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Complete cultural immersion: how study abroad can change a student’s perspective

By: TK Layman

Staff Writer

Studying in another country can sound like an exciting yet daunting event that many students dream of doing one day. Western Oregon University offers many study abroad programs, and informational meetings to help students achieve their goals of experiencing another country, culture and possibly language for a full term.

Students have a variety of programs that can fit their individual interests. From a diverse list of countries like Argentina, China, Germany, South Africa and several more, students can immerse themselves in a new country and way of life.

Exchange Student Beatrice Andersson came from her hometown of Karlskoga, Sweden to study at Western Oregon University. When asked why she chose Western Oregon, and her favorite parts of studying here she stated, “It was that the school was more involved with the students. The people here are very friendly and very helpful. The teachers here are really involved with their students and engage them.”

The experiences gained can impact a student for a lifetime. A person who studies abroad will be learning a new way of life in another part of the world, have the possibility of learning a new language and immersing themselves in an unfamiliar environment.

“Just do it … there will be a time where you will feel uncomfortable with the whole experience, and you just want to go home, but those times are nothing compared to the amazing experiences you will get as a whole,” Andersson expressed.

If you are interested in studying abroad there are few ways to learn more. On the WOU Study Abroad page you can search which program they feel will fit you best, followed by a group advising session offered Wednesday’s at noon in Maaske 114. For anyone wanting to learn more you can call 503-838-8905, email or stop by Maaske 112 for more information.

WOU Study Abroad home page

WOU Study Abroad location and Information