Editor’s picks

By: Ashton Newton
Entertainment Editor

Editor’s Recommendation:
“Norwegian by Night” by Derek B. Miller is a novel about an elderly American man who moves to Norway with his granddaughter and her husband. In Norway he saves a little boy from death and begins a journey running from a killer, the law and his family.library-2-color
The book is a thriller but doesn’t feel that way because of how rich the characters are. I was instantly drawn into the lives the characters were living and every problem they had.
Also great is the “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” novelization written by Alan Dean Foster. The book adds details that are left out of the movie. Some deleted scenes from the movie are included, as well as more dialogue between characters that were cut from the film.

Editor’s Disparagement:
It’s becoming more and more practical to shop for books on Amazon. You don’t have to leave your house and prices are generally really cheap. But there’s something about going to a bookstore that will always be better. While Amazon is great for buying books, buying books from bookstores helps small businesses and is great for finding books you would’ve never read if you were only shopping on Amazon. Blindly buying a book to read is difficult on Amazon since ratings are right in front of you at all times.