Mount Hood

Oregon’s Governor Replacement Race

By: Alvin Wilson 
Staff Writer

The presidential election isn’t the only election that will take place in 2016.

Next year, Oregon’s incumbent governor, Kate Brown, will run against some tough opposition to see who will fill ex-governor Kitzhaber’s place until 2018.

Elections will take place on Nov. 8, 2016. There are few who have declared their intention to run thus far, but much in Oregon’s political world can change in one year.

Among those who have declared their intention to run are: current governor Kate Brown (D), critical care specialist Julian Bell (D), business owner Bob Niemeyer (R), and experimental pathologist Bud Pierce (R).

Some background information about our candidates:

Kate Brown:

Katherine “Kate” Brown was born in Madrid, Spain in 1960 and raised in Minnesota. She graduated from the University of Colorado in 1981 with a degree in Environmental Conservation, and from the Northwestern School of Law at Lewis and Clark College in 1985 with a degree in Environmental Law.

Previously, Brown served as Oregon Secretary of State and majority leader of the Oregon State Senate. She became Oregon’s governor in February of 2015 in the wake of Kitzhaber’s resignation. For more information about Kate Brown, visit her website at:

Julian Bell:

44-year-old Julian Bell is a medical doctor for an intensive care unit in Medford, Oregon. He received his medical degree from New York Medical College.

According to his campaign website, Bell’s priorities are promoting clean energy and combating climate change. He has volunteered for environmental organizations such as Southern Oregon Climate Action Now and Rogue Climate, and helped found a group called Hair On Fire Oregon, which helps advertise possible solutions for climate change. This is Bell’s first time running for public office. For more information about Julian Bell, visit his website at

Bob Niemeyer:

Bob Niemeyer is the owner of an engineering company. Niemeyer graduated from the University of Oregon in 1978 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. In 1987, Niemeyer received his Professional Engineering License in Mechanical Engineering.

According to his campaign website, Niemeyer is running on the ideas of rebuilding Oregon’s independence, not living in fear, and new ways of looking at government action. Niemeyer is described as being fiscally and socially conservative. Some of Niemeyer’s campaign promises include: not being a politician, but a representative; issuing a pardon to the Oregon couple who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding; and rewriting the state constitution within two years of taking office. This is not Niemeyer’s first attempt at running for public office. In 2014, he ran for Representative of Oregon’s first congressional district. For more information about Bob Niemeyer, visit his website at

Bud Pierce:

William “Bud” Pierce is an experimental pathologist who was raised in Southern California. Pierce graduated with a Ph.D. in Experimental Pathology from UCLA in 1985, where he later returned to receive his M.D. in 1987.

Pierce spent six years of his life as a U.S. Marine. After leaving the Marines, he served as a doctor for the United States Naval Reserve. This is Pierce’s first time running for public office. According to the Statesman Journal, Pierce’s main focus is economic prosperity. Pierce’s positions are generally fiscally conservative and socially liberal. For more information about Bud Pierce, visit his website at

There are more potential candidates who have yet to declare their intentions to run, but it is unclear how drastically the campaign field will change in the next year.

2016 is a very busy year for Oregon voters. Not only are we voting for a new president and governor, but seats in Oregon’s House of Representatives, Oregon’s State Senate and Oregon’s state-level-courts are up for election as well.

The Journal will have continued coverage of Oregon’s 2016 elections.

Speaker on campus: Tim Wise

By: Emily Pate 
Staff Writer 

Anti-racism activist Tim Wise came to Western Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2015 to speak to students in the WUC Pacific Room about racism and inequality in modern day America.

His website,, describes Wise as “among the nation’s most prominent antiracist essayists and educators.” Wise has written six books, covering topics including poverty and racism.

Wise’s website states that he has spoken at over 1,000 high school and college campuses. This week, it was Western’s turn.

As Wise explained during his talk, this was his second visit to Western.

The first visit, where he spoke before a small class of only eleven students, took place in Oct. 1995, almost twenty years to the day before his 2015 return.

In the two decades since his last trip to campus, much has changed with regards to racism, but much has also stayed the same.

Wise brought to attention the fact that, though the United States now has an African American as president, we are not living in a “post-racial America.”

Barack Obama’s presidency and the current debate over immigration have only intensified the nation’s attention towards issues of race.

Melissa Evangelista Vargas, a first year student studying pre-nursing, though attending the event primarily because her diversity class required it, said, “I also wanted just to hear the speaker and his opinion on racism.” She also stated that racism is “still a huge problem today.”

While Wise focused his talk on racism, he also discussed its intersectionality with poverty, sexism, ableism, and the struggles of the LGBTQ+ community.

When asked if the issues Wise discussed are important today, Shelby Brooks, a first year majoring in elementary education, said, “Yes, extremely. Growing up low-income as a child … a lot of issues he talked about hit home. I’m also a feminist so a lot of things he talked about apply to my life.”

Truth was also one of the overarching themes in Wise’s talk.

He stated that one of the ways to begin fighting racism is to interrogate our position in the world and share stories with honesty and belief in the experiences of others.

After his talk, Wise accepted questions from the audience.

The final question Wise asked was, “What information do you trust? How do you find the truth?” He answered that the key is to be critical of all information, even his, and especially the information that you are inclined to believe.

The fight against inequality, Wise said, needs people who are willing to seek out the truth for themselves, and then have the courage to speak up.

Campus Blotter

The following information is from the public records of Campus Public Safety.


At 1:51 a.m. Oct. 10, in the Sequoia Commons, Public Safety was contacted about an intoxicated individual. Officers were clear at 2:28 p.m.

At 2:29 a.m. Oct. 11, in Ackerman Hall, Public Safety was contacted about an alcohol violation. Officers were clear at 2:57 a.m.


At 11:52 p.m. Oct. 10, in Heritage Hall, Public Safety was contacted by Salem PD in reference to an individual’s welfare.

At 9:04 p.m. Oct. 11, in Landers Hall, Public Safety was contacted by a concerned roommate.

At 12:35 a.m. Oct. 12, in Ackerman Hall, Public Safety responded to a suicidal individual.

At 11:28 p.m. Oct. 13, in Ackerman Hall, Public Safety was contacted regarding a mental health concern.

At 10:22 a.m. Oct. 14, in the Sequoia Commons, Public Safety responded to a mental health issue.


At 12:05 p.m. Oct. 11, in Ackerman Hall, Public Safety was contacted about a possible weapons violation.

President visits Roseburg

By: Katrina Penaflor 
Managing Editor

President Barack Obama travelled to Roseburg Ore., Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 to visit Roseburg High School and met with families of victims from the recent shooting at Umpqua Community College (UCC).

Obama arrived along with U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley (OR-D) and Ron Wyden (OR-D) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (OR-D).

There was no planned public meeting; the exchanges took place in private and lasted approximately one hour total.

The president’s visit resulted in conflicting opinions among residences – some were in favor of the arrival, while others heavily protested.

A banner was hung at the airport where President Obama arrived, reading “Obama Go Home,” according to

The protestors were angered by the White House’s stance on stronger gun control, which was addressed during the statement made the day of the shooting.

“I think he should stay away,” said protester Gary Shamblin. “He made it very plain, 15 minutes after the shooting happened. I think he politicized it. The bodies weren’t even cold.”

Among the demonstrators there were also many in favor of the President’s arrival. They saw it as support for the victims and not as a stance on gun control.

“I want to support our president,” said Phil Benedetti, a Roseburg physician.

“This isn’t about gun control, it’s about caring about the welfare of the small town and every small town when tragedy happens,” said Benedetti in conversation with the Seattle Times.

One of the select residents who joined the meeting with the president was Roseburg High School Principal Jill Webber, who The Oregonian reported as saying, “It was about the families,” adding “That was what it was about.”

While leaving, President Obama told reporters “We’re going to have to come together as a country, but today is about the families.”

Classes resumed at UCC Monday, Oct. 12, 2015. There were counselors and volunteers available for students’ during their return.

Big Spender

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By: Alvin Wilson 

There’s no question that college is expensive.

With course fees, building fees, tuition and the cost of living while attending college all quickly rising, any additional expenses can be too much for some students.

Textbooks play an essential role in almost every class, and every student knows how expensive they can be.

“In my second year I bought an Anatomy and Physiology textbook that was $300,” Jessica Arreola, a junior education major, said. “It makes me angry because some books are almost as expensive as tuition for a class.”

On the shelves of Western’s bookstore sit at least three books that cost more than $300, and many more in the $200 range. But textbooks haven’t always been so expensive.

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, textbook prices have increased by 1,041 percent since 1977.

How can publishers justify charging students so much for one book?

Western professor of economics Dr. John Leadley tried to explain our current situation.

“If there’s lots of choices out there for the professors, it would be hard to raise your prices significantly,” Leadley said. “I would just say, ‘that book is too expensive for my students, I will pick this one instead.’”

“The problem is that there was a lot of consolidation, or mergers, in the textbook publishing industry — in fact, the publishing industry in general.”

These mergers reduced competition in the textbook industry and allowed publishers to raise their prices without fear.

Some colleges around the country have started introducing money-saving options for students, recognizing how difficult it is for students to afford some textbooks.

By allowing its instructors to write and produce their own textbooks, Chemeketa Community College in Salem is saving its students an average of $97 per year.

But if textbooks don’t become more affordable, Leadley said it will discourage students from buying their books. And he’s right.

According to a study performed in 2013 by the Student Public Interest Research Groups (SPIRG), 65 percent of students from 150 campuses across the U.S. had decided against buying a textbook because of high costs.

Arreola admitted that she was among the 65 percent of students who decided to skip buying a book.
“Actually, for this term I had to put off buying one of my textbooks because it was out of my price range. My financial aid didn’t help very much this term,” she said.

Leadley believes professors should be as concerned by this as students are.

“Why should anybody care? Because my students stop buying the book,” he said. “Faculty really should care, because if students aren’t buying the book then what’s the point in having a book?”

However, rising prices and an increase in secondhand textbook use is beginning to have an effect on big publishers.

Western’s bookstore claims that their book rental program has saved students over one million dollars since 2010, and more students are turning to third-party sellers.

Because of book rentals and third-party sellers, students are paying less for textbooks now than they were in 2007, according to the National Association of College Stores.

While this is good for students, it’s not so great for big publishers.

McGraw-Hill, major American book publisher, reported that 71 percent of their higher-ed revenue came from new printed textbooks in 2010. In 2013, just three years later, that number dropped to 38 percent.
Will this decrease in revenue persuade publishers to decrease their prices?

“You raise the price, you lose some customers,” Leadley said. “The question is: did you raise the price enough to offset the loss in the number of customers?”

Leadley believes publishers won’t be affected enough to significantly lower their prices.

“They wouldn’t be doing it if their marketing people weren’t telling them, ‘yeah, we’re going to lose some, but we’re still going to get more revenue.”

Arreola hopes publishers will be prompted to lower their prices. If she didn’t have to pay so much for books, she said she would spend more money on food and other essential things.

“I also spend a lot of money on gas because I commute from Salem,” she said, “so that money would probably go toward getting to campus or surviving.”

Aftermath of UCC shooting sheds light on campus security

By: Brianna Bonham 

The total number of individuals harmed during the UCC shooting has officially been listed as 10 dead with seven others injured. The shooting occurred on Oct. 1, 2015 at 10:38 a.m.
The ages of civilians killed ranged from 18 to 67.

The 26 year-old gunman reportedly shot himself after exchanging gunfire with officers, according to Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin.

President Obama will be traveling to Roseburg on Friday, Oct. 9 for closed-door visits with the families of the victims.

In his last Thursday, Oct. 1, Obama took to addressing the fact that there have been 45 school shooting thus far in 2015.

“But as I said just a few months ago, and I said a few months before that, and I said each time we see one of these mass shootings, our thoughts and prayers are not enough,” said President Obama during his post-incident press conference.
“We are the only advanced country on Earth that sees these kinds of mass shootings every few months,” the President said.

After a mass shooting, there is a two week period where there is higher risk of another shooting, according to Hanlin.

Schools across the country are on high alert to watch for warning signs, and to be proactive about another violent situation occurring.

Hoping to improve campus safety, WOUAlert programs have undergone additional testing since the UCC incident.

WOUAlert is a program that takes a few short minutes to sign up for, and was been created to help make Western a safer place. Students and staff can sign up through WOUAlert and choose to receive alerts multiple ways, such as emails, calls, or text notifications.
“It’s a great tool, it helps get a message through in a timely manner,” said Mike Hanson, a Public Safety Officer at Western. He believes WOUAlert is an important tool for students to utilize because it alerts the community as to what is happening around campus.

“It will let students know when there is an emergency on campus, so those students who are off campus can remain off campus, and students who are on campus will know where to be to stay safe,” says Hanson.

“This has really opened my eyes as to how important safety can be with students and campus areas,” says Auston Ricks, a freshman criminal justice major. Campus safety is a top priority in student’s minds.

If there is any concern about campus safety, please contact Campus Public Safety at 503-838-8481 or call the local police.

Addressing statewide earthquake safety

By: Jenna Beresheim 
News Editor

On Oct. 15, 2015, Western will be participating in a statewide earthquake emergency preparedness initiative known as The Great Oregon ShakeOut.

The drill will take place at 10:15 a.m. with over 500,000 participants registered in the activity, from schools and universities, to workplaces. Nationwide, over 25.7 million people will be participating.

Western Oregon University participants will receive a WOUAlert at 10:15 a.m. to remind them to “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” for a few moments. This is intended to have participants practice proper earthquake responses.

“We’ve been made aware of the danger, and this will be Western’s first year participating in this drill. It’s going to lay the groundwork for safety in the future,” said Nancy Ganson, the Assistant to the Director and Building Manager for Todd Hall. “It’s all about the baby steps.”

Classes that find this too disruptive are encouraged to at least spend that time having a discussion on earthquake preparedness and how to react in the case that one does happen.

Those on campus who are working at the time are also urged to have this conversation with coworkers and staff to ensure everyone is safe.

“Do things like go over and practice a plan with your loved ones,” said Rebecca Chiles, Director of Campus Safety, Emergency Preparedness and Risk Management.

“Put an emergency supply kit together,” said Chiles, “The better prepared people are, the better their ability to respond and recover during an emergency.”

Oregon recently discovered that hundreds of schools are underprepared when it comes to a bad quake. The Oregon legislature recently committed $175 million for schools to use rehabilitating their structures to modern earthquake safety standards.

“There [are] variables that cannot be predicted fully right now, but we can be prepared,” Ganson said.

Knowing what to do in case of an emergency is only half the battle. Preparing kits, planning with family and friends, and educating yourself further are strongly recommended.

“Don’t forget to plan for pets, and don’t forget your medication,” Chiles said, “also, think about taking a CERT class, or CPR/First Aid if you want to be able to help others.”

Chiles referred interested students to Kimber Townsend as a teacher for CERT classes, while CPR/First Aid classes are taught by Campus Public Safety.

“The more aware you are, the better it’s going to be for everyone,” reminded Ganson, who also brought up a question that is often forgotten in emergency preparedness: “What’s in your trunk?”

The idea focuses on emergency kits within your vehicle in the case your house becomes inaccessible, or if you are not near home when an earthquake happens. This way, even an individual who is at work can be prepared for themselves and others around them. Especially for those who may not be able to return home any time soon.

Ganson asked important questions for students and staff to think about: “Are the bridges going to be down? What is your house going to be like? Will we be able to access other towns such as Salem, or will we be settled in Monmouth for a while?”

Basic starter emergency kits include water, food, hand crank radios, flashlights and batteries, first aid supplies, and so forth.

For a complete breakdown of what an emergency kit should look like, please visit