Easy workouts for the gym or at home

Written by: Jaylin Hardin | Sports Editor

Unsure of where to start at the gym? Looking for a new workout routine? Then look no further. The exercises below can be done by anyone of any fitness level at home or the gym. Organized by which part of the body it works, one is sure to find a new exercise to include in a gym routine.

Legs: exercises that isolate quads, glutes and hamstrings

Bulgarian Split Squats — This isolates the quadricep muscle group. Begin by standing a few feet in front of a bench or raised platform, or if one is at home consider using a couch or chair. Rest one foot behind on the raised surface, with the top of the foot facing down. Lower the body into a lunge, keeping the torso upright, until the front thigh is almost parallel to the ground, ensuring the knee doesn’t go past the toes. Push through the front heel to return to the starting position, and repeat for the desired number of repetitions, then switch legs. If at the gym, try holding dumbbells in both hands.

Hamstring Hip Bridges — Lie on the back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift hips off the ground until the body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees. Hold this position briefly, then lower the hips back to the ground. Continue for the desired number of repetitions. At the gym, try doing this exercise with a medicine ball or weight plate resting on the lower abdomen. For added resistance at home, try adding a band just above the knees to provide tension. 

Pistol Squat — This works the glutes and quadriceps. Stand on one leg with the other leg extended in front. Lower the body down by bending the standing leg, keeping the extended leg straight in front as you lower. Lower until the thigh is parallel to the ground and push back up to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, then switch legs. If at the gym, hold a dumbbell in the hand opposite from the extended leg. 

Arms: exercises that isolate triceps, biceps and shoulders

Bicep Curls — This exercise requires equipment. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand or an EZ curl — wavy — barbell, arms straight down by the sides of the body. Keeping upper arms still, bend the elbows to lift the dumbbells or barbell towards the shoulders. Squeeze the biceps at the top of the movement, and slowly lower the dumbbells or bar back to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. If one doesn’t have equipment, try using soup cans or milk cartons. 

Pike Push-Ups — Start in a push-up position with hips raised high, this position is the same as the downward dog yoga pose. Lower the body towards the ground by bending the arms at the elbows. Push back up to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. This exercise targets the shoulders, chest and triceps.

Tricep Dips — Sit on the edge of a bench or chair with hands gripping the edge, before sliding off the bench, supporting the weight with arms. Lower the body by bending the elbows until the upper arms are parallel to the ground. Push back up to the starting position, straightening the arms. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Core: exercises that isolate the abdominal muscles

Flare-ups — Lie on the back with legs straight and arms extended overhead. Lift legs and upper body off the ground simultaneously, forming a “V” shape with the body, reaching hands towards the toes. Lower legs and upper body back to the starting position, repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Crunchy Frogs — Sit on the floor with legs bent and feet off the ground, arms extended straight in front. At the same time, extend the legs out wide and bring arms back.

Bring legs and arms back to the starting position, hugging knees to chest.

Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Russian Twists — Sit on the floor with knees bent, heels touching the ground and torso leaning back slightly. Lift feet off the ground, balancing on the tailbone, and hold hands together in front of the chest. Twist the torso to one side, bringing hands towards the floor beside the hip before returning to the center and twisting to the other side. Continue alternating sides for the desired number of repetitions. When performing this exercise at the gym, hold a medicine ball or dumbbell when twisting.

These exercises can be performed by anyone of any level of physical fitness and modified if they are too simple or too difficult. Whether one is a beginner or well-versed in the gym world, these exercises are sure to be a hit when it comes to building muscle strength. 

Contact the author at howlsports@wou.edu