DIY nail art made simple

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

Getting your nails done professionally is not a cheap thing to do. Getting a set of acrylics can be in the upwards of $40, and a simple manicure can be around $20. While neither are outrageously expensive, it’s more than I’d like to spend on something I don’t necessarily need. That being said, I do enjoy having a fun look painted on my nails, as it gives me a sense of confidence I don’t always have.

Unfortunately, I am the absolute worst at doing my nails. Most of the time, the majority of the paint ends up on my skin rather than my nail. For that reason, I have found some simple nail art that can be done at home by even the least coordinated, such as myself. So pull out some polish, and inevitably some polish remover, and get started.


Matte Polish

Get a clean dish, and mix a few drops of your nail polish with small amounts of eye shadow or some other powder with a toothpick. Mix small amounts of powder at a time. Note that it will not look matte when wet, but as it dries, it will be more obvious.

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Polka-Dot Design

Use the round end of a bobby pin to add a polka-dot look to your nails. Feel free to use this design however you’d like. The dots can be all over the nail-bed, follow a straight line, or whatever you decide you want to do.

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Utilize Sharpies

Thin sharpies make for some really fun designs. Especially if you opt for a gold or silver sharpie, you can easily add designs to your nails that look professional. These can quickly come off with rubbing alcohol if you decide you don’t like the look.


Tape Designs

Cut tape into the shape you want on your nails, and paint right over it. You don’t even have to cut it. Strategically placed tape can give you fun, diagonal nails that are incredibly easy to do.

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Photo by: Caity Healy