Fight off finals stress with yoga

Give yourself a fifteen minute yoga break to relax

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

Take some time away from the stress of life to relax with a simple yoga sequence. These gentle poses help relieve tension while allowing practitioners to take a break during any time of their day. 

Begin by sitting comfortably and focusing on breathing, letting worries float away and getting into the mindset to relax during the practice. Perform each pose in this set for two to five minutes based on comfort level, and remember to modify if necessary.

Cat-cow: Start on hands and knees. Breathe in, arch the back and look upwards to come to cow pose. Then, while exhaling, slowly look down to the mat and round the back into cat pose. Repeat.

Thread the needle: Still on hands and knees, raise the right arm towards the sky while breathing in; on the exhale, scoop the arm into the space between the left arm and left leg. Let the left arm extend and head relax to the side as the right shoulder touches the ground. Repeat on the other side.

Child’s pose: Sit back onto the heels and spread knees to the edges of the mat. Bring the forehead to touch the mat, and either stretch arms out in front or let them rest at the sides of the legs. 

Reclining pigeon: Lay face up with knees bent and feet flat on the mat. Cross the right ankle over the left knee. Grab behind the left knee with both hands, reaching the right arm through the triangle created by the right leg, and gently pull the legs towards the chest. Repeat on the other side. 

Supine twist: Lay flat on the back, and bring the right knee to the chest while keeping the left leg straight. Put the left hand on the outside of the right knee and begin to pull the knee across the body towards the left side. Stretch out the right arm perpendicular to the body and turn the head to face the right hand. Repeat on the other side. 

Legs up the wall: Lying face up, lift the feet straight up to create an L-shape with the body. Let the arms rest wherever comfortable. Use a wall for support if desired, or place a folded blanket under the hips for more comfort.

Savasana: End the practice by lying comfortably face up on the mat for several minutes. Focus on the breath and take in the positive feelings that the sequence brought to the mind and body. 

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