Mount Hood

Attaining fitness goals through IIFYM


Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

A recent trend that has been gaining more visibility is a type of dieting called IIFYM — if it fits your macros. Seen and often advertised by fitness enthusiasts and professional athletes, it’s a diet that revolves around providing the right amount of nutrients that your body needs, down to the exact gram.

Often displayed by fitness accounts on Instagram, the diet for many is regarded as the one that finally worked for them — it’s the flexible eating that allowed many to see the results they want in and out of the gym. It can be adjusted to match any need and will help you get to where you want to be.

Essentially, this dieting revolves around three main macronutrients: your protein intake, your carbohydrate intake and your fat intake. By calculating your fat percentage and describing your fitness goals, which is either to lose, maintain or gain body fat and muscle, you can determine what your macros should be. You can also determine how many calories you should be consuming a day. In other words, you’re figuring out how to reach the appropriate amount of each macro, and the amount of calories you should be aiming for in your consumption of these macronutrients.

IIFYM is an ideal option for those who are serious about trying to attain specific goals in the gym. “It can work for anyone who wants to use that mode of motivation to reach their goals,” commented sophomore exercise science major Mikaela Wong. “If your goal is to become more aware of what you’re eating and what you’re putting in your body, macro counting is an option to do that.” You break down the food you’re eating and know the ways that each type of nutrient affects your body. It allows you to be more flexible in your eating and can also make meal prepping a simple task, as you know exactly what you should be consuming.

That being said, it’s also a difficult diet for many to follow. As a student at Western, if your only option is Valsetz, prepping for this type of diet will take far more planning and time than if you were shopping for yourself.

Speaking from my own experience, I tried planning meals for a while under the IIFYM diet, and I struggled greatly. It was a lot more work than I had anticipated, and I truly just didn’t have the time or the resources to eat like that. Instead, I just focus on aiming for what would be the right amount of protein, carbs and fats for myself. I don’t focus on hitting an exact mark, I just eat in a way that hits close to where I should be.

Ultimately, this diet is meant for those who have the time and resources to be dedicated to it.  If you have those options, then this diet is an effective one that is tailored to your needs and your body’s composition. But if you’re someone who lacks the ability to follow through, or you simply don’t have the right tools to do it, then you might want to consider another nutritional path. “If you want to have a successful macro-counting diet, then I’d say go for it, but set realistic goals.” Wong added. “And if you’re going to do it, think long-term. Because if you only go through a three-week dedicated phase, it could potentially hurt your body by going into extremes. Just choose something realistic for you.”

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Keeping your body hydrated

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

As you make your way through campus and notice endless amounts of Hydro Flasks in the hands of students, note that it’s for a good reason; making sure that you are consuming the right amount of water everyday is a necessary component of good health. Upping your daily intake of water can do several beneficial things for your body: improving digestion, preventing fatigue, helping your metabolism, supporting the detoxification of your kidneys and simply just making your skin glow — these are some of the infinite things it can do for you.

If you’re anything like me, this can be a little difficult because at any given moment, I’d rather have a cup of coffee in my hand than a bottle of water. However, there are some small ways that you can start slowly upping the amount of water you drink daily. They may seem minor, but they will actually eventually add up. If you struggle with getting enough hydration, follow some of these tips to make sure that you get the water that your body needs.


Infused Water

Taking your filtered water and infusing it with your favorite mixtures can change the flavor of your beverage drastically. When it seems more appealing to drink, you may find yourself pouring a glass more often than you’d think. My favorite infusion is adding strawberries, lemon and basil.


Drink before eating

Make it a habit to drink a glass of water 20 minutes before you have each meal. Not only will it help you reach your daily water requirement, but it will also help prevent you from overeating, as water helps curb any unnecessary cravings.


Have it ready

Make water convenient and readily available by keeping a bottle of water with you at all times. Even if you aren’t all that thirsty, you’ll likely find yourself sipping on it as the day goes by.


Set a reminder

If you’re consistently forgetting, put a reminder on your phone that will force you to get up and fill a water bottle every so often. That way, you don’t get to use the excuse that you “forgot.”


Set a goal

Setting a goal for how much water you need to consume a day will help you hold yourself accountable. Figure out what you need and write it down somewhere that you’ll see it constantly.


Contact the author at


Photo by: Paul F. Davis

Finding hikes near Monmouth

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

If you’re looking for an alternative to your regular routine workout, or just want a chance to get some fresh air, now’s the perfect time to take your workout from inside to outdoors. One of the best ways to do so is through hiking; it offers scenic views and vigorous exercise, making it the ideal way to get moving while making it as enjoyable as possible.

Luckily, the areas surrounding Monmouth offer a large number of hiking destinations all within a short drive’s reach. These spots can take you out of your regular workout routine and land you in some of the best spots that the area has to offer.
By talking with people from the area and through my own experiences, I rounded the list down to four of my favorite hiking spots. So, put on your hiking shoes, grab your water bottle and get a camera ready for some of the many views the Pacific Northwest has to offer and a guaranteed unforgettable experience.

Bald Hill Natural Area Loop
A hike meant for all skill levels, this walk offers you 3.8 miles of beautiful wild flowers and memorable views. While it can get a little bit muddy, it will never cease to provide a good time and adventure for you and whoever you choose to go with.

Mary’s Peak
The highest point in Oregon’s Coast Range, this hike can be started from lower on the mountain or from the parking area you can hike several different trails. Displaying beautiful meadows and, if you’re lucky, incredible views on a clear day, this hike will not disappoint. Categorized by as an “easy hike”, it loops around and offers you 1.5 miles of gorgeous sights.

Peavy Arboretum
A simple hike with three short loops to choose from make this an ideal spot for many. With a beautiful lake to picnic next to, easy dog-friendly trails to follow and rich history to learn about, this option makes for a quick day-hike to take when you have a few hours to spare.

Drift Creek Falls
If you’re looking to travel a little bit further for an amazing hike, find your way down to this spot and take this moderate, three-mile hike. This hike includes a suspension bridge, a waterfall and an unforgettable view, so make sure you have your camera so you can share this memory with everyone.

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Photo by: Caity Healy

Brightening up your decor

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

Birds are chirping, the weather goes from downpour to blue skies in a matter of hours, flowers are blooming and there’s a sense of optimism in the air. Spring has finally sprung, and with it comes the brightness and beauty of the season.

While this time of the year can offer you endless opportunities for pairing your outfits with either rain boots or sandals depending on the time of day, it can also offer an opportunity to brighten up your home with spring décor.
Of course, the option is always there to purchase your decorations, but instead I urge you to get crafty and make them yourself. It can offer a rainy-day activity to help liven up the space around you. So, get your art supplies out and get started on some of these projects.

Bright Chalkboard
Do some searching and purchase or find an old cheap mirror — I found mine at Goodwill for only $3. Apply tape to the border to make sure you don’t get paint on anything other than the glass. Use chalkboard paint and paint the surface. Apply two coats, and make sure to leave a good amount of time for it to dry in between coats. After this dries completely, paint the border of the mirror with a bright spring color, which can be any pastel. Once this dries, use colorful chalk to write fun messages on the board for your roommates or guests to see.

Ombre Vase
Find a cheap vase that you can paint on — I found mine at JoAnn’s Craft Store for $3. Find a bright acrylic paint, and mix it with white several times to create six different shades of the same color. With your vase, paint stripes on it one by one, but quickly enough as to not let them dry completely and letting the two blend together. You can stop the design at any point or carry it to the top. However, if you want to stop it, use tape to make sure you get an even line. Fill with flowers, real or fake, that match the color you painted on the vase.

Spring Garland
On white cardstock, cut into six separate squares, spell out “spring” using bold, large letters. Using separate colored cardstock, which can be of any bright spring hue, cut it into six larger squares. Paste the letters onto these squares. Using six separate clothespins, paint them a different shade that will match well with the colored paper you used previously. With a long piece of twine — which can be any size depending on how long you want the garland to be — pin the letters onto the string.

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Photo by: Caity Healy


Finding fitness through bodybuilding

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

A fitness competition beginning in the early 20th century, bodybuilding has been around for over a century. As it’s becoming a more approachable and reasonable sport for anyone to take part in, I spoke with junior ASL/English Interpreting major Kailee Goodrich on her work in it so she can share her experience with anyone considering taking it on. Overall, the sport has multiple categories: bikini, figure, physique, fitness and bodybuilding. Goodrich was a bikini competitor, which is characterized as a competition of judging women’s bodies based on the physique, scored on proportion, symmetry, balance and shape.
Why many choose to start varies, but Goodrich began hers “because of a bad break up … it was so terrible, I decided I wanted to do something for myself. My great idea was to get into the best shape of my life.”
Once she made this decision, she immediately found a coach and paid without questions first.
“This was a terrible idea… I hired a coach that wasn’t qualified. She gave me a cookie cutter diet (which) consisted of five egg whites in the morning with ¼ cup of oatmeal, four meals of 4 oz of tilapia and asparagus and my last meal of one protein shake with 15 almonds,” Goodrich said.
After prepping for 13 consecutive weeks that consisted of working out every day, multiple times a day, Goodrich noted that towards the end of her prep she was “unable to train because (she) was so fatigued.”
After registering for the show, buying the bikini, and learning to pose with her coach, she spent around $2500.
As for how competing made her feel, at first, she thought it was a great idea, noting that “I felt really proud of my willpower to stick to the diet and train for so long.” However, this only lasted so long.
“I was unaware of how much weight I was losing at such a fast rate… I didn’t know that I was developing an eating disorder known as overeating. I was able to overcome this struggle, but I rebounded with my weight once this competition was over.”
Her advice to anyone considering taking up bodybuilding as their potential fitness journey is “do your research about coaching…don’t be afraid to ask questions; as a consumer, you must be picky and do what is best for you.” She also notes that she would only recommend it “if the person was serious about wanting to push their physique.” However, “if they were just getting started in their fitness journey I wouldn’t recommend it…the decision to compete should be well thought out and planned.”
While bodybuilding can offer an incredible option for those wanting to push themselves harder than they ever have, it can definitely have both pros and cons; as mentioned by Goodrich, it’s not for everyone. As for her, it helped her feel more comfortable at the gym, but simultaneously it gave her a negative relationship with food that she struggled with afterwards.
Goodrich mentioned that she may compete again, but it would be in figure rather than bikini as it is more about your “physique than your good looks,” as noted by her. But for now, she’s happy with where she is at in her fitness journey. “I found flexible dieting and I haven’t looked back since.”
If you’re considering the sport, make sure you’re well researched and weigh the pros and cons of what it may entail. While everyone’s experience differs, it’s important to make sure that however you choose to go about it, you do so in a healthy way that works well for you and your lifestyle.

“It impacted my student life”, Goodrich mentioned. “I learned to overcome obstacles and persevere.” Through bodybuilding, she gained skills that she could later take and apply to her everyday life and use to help persist through hardships. “I proved to myself that I could do anything I set my mind to.”

Contact the author at

Photo by: Kailee Goodrich

Dear Ezi

Dear Ezi,

I have been struggling with self-confidence. I just feel worthless and ugly. I can’t find anything I like about me, even though all my friends constantly shower me with compliments. Any advice?



Confidence Conundrum


Dear CC,

I know that this is something so many people struggle with — I even have trouble with this sometimes! I have many tips, some I’ve read about and some I use, for you!

First of all, how you dress is as important as what your brain thinks. If you love your outfit and it’s something you rock, you will feel so much more confident. Wear something that you may not have worn before from your closet.

I know one thing I like to wear that can help me is a shawl cape thing. It makes me feel like a wizard! I also wear big hats from time to time. It’s kinda silly but it helps me feel tall and powerful! You just gotta find your wizard shawl and hat!

Next, fake it ‘til you make it! Posture is very helpful: stand tall, puff your chest out slightly, and — this is the only time I will encourage someone to be straight — stand straight and pull your shoulders back! It does wonders for posture and confidence.

Another tip is what I have seen called the “Murder Walk”. It’s a powerful tool for everyone and works for everyone. Walk like you are on a mission and walk with purpose. If you know superheroes, walk like the Winter Soldier. If not, walk like you are the most important person in the world and you have to get to your destination ASAP!

Remember you are a queen, king or royal and you are a wonderful and unique person. Nobody else can determine your self-worth for you. Friends are great but they cannot do everything.

Two final tips that I have for you is see the worth in others. Compliment people liberally! The person at the coffee shop who’s earrings you liked, tell them! The secretary sitting at his desk, tell him his tie is a great color! You’ll brighten other people’s day and start to see the silver lining. Finally, consider talking to the school’s counselors at the Student Health and Counseling Center. I am naught but a humble drag queen, but I personally know a thing or two about depression and this is a way I got support.


Hope this helped!

Grain Station Brew Works remodels familiar venue

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

For any student of Western or individual who has resided in Monmouth,  the name “J’s Cafe” is a familiar term. An ideal spot for Sunday morning brunch and catching up with friends, the restaurant offered both comfort and appetizing meals. That is why in 2017 when the location was temporarily closed, there was confusion and worry. To the joy, and continued confusion, of many, the restaurant was reopened and renamed “Grain Station Brew Works”.

A full remodel including a center-stage bar, new lighting, some re-painting and flooring all took place to alter this well-known location. The hours changed as well. Previously closing early in the afternoon, this new restaurant now stays open from 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekdays, and 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. on weekends, offering those in search of late night bites another option to add to their list.

Being fond of J’s Cafe and all they had to offer, I was a little wary about a complete change of restaurant. That being said, I decided I should probably try Grain Station and see if I would enjoy it half as much as I enjoyed the original eatery. They did not disappoint.

I love the new interior; the lighting is bright and welcoming, the bar makes the restaurant more appealing across generations and the best part is the menu has much of the original fare.

I decided to order the Cheesecake Stuffed French Toast. Not long after my order went in, the waitress came back with a smile on her face and a plate carrying my huge meal.

I thoroughly enjoyed the breakfast. The combination of the berry and cream cheese flavors sitting on top of perfectly prepared french toast was phenomenal. The waitress checked back frequently enough to make sure that everything was served to my liking and always made sure my glass of water was full.

I was extremely satisfied with my visit to Grain Station Brew Works. While I will always love J’s Cafe and the feeling I had when I would sit in one of those booths, I am excited about the modernization of the new restaurant and how it was able to still stay true to much of their original menu. Overall, it was an exceptional dining experience and I would recommend it to anyone who has been hesitant to check it out.

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Photos by: Caity Healy, Paul F. Davis