Mount Hood

Searching for self-confidence

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

I can remember the day when I first realized that my self-confidence was next to nonexistent. I was in seventh grade; I saw my school picture and immediately felt a wave of discouragement wash over me. I was suddenly uncomfortable with myself and my appearance. My confidence plummeted and continued to worsen with time.

In the grand scheme of things, this may seem to be a miniscule problem. However, people don’t realize just how detrimental it can be. My lack of confidence would keep me from doing anything slightly past my comfort zone; it would negatively affect my relationships, as not believing in myself led me to distrust anyone who said they did. It forced me to be extremely cautious about what I chose to wear.

The plague of self-doubt seeped into the foundation of my life, and I felt like at any moment I would crack.

It wasn’t until my first year at Western that things began to turn around. I was thrown into this new environment surrounded by a sea of unfamiliar faces, not knowing a single person. I knew then that I had to find a way to build my confidence.

I began developing new habits; I set aside time in my days to pick outfits that I love, do my makeup in ways that I prefer wearing it and I created a daily workout schedule that I knew I could stick to. I did things that I knew would help me feel confident. Slowly, but surely, it started working.

Today I wouldn’t say that my confidence is impeccable. I have days where it’s an intense struggle, other days, I walk with my head high and bear a proud smile on my face that I truly mean. I can’t deny that it still finds ways to have negative effects on aspects of my life, but thankfully I have an incredibly supportive group of people surrounding me who are patient, kind and understanding.

My advice to anyone struggling with the same thing is to find things that you love doing, and do them unapologetically. Find people who will support you through it all. And remind yourself everyday about how amazing you are, and why you deserve to be confident.

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Monmouth offers small town fun

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

Between the hustle and bustle of a new school year, preparing for and beginning the fall term and attempting to adjust to an entirely new schedule, it can be a daunting task for students to find time for themselves. However, in order to let your brain reboot and therefore increase productivity, it’s incredibly important. While attending school in the small town of Monmouth may seem like it limits your options for fun, in reality, there’s still a plethora of ways to unwind and find enjoyment just down the road from Western’s campus.

What better way to take a break from the day-to-day business than to treat yourself to one of the amazing restaurants that the city has to offer? All along Main Street, students can find endless eateries that can match any craving. From pizza at Yeasty Beasty, to celebrating Wing Wednesdays at the Main St Pub & Eatery — even to satisfying a sweet tooth down the road at Fro-Zone Frozen Yogurt in Independence. Simply walking down Main Street will offer you countless mouth-watering options. However, if students go a little further they can find more treats that Monmouth has to offer. Hidden away are restaurants such as Rookies, Pink House Cafe and Starduster Diner — all student favorites.

While the choice of food is seemingly endless, it is certainly not all that Monmouth has to offer. When the weekend rolls around and you’re looking for a little fun, get a group together or take a date down to PuttSkee’s off of Monmouth-Independence Highway for some mini golf. If you’re feeling a little adventurous, head to the skatepark next door to show off some impressive tricks. Or, if you want to work on those strikes and spares, head down to Dallas’ Starlite Lanes to get a good game of bowling in.

Itching to see something in theaters? On Friday nights go take part in discounted films in Independence with Midnight Movies. And if students are up for a short drive, they can go to Salem “because there’s always something to do there,” as noted by sophomore nursing major Mercedes Allen.

Oftentimes, the best way to unwind is simply to stay at home. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice having a good time. For students who choose this route, whether you’re living off campus or in a dorm, sometimes the best nights involve getting creative in a kitchen, blasting your favorite music or having a movie or game night with the people closest to you. So, turn on Netflix, or head down to the nearest Red Box and stay in for a night of binge-watching good times.

The life of a student at Western Oregon University is typically a very busy and scheduled one. When it’s finally the weekend, it’s important to remember to make time for yourself. With all of the small town charm Monmouth provides, that perfect, relaxing weekend is right in the palm of your hands — take advantage of it.

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