IFC moving towards final fee decision for next term

IFC announces preliminary budgetary plans for spring 2021

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

The Incidental Fee Committee has announced preliminary decisions for spring 2021.

In an email announcement sent out on Jan. 21 by IFC Chair Makana Waikiki, the committee provided a spreadsheet of budgetary allocations and two variations of the IFC fee for next term.  During the Jan. 15 meeting, the IFC narrowed down the spring term fee to $115 or $125, to be voted on by students in a survey due Feb. 4. The budget sheet shows that the committee has opted to lower the $150 fee students saw on their bill this term due to lower budgetary requests, explained Waikiki in an open hearing on Jan. 27. 

Under the current proposed fee options, the IFC anticipates collecting either $462,500 or $502,750, depending on the fee option that is chosen. During fall term, the operating expenses from the 15 areas funded by the IFC totaled around $580,000 ⏤ about $400,000 less than last term’s operating budget. For the money allocation, the committee supplied two areas with additional funding: Student Media received $2,750; the Creative Arts department, $1,500.

At this time, the IFC is projected to finalize budgetary evaluations for spring term by Feb. 5. 

For students that are interested in the IFC’s process, the committee holds their meetings via Zoom every Friday starting at 9 a.m. All committee meetings are open to the public and the link to the meeting can be found at their website wou.edu/ifc/. For all other inquiries regarding the IFC, students can email the IFC Chair at ifcchair@mail.wou.edu.

Póngase en contacto con el autor en scarpenter18@mail.wou.edu


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