Club Sport highlight: Get to know Western’s Dance Team

Caity Healy | Editor-in-Chief

How long has Western’s dance team been around?

WOU Dance Team has been a part of the WOU Club Sports for about 4 years.

What does an average day look like for someone who is on dance team?

The great thing about the dance team, (it) does not typically interfere with a student’s school schedule or ability to participate in other extra curricular activities at school. We practice three times a week in the evening Tuesday through Thursday.

How many people are involved with it?

For this academic year, we had 21 girls involved with the team by the end of basketball season. That has been the largest amount of participation and positive growth I have seen since I have been involved with the team in the past four years.

Is dance team currently doing anything on campus?

Spring Term is usually considered our “off season”- it is much more relaxed regarding our practice and performance schedule, but right now we are prepping for our upcoming kid’s clinic on May 25.

If someone is considering joining or trying out for the team, what is your advice?

Something that is really cool about our try-out process, is that we have two per year. One during Spring Term for the following fall and one at the end of Fall Term in the current academic year for basketball season in the winter. For somebody considering joining … my best advice is to have a positive attitude and have fun. Of course the dance team values somebody who is committed and a harder worker, but all we can ask is for  an individual who is willing to learn and have fun. We are not a competition team, so our schedule is not as rigorous as some people may think. We encourage people who have a background in dance such as other previous dance team experience, hip-hop, jazz, or pom to try out, but it is not required.

Where can students go if they are wanting to join, or wanting more information?

If you want to stay updated on current events, you can like our Facebook page “Western Oregon University Dance Team” or follow us at “WOU_danceteam” on Instagram. We have tryouts coming up at the end of May for football season of 2019. Follow our social media for updates if interested.


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Photo by Paul F. Davis