Documenting the Duration

Written by: Jude Bokovoy

It can be easy to get sidetracked balancing college and documenting one’s life. Whatever one finds important, don’t lose track of it. It is nice to have things to look back on to reminisce in nostalgia and keep close. 

Photography — It may seem awkward for some, but try to take a picture with or of one’s friends from time to time. Through documenting one’s friendships as they grow and strengthen, one will be able to reminisce and have a reminder of how far that relationship has come. 

Videography — If one isn’t too familiar with the art of videography, it may take some time for it to feel natural. One way to do this is to create mini vlogs. This could be little snippets from a day with friends or a whole ordeal with a voice over. These could be kept to oneself or uploaded on a platform such as Tik Tok, giving the ability to store them and share with the people in them.

Journaling — If one  doesn’t want to forget what is currently happening in their life or what  one prioritizes at the current moment, jot them down. Soon enough one will find themselves with a notebook or Google Doc full of memories. If one needs a nudge, look up some journal prompts to start. 

Scrapbooking — Wanting a tangible place to keep all of those photos that have been taken? Creating a scrapbook is an ongoing, relaxing and artistic process. Whether one creates a book for each year, season, or the entirety of college — try to make it an enjoyable experience. There are plenty of stickers, mini frames and accessories available at craft stores and online shops. If digital creation is more up one’s alley, there are plenty of options to do so. Pro tip, if creating a digital scrapbook through Shutterfly, wait for a coupon to appear before purchasing; it happens more often than one would expect. 

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