Cocktail corner with Mikaela: AMF

Mikaela Wong | Staff Writer

Have you ever wondered what actually goes into your favorite cocktail, or how it’s made? While it may seem like you’re watching a magic trick when the bartender prepares your drink right before your eyes — or maybe it just feels that way once you’re a couple cocktails in — most drinks are actually pretty straightforward and require minimal effort. This segment will uncover the secrets of classic cocktails, and as a bartender, I’ll let you know what’s actually in those popular drinks.

One of the most common cocktails ordered, especially by college students, is called an AMF. It stands for Adios, Motherf—–, and it is regarded as one of the strongest drinks one can order. Many people consider this to be a staple drink for 21st birthdays and it has even been deemed from some as a “rite of passage”. 

The AMF is served in a pint glass (16 ounces) full of ice and is made of four different types of liquor, blue curacao, sweet & sour and Sprite or 7UP. Not only is this drink strong in alcohol content, but it also mixes different types of liquor together, which is discouraged as a general drinking rule. The drink is then topped off with a maraschino cherry, a lemon wedge and an orange wedge. There are also different flavors of AMF’s so make sure to ask your bartender for a different flavor if you would like something else.

Please drink responsibly, and only drink if you are 21+.



Servings: 1


3⁄4 ounce vodka

3⁄4 ounce gin

3⁄4 ounce light rum

3⁄4 ounce tequila

3⁄4 ounce Blue Curacao

2 ounces sweet & sour mix

1⁄2 ounce Sprite/7UP

1 lemon wedge

1 orange wedge

1 maraschino cherry


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Courtesy of Caity Healy (Videographer), Kyle Morden (Video editor), Paul F. Davis (Photo)