He who climbs the ladder must begin at the bottom” — Ittetsu Takeda.  I played in community college for two years as the starting libero. I became an All-American. I was one of the top junior college liberos in the country — among other accolades. I flew to Nebraska to demonstrate in front of Division One coaches for a national conference. It was there that I met the Team USA Olympic Coach, Karch Kiraly. I walked up to him and told him, “I play at community college, I am going to transfer to university and then I am going pro.”  I didn’t have any commitments or any prospects at the time.  Regardless, he invited me to go to the national open program, so I flew to Colorado Springs to play with the top volleyball players in the nation. Then I flew to...

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A, B, Coffee: for your next coffee order

A, B, Café: para su próximo pedido de café

Curious about coffee? Wanting to spice up a routine caffeine run? Here are some options in a comprehensive, educational list to start the school year off right.  Americano — Espresso and hot water Affogato — Espresso over ice cream Cafe au lait — Espresso and warmed milk Cafe Misto — Half drip coffee, half steamed milk Cappuccino — Equal parts espresso and milk foam Cortado — Espresso shots marked with steamed milk Drip Coffee — Its coffee b—h Espresso — Simple espresso shots served hot or iced  Flat White — Ristretto shots with lightly foamed steamed milk Latte — Espresso with steamed milk Long Black — Ristretto with more espresso, less hot water Macchiato —  Steamed milk with espresso shots poured on top Mocha — Latte made with chocolate Red-eye/Shot in the Dark — Drip coffee with a shot of espresso Ristretto — Smaller, sweeter espresso shots Traditional Macchiato — Espresso shot ‘marked’ with milk Contact the author at...

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