Mount Hood

Small ways to make side cash

Paul F. Davis

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

Here’s a fact that many of us know far too well: college is not cheap. For many, the stress of being a full-time student can be far too heavy to even consider finding a side job. And for those who have a job as well as being a student, sometimes you still don’t feel like you have enough money in the bank to live comfortably.

Luckily, being a college student allows for some opportunities to make money that are fairly low commitment. While nothing can come incredibly easy, there are ways that you can still make some cash without the stress of working hours every week. Choosing to take up any of these options allows you to focus on being a student first and lets you leave some of your financial stress behind.


-Be a note-taker in your classes, if applicable. You’ll already be there; doing this forces you to really pay attention to the lectures and jot things down. Not only will you be making money, but you’ll do better in school. You can apply in the Office of Disabilities.

-Sell things online. I’m not saying to sell everything you own, but think about what you have that you never use. Or, you could even buy things second-hand and resell it for profit.

-Tutor. Are you really good at your major? You can make money by helping others reach the skill level you are at. For more information and to apply, contact the Student Success and Advising Office.

-Babysit/petsit. Living in a college town, it can be hard to remember that we do live in a city where many families live. Many parents would love to hire a trustworthy and qualified college student versus an unqualified high school student.

-Freelance writing. Here at the paper, we would love to have talented writers share their voice; for more information feel free to contact me or any staff member.

-Use your talents. Can you knit? Sew? Paint? Are you good at making signs? People will pay for handmade, quality products. Start small by selling to people you know, and eventually you could branch out to different customers.


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Dining out of town for date-night

Caity Healy

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

While Monmouth offers several delicious quick-bites, if you’re looking to go somewhere a little fancier, your options are limited. I knew that I wanted to take my boyfriend out for a slightly more elegant dinner to thank him for helping me move to be honest it was mostly because I had just purchased a really cute dress and needed an excuse to wear it out and I found myself looking out of town, but still fairly close by for a nice eatery.

After some research, I decided I would take him to Bentley’s Grill in Salem. The reviews looked promising, the menu had my mouth watering and the prices looked doable for a college student budget, while not being as cheap as some chain restaurants. We set our reservations for 7 p.m. on a Friday, a typically busy day, and they were still able to get us a nice table for exactly when we requested.

Once we arrived, we found the restaurant in an extravagant looking lobby in the Grand Hotel. Immediately, we were greeted and seated by smiling faces who gladly took our drink orders we had many options as the location also had a full bar and were given our menus.

I started by ordering their calamari with lemon roasted garlic aioli. My boyfriend isn’t a huge fan of seafood, but we both still very much enjoyed the appetizer which came out to us quickly. The serving size was perfect for a starter and it was fried perfectly.

Not too long after, we were brought our dinners. I ordered their Fulton New York cut steak with roasted garlic mashed potatoes and a vegetable side. My boyfriend ordered their special of the day, which was ribs with arugula, rice and a sun-dried tomato salad. My steak was cooked perfectly medium-rare, and his ribs were incredibly tender. Everything was cooked just as we had ordered it.

The waitress was checking up on us frequently, making sure everything was served to our liking. She was always incredibly kind and genuinely seemed as if she wanted to make the best experience for us as possible.

We finished our dinner by somehow making room in our incredibly full stomachs and ordering a crème brûlée dessert. This was probably my favorite part, as this is my absolute favorite sweet. My boyfriend didn’t love it quite as much, but he also had never had crème brûlée before and wasn’t sure what exactly to expect.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the entire night. The service was top-notch, the food was all cooked to perfection, and the atmosphere and ambiance was both comforting and appealing. I’d definitely go here again if I’m looking for a more elegant dining experience.


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Finding time to be health conscious

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

Caity Healy

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

During this time of year, many people want to begin moving towards a healthier lifestyle. However, the new year also marks the beginning of a new term. As a result, finding the time to cook healthy meals for yourself can seem almost impossible. Luckily, using a slow cooker can make this task far more simple than it seems.

With most slow cooker recipes taking hours to complete, all you have to do is get it started, go about your day and finish whatever you need to do. Then, when you get back, you’ll have a meal prepared that’s ready to go for you, and it required about as much work as going out to eat. It’s also cheaper. So go find yourself a slow cooker and get started on these meals.


Vegan Black Bean Soup

Recipe from

Drain and rinse six cups of black beans. In the slow cooker bowl, place the beans, 4 cups of vegetable broth, 1 finely chopped yellow onion, 1 finely chopped red bell pepper, 2 chopped jalapenos, 1 cup of salsa or tomatoes, 2 teaspoons of minced garlic, 1 tablespoon of chili powder, 2 teaspoons of ground cumin, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of ground pepper, and ½ teaspoon of paprika. Cook on high for six hours, or until the beans are tender. Serve warm and top with avocado and cilantro. Feel free to omit or add any spices or ingredients that you would like.


Stuffed Peppers

Based on a recipe from

In a bowl, combine one pound of ground turkey with one can of drained black beans, 1 diced tomato, ½ cup of shredded cheese, 1 cup of cooked brown rice, 1 cup of corn, 1 teaspoon of cumin, 1 teaspoon of chili powder, ½ teaspoon of garlic powder and ½ teaspoon of oregano. Season with salt and pepper. Stuff 4 bell peppers with mixture, and place them in the slow cooker open side up. Cover and cook on high for 3 hours. Can be topped with avocado, cilantro, and sour cream.


Zucchini Lasagna

Recipe from

In a bowl, mix 15 ounces of part-skim ricotta cheese, 1 egg, ¼ cup of parmesan cheese, and one cup of chopped spinach. Coat the inside of the slow cooker with cooking spray. Ladle one cup of tomato sauce on the bottom of the slow cooker. Layer 5 slices of zucchini on the bottom. Place some of the ricotta mixture on this, and top with a small amount of mozzarella cheese. Repeat this process until you’ve used all the slices from 4 medium zucchinis. Top with mozzarella and parmesan. Cover and cook on high for three and a half hours. Turn off the slow cooker and let sit for one hour unopened. Serve warm.


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Conquering the New Year’s resolution drop-off


Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

We’re officially into the second week of the new year. In other words, we’re officially into the part of the year where people begin throwing their resolutions out the window and giving up on their goals entirely.

Like many, you probably started out strong. You kept up with your resolution every single day, and slowly you started allowing yourself to push all of it aside. If this sounds familiar, or you can feel yourself getting eerily close to this outcome, then it’s time to buckle down and focus on ways to stay consistent.

Your outcome often depends on the resolution you set in the first place. If you haven’t set one yet, it’s not too late. Refer to our online article titled “Setting the new year up for success” to learn what makes a proper resolution. However, if you already set one, and it follows all the guidelines of a realistic goal, then you can depend on the fact that with your willpower and determination, an ideal outcome will be reached.

First of all, to maintain your goal, you need to hold yourself accountable. Write down what you want to do and how often, and check it off as you go. Being able to put it in writing that you accomplished what you wanted to do will not only feel rewarding, but it will also be proof to yourself that you’re making progress and make it easier to track. You could even go as far as to put it in your planner. That way, it’s not something in the back of your mind, it’s an actual part of your daily schedule.

However, if you are someone who struggles with reaching goals on your own, you may want to consider looking to a friend. Having someone there to motivate you and keep you pushing will force you to work even harder at whatever your goal may be.

Second, review your resolution. Are you already failing in the second week? Perhaps the problem isn’t you; it may be that you simply set a resolution that is just impossible to reach. This is an easy fix. You can still reach the same goal in smaller increments. For example, if your goal was to workout five times a week, just cut it down to three. If that gets too easy, make it four, and then eventually five. You don’t have to meet your resolution all at once- time things out according to your own ability.

Third, if you’re comfortable enough, make it public. Tell your family, friends, or if you’re feeling courageous, even tell social media what your resolution is. Some people find it rewarding to be able to post updates on what they are doing. Also, you’ll have support from a large group of people who want to see you succeed.

Fourth, don’t let yourself give up. Say your goal was to eat healthy, and you chose fast food every day this year. So what? We all start somewhere. You slipped up, so forgive yourself and move on. Trust in yourself, and trust your determination, and you will start reaching your goal. Even if it’s a slow process, any progress is better than none.


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Embracing the skin you’re in

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

According to a poll done by ComRes, the top three most common New Year’s resolutions are to “exercise more,” “lose weight” and “eat more healthily.” A common pattern can be found amongst these three that can lead one to make a simple assumption; the majority of those who set these goals are not happy with where their body or health currently is.

Choosing to make yourself healthier is an option that everyone has, and can take up at any time. Deciding to exercise and eat well can be incredibly beneficial to your health and well-being. However, it’s important that during the journey of reaching your resolution, you still choose to be body positive.

The meaning of this term can vary between person to person. While speaking with, Mallorie Dunn, founder of the body positive fashion line “SmartGlamour,” noted that to her, the phrase means “accepting the body you have as well as the changes in shape, size, and ability it may undergo due to nature, age, or your own personal choices throughout your lifetime.” She also adds that it’s “the understanding that your worth and what’s going on with you physically are two separate entities.”

While this definition of the phrase can read differently to everyone, the overall point is typically the same every body is worthy of love and respect. During this time of year, where many people are trying to lose weight and alter their bodies, it can be difficult to remember this. If you are someone who is struggling with body image, there are a couple key things to keep in mind.

Body positivity is not always an easy thing to reach. It takes time, diligence and belief in yourself. It’s not something that everyone automatically has; it’s something that you must actively pursue. It’s your relentless attempt to have a positive body image.

You have to accept the fact that you can appreciate another type of body or appearance, and still love yours as well. Helping others be body positive can be incredibly important. But, still love every part of what makes you who you are, as well.

In the end, it’s okay to admire and accept your body for exactly what it is. It’s also okay to want to change your body if your intention is for yourself and your own health, rather than the standards set by others. Do what makes you happy, wear what makes you happy and keep striving to have a positive outlook on yourself and the skin you’re in. Love yourself through every stage your body goes through.


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Setting the new year up for success

Paul F. Davis

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

Setting goals is a vital component of developing as a person and becoming the version of yourself that would make you the most happy. With the start of the new year, many people will use the date as a beginning point to tackle whatever goal they’ve been thinking of trying to accomplish.

While New Year’s resolutions are a common way to start aiming for a specific target, they’re also a common way to shoot further than you had anticipated and leave yourself feeling disappointed that you weren’t able to achieve what you had planned. To prevent this from happening, you have to plan your resolution not just based on your dream outcome, but on realistic guidelines.

First of all, you have to know yourself. Knowing what you’re typically capable of doing, what your schedule usually looks like and what your tendencies are regarding goals will help you decide what is best for you. For example, in previous years I had always made it a goal to lose weight. In choosing that, I wasn’t taking into account the fact that I typically give up on those types of things often, and that because I didn’t have any type of plan for it, I would never achieve it. However, last year I made it my new resolution to go to the gym at least three times a week. It was far more attainable, less daunting and fit my tendencies and schedule well. In the end, I was going almost daily until the end of the school year.

Second, be realistic. If you’re choosing to do something that is nearly impossible, odds are you aren’t going to reach it and you will probably end up feeling discouraged. Picking goals that are possible will make it far less intimidating to tackle. This in no way means you should pick things that are easy; step out of your comfort zone and choose a resolution that will take some time, work and dedication. But that doesn’t mean you should have to work yourself too hard trying to get there.

Third, pick a resolution that can be measured in some way. One way to do this is to have a weekly log where you measure where you are at in regards to your goal. That way, you can see how much further you’ll need to go, and what steps you’ll need to take to get there.

Fourth, think about previous resolutions you had set. Have you achieved them? Do you notice any patterns in your old goals? Perhaps you’re picking things in a similar category a lot; the most common resolutions have to do with weight loss, health, and physical activity. For many, your best bet may be to think of a different aspect of your life you want to work on and focus on that. That way, you can take a break from something you know you’re struggling with and go after another part of your life that you feel can improve. You can always come back to your old goals later on.

The point of a New Year’s resolution is to use the end of the old year to reflect on who you are, and use the start of the new year to become a better you. Take advantage of this time to really think about where you want to see yourself by the end of 2018, and plan accordingly. But also, plan realistically. In no way does this mean you can’t shoot for a difficult goal. For some people, that works best. But, whatever you choose, make sure it’s something that will work for you.

Taking control of your holiday stress

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Or, at least that’s what the holiday tune tells us. In reality, the winter season can be a mixture of some fun, and a lot of stress. While that stress comes in many forms and for many reasons, in order to enjoy your time this break, you’ll have to learn how to cope with it. That way, you can make the most of the holidays.

If you’re a first-year, you probably missed your loved ones while you were away and couldn’t wait to see them again.Then, once you were finally reunited for a couple weeks, there’s a good chance you had the realization that there’s a stark difference between when you’re at home versus when you’re at school. For the first time, you may have understood what every other student had to learn their first time going home for a long break: being on your own is kind of nice. That’s when the holiday stress kicks in.

The first type of stress I tend to deal with this time of year is learning how to get along with my family all over again. When I first get back home, it’s always great. Then, I begin quickly butting heads with my parents and many siblings. Whether it be about curfews- something I didn’t even have to think about while at school, or why my sister is wearing my shirt and pretending like it’s hers, the family arguments can be exhausting and make me wish I was back at Western already.

When I begin feeling this stress, I cope with a few different techniques.

First, I remind myself how lucky I am to have loved ones who support me and care about me at all. Then, I go on to reminding myself that break is only a few weeks. If I was able to survive my first 18 years with these people, then I can surely do four weeks. And then, if all else fails, I just go somewhere else for a while to calm down.

The next type of stress that I come across is holiday financial pressure. Trying to buy presents while remembering that you’re about to start a new term and have to deal with the cost of that can be daunting. My gut tells me to buy everyone I love a gift, while my bank account tells me the exact opposite. When this type of stress arises, I remind myself that nobody I love will actually care about how much their present costs. It’s true what they say- it’s the thought that counts. While we all want to do extravagant things for the people we care for, sometimes it’s just not possible. If you find yourself in this predicament, a good option would be to opt for DIY gifts. For some DIY inspiration, refer to our previous issue.

Another thing I tend to find myself stressing about is travel. Getting to and from campus can be difficult if you don’t have a car. However, I always find myself to be okay if I put some time into planning it extensively weeks prior to leaving. Getting those plans figured out well ahead of time will save you some immediate stress.

While this time of year can cause a high amount of stress, finding ways to cope can make it enjoyable again. Some pressure is unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean it should be distressing. It’s your break; don’t let the stress turn your holiday into a time you dread versus a time to relax.

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