Emergency ASWOU election comes to a close

By: Jade Rayner
News Editor

Last week brought with it the result of the Associated Students of Western Oregon University’s emergency election. Due to the death of Alma Pacheco, president of ASWOU, the role of vice president needed to be filled.

ASWOU is the student government at Western; their role is to advocate for student’s rights on campus, as well as in the state of Oregon.

Samantha Dunaway, a junior majoring in biology with an emphasis in zoology will be taking on the role of vice president; her new responsibilities will include organizing meetings, and completing tasks assigned by the new president of ASWOU, Cynthia Olivares.

Samantha Dunaway is already very familiar with Western’s student government. Before being elected as vice president, she was working as the ASWOU director of student organizations, overseeing all of the student clubs on campus. Her work with the organization has included training student clubs to use OrgSync and financial policies, and giving them the tools to be successful.

When asked what plans she had for improving student life at Western, Dunaway replied that, “My main goal is to support all students on campus. My door is always open for students to voice their concerns about our university, and I will always be open to addressing those concerns. I know how many students struggle with paying for college, pay tuition out of pocket and work multiple jobs to make it through college. I will do everything in my power to support these students and work to decrease tuition rates. My other goals include making Western more environmentally sustainable, increasing involvement in clubs and organizations on campus and helping to create a strong team environment within the ASWOU cabinet so that we can better serve the student body.”

As a final note, ASWOU Vice President Samantha Dunaway added, “I want students to know that my door is always open. I love Western Oregon University, and the best part of this school is the students. I want them to know that I am always available to address questions, concerns, and ideas on how to improve our school. Also, everyone in ASWOU is here to serve the students. Come by our office and say ‘hi!’”

Students with concerns regarding Western can contact the Associated Students of Western Oregon University at aswou.@wou.edu, or they can stop by their office in Werner University Center room 122.

Contact the author at journalnews@wou.edu