Club spotlight: Rock climbing club

Paul F. Davis | Managing Editor

So often, sports involve the mastery of ball use or implement to be truly great in competition. However, climbing is different; it requires a mastery of one’s body instead. Dyno’s, side pulls and gastones could potentially be in the near future of those wanting to participate in a challenging, yet exhilarating, sport that always allows its competitors to improve. If this peaks your interest, then luckily, there’s a resource ready at Western for you: Rock Climbing Club could be your perfect fit.

Western Oregon University Rock Climbing Club started in 2015 and has been growing ever since.

Senior Kayla Baker, club captain, loves climbing because, “there’s a lot of problem-solving involved so it’s a really satisfying way to stay active … and there is always room to grow as a climber.”

Rock Climbing Club meets at Salem’s climbing gym Rock Boxx Thursdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.; Rock Boxx is located at 3895 Cascadia Canyon Ave SE, Salem, OR 97302.

For anyone who may feel nervous about joining, Baker noted that, “I don’t think there’s any group more welcoming than the climbing community.” Not only is the community extremely inviting, but the best time to join is right now. This is especially true for those interested in competing against other collegiate climbers in the Northwest Collegiate Climbing Circuit. This is because the last three competitions of the year are occuring in the next three weeks: April 13 at Portland State University;  April 20 at Whitman College; and April 27 at the University of Washington.

For those that have just started climbing, or for those that have climbed a majority of their life, feel free to email Baker at, so you, too, can start solving new problems and finding solutions to them as a part Western’s Rock Climbing Club.


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Photo courtesy of Paul F. Davis