Editor’s Picks

By: Ashton Newton
Entertainment Editor

Post-rock is a subgenre of rock characterized by it experimentation with standard rock instruments. Post-rock songs are often long and usually instrumental. I’ve found that listening to post-rock is incredible for almost any occasion. For studying or sleeping, it’s relaxing and peaceful. Some of the most notable post-rock artists are Explosions in the Sky, God is an Astronaut, This Will Destroy You and Mogwai. Many post-rock artists also score films. Whether it’s studying, driving, sleeping or hanging out with friends, post-rock is always a great genre to listen to.

“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” released in December. I enjoyed the movie a lot. The film itself has some negatives, especially in the first hour but, overall, “Rogue One” proves to be a worthy addition to the franchise. The third act of the film is one of the most tense and action packed in all of “Star Wars.” “Rogue One” has characters from both the original trilogy and the prequels and serves as an good precursor to “A New Hope.” While nowhere near perfect, “Rogue One” is a must see for anyone remotely interested in “Star Wars.”

Contact the author at anewton15@mail.wou.edu