Big INK presenta:¿Qué alivio?

Escrito por: Gretchen Sims 

The most recent exhibit to grace the Cannon Art Gallery is a collaborative project showcasing artists who attended the Whiteaker Printmakers’ BIG INK workshop in Eugene, Oregon. This show will run from Jan. 11 through Feb. 10, 2023. 

BIG INK, founded by Lyell Castonguay and Carand Burnet, began as a small organization teaching the art of printmaking. However, as demand grew, BIG INK was able to fund a transportable press — a feat once deemed impossible and impractical — and now travels across the country creating an outlet for creativity. 

The artists who collabed with BIG INK for the Cannon Art showcase include Eric Fry, Bets Cole, Keith Van Norman, Richard Harrington, Priscilla Montoya, Stephanie Juanillo, Jenna Phillpot, Robert Sumner, Sandi Bonn, Gale Everett, Cory Olsen, Jessica Billey, Erik Sandgren, Tedd Anderson, Joy Kloman and Beth Howe.

There are so many pieces for the show that they are split between the second floor of the Hamersly Library and the Cannon Art Gallery. The pieces in the Cannon Art Gallery can only be viewed from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., but the pieces in the Hamersly Library can be viewed during regular operating hours. 

The prints in the Cannon Art Gallery are the main event. Pieces by Keith Van Norman and Jessica Billey lie against the right wall of the gallery. The prints “What’s so amazing that keeps us stargazing” and “The Tree” are a true inspiration to the viewer.

Directly across from the main entrance, pieces by Erik Sandgren perfectly sweep the viewers’ eyes around the room with their intricate yet freeform designs. 

Finally, on the wall directly to the viewers’ lefts, are prints titled “Zona Rossa,” “Zebra with Oxpeckers (Maasai Mara, Kenya),” “Where the Crawdads Sing,” “A Fish Out of Water,” “Loon,” “The Bicycle” and “Solidarity.” 

Some of the prints are available for purchase, so if interested, be sure to check them out. Supporting local artists is more important now than ever. 

Of course one does not have to be interested in purchasing the art pieces in order to view them, so be sure to pay a visit and check out these talented artists before they are gone.

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