Mount Hood

On campus to off campus

Karlene Curtin | Staff Writer

Finally — it’s time to have your own personal space that is finally not a dorm in the residence hall. That means lighting candles, a full kitchen, no strictly enforced quiet hours nor resident assistants. As exciting as it was to move into my first apartment, there were a couple things I wish I was more prepared for. Here are a few things I wish I had known when I moved into to my first apartment.


I missed campus dining

Trust me, this surprised me more than I expected. But with budgeting and going out adds up. Cooking becomes the alternative to save money. It is fun for a little bit, but on those days when the motivation to cook is just not there, taking a small trip to Valsetz Dining Hall seems to be the better alternative.


I didn’t realize how much furniture and kitchenware cost

Sometimes there are other alternatives to finding furniture, like posting an “SOS” to Facebook in hopes to score some free couches or even pots and pans. I suggest saving some money after every paycheck to put towards necessities.  


Budgeting is key

Food, gas, water, garbage, rent and school expenses add up and sometimes can feel impossible to budget out. I saved money by working extra hours and putting a portion of my paycheck into savings. Also by making smart purchases at the store instead of impulse buying can help save.


I have to deal with real adult problems with no third party

Turns out when the neighbors begin to get rowdy at 2 a.m., there’s no R.A. to tell the neighbors to cork it. And let’s be real — confrontation can be awkward. Maybe ask if they can give a heads up before they have another party.


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Photo by Ashlynn Norton

Mother’s Day at Western: Showing appreciation for moms who are students

Caity Healy | Editor in Chief

Mother’s Day: A time to celebrate the maternal figures in our lives who have helped us reach the point we are at now. Whoever that person is for you, an important date is coming up. Falling on May 12 this year, this holiday gives us an opportunity to thank mothers for all that they do.                                                                                                                                         

It’s no secret that being a mother is a difficult thing to be. Add student to the job title, and the position just became all-the-more demanding — and all-the-more rewarding. Three mothers shared what it’s like to be both a student and a mom, and discussed some of the obstacles they’ve overcome and experienced to reach the point that they’re at now.


Demeter Finch

Demeter graduated high school in 2001. Since then, she’s been trying to get her bachelor’s degree, going to school off and on for 18 years. For the past six years, she’s been married. About four years in to her marriage, the two took notice of something.

“We started asking … ‘Why do we have no babies yet?’ And we were told … I couldn’t have kids,” said Demeter.

So, she continued pushing forward with school. However, about one year ago, she received news she didn’t think she ever would: “I found out I was 16 weeks pregnant,” said Demeter.

“The same week I found out I was in the Interpreting Program, and the same week I got accepted to Seabeck, I found out I was pregnant.”

When speaking with Demeter, the amount of love she felt for her daughter, Persephone, was obvious.

“She still doesn’t sleep through the night. She’s a mommy’s-girl,” said Demeter. “She’s very opinionated — she’s just my mini-me.”

Being both a mother and a student, Demeter has faced some obstacles as she attempts to finish out her final year at Western.

“For all of her firsts, I don’t necessarily want to miss those but I know I have to keep coming to school and finish what I started for her,” said Demeter. “So definitely, as a mom, the guilt of leaving her at home … sometimes it’s not always easy. Especially with the added idea that I didn’t think I would ever have her … she’s super special so I need to be there.”

But despite all of the struggles she faces, the thing that helps her pull through is her perseverance.

“I think that people think ‘oh it’s not possible’ — but it is possible. You just have to pick and choose what your priorities are,” said Demeter. “If you have something that you want to do, just hold on to it. You can get it no matter what, just keep pushing.”

Photo courtesy of Liz McClellan


Arianna Stone

Arianna’s story began by her moving to Australia after graduating high school in 2008 to work, save money, and practice her photography. When she moved back to the US in 2011, she became a full-time photographer. After difficulties keeping her photography business alive with Patrick, her then business-partner, now husband, the two began facing even more obstacles.

In 2013, the home they were renting burned down. From there they’d couch hop, until they moved in with parents to save money. In 2014, they got married, bought their first home, and Arianna became pregnant with their first child, Eleanor. When she was born, Arianna became a stay-at-home mom.

Soon, Arianna and Patrick realized they weren’t making enough to save for important life events. Due to that, paired with several other reasons, they decided to go back to school. Arianna attended Chemeketa Community College where she earned her associate degree and had her second child, Henry, in 2018. Now, she is in her junior year at Western.

With her and her husband both attending school, there are certainly some challenges.

“Scheduling is so much harder when you have little people to take care of,” said Arianna. “I can’t just take whatever classes I want to take, whenever I want to take them.” On top of that, she added that getting care for her two children can be very expensive — so much so, that she had to pick up a full-time job while being a full-time student to pay for it.

Struggles aside, there are several reasons that Arianna feels that her experience is rewarding, as well.

“My daughter got to be at my community college graduation … and that made me so proud,” she said. “My daughter will see me do this, and know that nothing is impossible for her.”

Arianna made it clear just how important her children are to her.

“We all have our reasons for attending college, and my kids are a big part of mine,” she said.

Photo courtesy of Arianna Stone


Liz McClellan

In 1991, Liz graduated high school and began her college education at Chemeketa Community College, planning to go into teaching. After a couple of years, she left, started working, then came back — this time at Portland Community College, where she got a degree in dental hygiene.

For 21 years, she worked as a dental hygienist. During these years, she had her daughter, Annika, and her son, Liam. But, eventually, she was ready to go back to school to continue her education in teaching, taking one year online at Oregon State University, and the rest at Western Oregon.

As a single mother, an obstacle she faced was trying to figure out how to support herself to go back to school. But luckily, she has a huge support system. So much so, that she keeps a list of all of the people who have been a support to her over the years.

“I have a little notebook, and anytime I get help from someone or even a kind word — and my kids are on that list, too … as well as their dad, and step-mom — they go on the list, and the list is very long,” said Liz. “It’s not a solo journey.”

Having the support of her children was incredibly important to Liz. When she was transitioning back into being a student, her whole family sat down to figure it out. The response she got from Annika and Liam made the transition easier.

“I got their support to do this, so that really helped. But it’s hard to miss things,” said Liz. Her decision was not only supported by her children and family, but also by other moms.

“A lot of moms who had had children were like, ‘You should just go for it, and don’t worry about what anyone says.’ And I just got some really good encouragement from other women. So that’s what I want to do,” said Liz. “Go for it, you can do it.”

Photo by Caity Healy


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Fanny packs: utility you can make stylish

Cora McClain | Copy Editor

Fanny packs — they’re not just for great Aunt Martha, they can be for you too. Just look around campus and I’m sure you’ll see these trendy packs popping up on the waists of students. As a huge advocator for fanny packs, it appals me to see people hating on what is obviously the most ingenious invention humanity ever stumbled upon.

Keeping your hands free and back or shoulder painless, this waist-slinging pack allows you to do more while still holding all of your important items. And there’s another thing, with a limited amount of space — though some can be quite spacious with many pockets — you only take the necessities with you wherever you go and are not bogged down by unnecessary things.

However, some people feel adversed to these glorious little hip pouches due to their cringe-factor. But guess what; like all trends, the fanny pack trend is coming back around.

Celebrities are highlighting just how viable these little utility packs are. “The Cut” attributes the explosion of fanny pack fashion to Kendall Jenner and her vast collection of fanny packs.

Whether on the street like Rihanna, or on the red carpet like Jimmy Kimmel, a fanny pack can enhance any outfit. Have a nice black dress? Pair it with a sleek black fanny pack. Want something a little more out there? Try out a clear or iridescent snake skin pack. You can even wear them over your shoulder or across your torso to up the trend factor! The options are endless and relatively cheap if you order on Amazon. If you’re wanting to go a little more fancy, can even get designer fanny packs from Louis Vuitton or Prada.

Give these trendy little packs a try, and you might just become a fanny pack fannatic too.


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Photos by Paul F. Davis & Ashlynn Norton

Campus voices: LACC edition

Rebecca Meyers | Lifestyle Editor

“I really like intro to fiction ‘cause there’s a lot of really good discussion. Also, even though I’m usually not a science person, I really liked Earth Science.”

-Rowan Hammer, sophomore economics and criminal justice major


“Theater with Ted Dechatelet.”

-Casey Brown, junior business major


“Jazz history if you like music.”

-Mateo Batista, sophomore biology and chemistry major


“Choir is a lot of fun … I love choir and it’s a one credit class you can take multiple times. Or Philosophy with Perlman…or Earth Science with Dr. Wade.”

-Conner Price, senior political science major


Photos by Rebecca Meyers

Journey towards success after loss of motivation

Karlene Curtin | Staff Writer

“Failure is not the opposite of success, failure is simply apart of its journey.” This quote was said by business woman Arianna Huffington, creator of Huffington Post. Huffington is one of many who have worked hard for their dreams to become a reality.  
Choosing to continue one’s dreams despite the obstacles and defeats are related to courage and pushing forward. Whether the goals are in relation to a career, academics, athletics or any other reason, the fear of failure or the feeling of failure can affect motivation and stamina towards one’s progress.
There are many solutions to push forward. Here is a list of  ways to regain motivation, even if failure or the loss of motivation have occurred.


Change perspective:

Mistakes or some sort of set back may have occurred. Take a step back and reflect on what happened. I suggest writing down a checklist to account for what went wrong.

Learn from it:

Change your perspective on mistakes. Understand that faults happen and it is a natural part of the learning process. When it comes to trying new things, mistakes are inevitable. It is better to learn from them than to dwell on them.

Grow from it:

A major part of growing is learning from mistakes and realizing what works. Mistakes and failures are a major part of life; learning from these setbacks can make one a better version of themselves.

Look for inspiration:

Find inspiration through others. Seeing how others complete their goals can help create a new strategy. New techniques and a new mindset can help complete goals that could be beneficial for reaching success.

Remind yourself why you started:

Asking the “why?” question is super important when trying to complete a goal. Whether it is career, school or even the beginning of a new project or health plan, reminding oneself “why?”  can remind us why we begin this journey in the first place. It can possibly bring back loss of motivation too.

Try again:

Don’t ever give up on dreams. Push through the unique journey, even if it takes more than a second time to try.


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Photo by Rebecca Meyers

Tools and resources to improve your writing

Rebecca Meyers | Lifestyle Editor

Writing is one of those things that is inevitable in college for just about any major. Even those opting to study completely different subjects have to do it, and some students even have to face the daunting task of writing a thesis. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of tools and resources to help tackle writing assignments, both on-campus and off.


Writing Center

Western’s Writing Center is where students and their work can receive one-on-one attention from tutors that can help with any kind of writing purpose. A full list of their hours, services and contact information can be found at

Writer’s Crucible

One of Western’s newest additions, the Writer’s Crucible is a group on campus for regular writers who want to improve their overall writing in an environment of other writers. For more information, contact Natalie Dean at


This online tool is a free and simple way to do basic grammar checks while writing any important paper. It’s not necessarily a substitute for proofreading, but it does help eliminate a lot of basic mistakes.

Google Scholar

Tired of having to sort through results on Google to find credible sources? Google Scholar narrows your search to academic and peer reviewed sources only.


This free online tool helps store research and organize papers. It allows users to upload almost any document to use later for reference or storage and even has a bibliography tool.

Writer’s Diet

This quick and easy online tool will analyze a segment of writing and analyze the ways in which it may be too wordy. Students should note, however, that most academic papers tend to score poorly in the abstract nouns section due to the nature of research papers, but it’s a good way to check unnecessary words in the other categories, such as use of adverbs.


This online tool is a go-to for many students in creating or learning how to create the different types of citations. Results usually have to be double-checked and occasionally edited, but it creates a good initial framework either way for creating citations.


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Photo by Rebecca Meyers

How to make gluten-free teriyaki chicken with ramen noodles

Morgan Taylor | Freelancer

A simple recipe that can easily be altered to your liking, this dish is full of hidden vegetables and can basically be made with any that are on hand. Also, if gluten-free isn’t your thing, this recipe works with any type of instant ramen noodles as a cheap and fast alternative.



Start to finish: 40 minutes

Servings: About 4 portions



2 medium-to-large chicken breasts

1 tablespoon avocado oil or olive oil

Poultry seasoning — a few pinches

1 medium onion — sliced

1 yellow pepper — sliced

1 orange pepper — sliced

1 ½ cups of snap peas

2 cups of cabbage (pre-shredded works)

2 minced garlic cloves

3 packs of gluten-free ramen noodles

3 cups of water

3-4 tablespoons of gluten-free teriyaki sauce



Chop up chicken into either strips or chunks, using a separate cutting board for the raw chicken, and slice onions.

Heat up oil in wok or large pan on medium-high heat and then add chicken, onions and garlic. Season chicken with poultry seasoning. Cook until chicken turns white on the outsides.

Add half of the teriyaki sauce. Simmer until caramelized.

Reduce to medium heat. Add peppers and snap peas. Cook for about one minute.

While the peppers cook, begin to boil water in separate pot. Add noodles in and cook for approximately 2 minutes. Separate noodles with fork as it cooks.

Drain noodles and add to stir fry. Add cabbage and the remaining teriyaki sauce. Cook for one minute.

Serve and enjoy.


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Photo by Morgan Taylor