Mount Hood

Add Some Flair to One’s Winter Schedule by Using Some of these Course Options

Written by:Jude Bokovoy 

Need ideas for classes to register for this upcoming term? Have too many extracurriculars to fill more than interests? Take a look at these wonderful opportunities to help branch out for winter term.

Anthropology 216 – Cultural Anthropology: Focuses include learned beliefs, behaviors and symbols utilized in cultures and societies around the world.

Anthropology 332 – Forensic Anthropology: This course is taught from a forensic anthropologist’s point of view analyzing the history of the discipline. Students will learn about goals, techniques and simpler uses of forensic anthropology. 

Art 120 – Beginning Digital Art & Design: Looking into the impacts of visual design, students will create art and designs using software. 

Art 250 – Introduction to Ceramics: Dive into the world of ceramics by creating pieces using handwork and wheel-throwing techniques.

Biology 134 – Introductory Human Anatomy and Physiology: This inquiry-based student centered course walks through basic chemistry, cells, muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems of the human body. 

Business 315 – Financial Management: This course goes over budgeting, profit planning, capital management, financial forecasting and much more information that could be helpful for any student. 

Chemistry 420 – Forensic Laboratory Techniques and Documentation: By analyzing physical evidence, one will learn about DNA, explosive residues, papers and inks, arson debris, gunshot residues and serology by using various techniques. 

Communication Studies 236 – Contemporary Issues in Media: Become aware of how media impacts individuals, organizations and the government. This class specifically focuses on the impact of reality T.V. 

Communication Studies 360 – Sport Communication: This course looks into individualized areas of interest including player-coach communication, media spectacles, controversies, journalism and many other sport related issues. 

Computer Science 361 – Algorithms: Learn about how algorithms are designed and implemented.

Criminal Justice 320 – Operations Administration in Homeland Security: Gain skills on how to collaborate with a community to take action concerning homeland security.

Criminal Justice 328 – Forensic Osteology: Through hands-on learning, one will get to identify human and skeletal remains while learning about a variety of related topics.

Dance 171 – World Dance: Hula: Explore the Polynesian dance, hula, through movement while learning its cultural meaning and values.

Dance 255 – Introduction to Dance: Get a feel of a variety of dance styles including hip-hop, ballet, jazz, tap, modern, musical theater and more.

Dance 340 – Conditioning for Dancers: Create a perfect, individualized conditioning routine catered to one’s dancing preferences. 

Earth Science 106 – Exploring the Oceans and Atmosphere: Learn about the Earth’s systems through chemistry, geology and physics. 

Earth Science 320 – Basic Meteorology: Study meteorological phenomena including topics such as the atmosphere, air pressure, heat transfer, precipitation and much more.

Entrepreneurship 384 – Going Into Business In Oregon: This course introduces students to the inner workings of starting a business in the state of Oregon. 

Exercise Science 455 – Physical Activity & Aging: Learn about the long term effects of individual and public healthcare that can motivate one to change lifestyles.

Gerontology 200 – The Aging Self: Your Pathway Through Adulthood: Students will learn about how their personal decisions will affect their life trajectories through discussion and self reflection.

History 489 – Environmental History: Watch the world transform through the history of agriculture, scientific inquiry, urban growth and more.

Literature 386 – Form and Meaning in Film: Observe film as an artform through the lens of a filmmaker. 

Philosophy 103 – Introduction to Logic: Students will analyze the techniques used to make decisions, problem solve and make judgments.

Political Science 203 – International Relations: Learn about the relations between international organizations and nations, as well as global problems and potential resolutions. 

Psychology 449 – Psychology of Creativity: Topics cover social and cultural contexts of creativity, individuality and collaboration in the creative process.  

Sociology 315 – Social Stratification and Inequality: Examine the concept of social classes, distribution of resources, causes and consequences of poverty, stratification and inequality.

Sustainability 201 – Nature and Society: Examine how society has affected nature through research and lab exercises. 

Theater Arts 328 – Stage Combat Studio: Learn how stage combat is executed first-hand by using Society of American Fight Directors’ recognised weapon styles. 

Writing 361 – Poetry Workshop: Become a poet through use of proper technique and appreciation of the artform. 

For more information check out the schedule planner accessible on the Western Oregon University Portal 2.0.

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Rating the Best of Celebrity Halloween Customer

Written by:Mirella Barrera-Betancourt

This Halloween season, many celebrities did not wait until Oct. 31 to don their costumes. This year, social media saw some of the craziest costumes worn by celebrities. Whether it’s because they are hilarious or just outright different, here are some of the best celebrity Halloween costumes of 2022, rated. Every celebrity costume can be found on their respective Instagram accounts.

Heidi Klum

Heidi Klum took the creepy — and hilariously funny — route this Halloween, dressing up as a pink, hyper realistic worm. The model’s costume turned many heads this Halloween, leaving them asking “What in the world?” To match Klum, her husband, Tom Kaulitz, dressed up as a fisherman. What else would one expect from the Queen of Halloween? 10/10.

Couple Frankie Jonas and Anna Olson

The youngest and forgotten brother of the Jonas Brothers poked fun at his sibling, Joe Jonas, and ex-girlfriend, Taylor Swift, with the recreation of one of their more iconic stage moments. Anna Olson embodied Taylor Swift in a tight, silver dress while Frankie Jonas dressed as the spitting image of his older brother in a fitted black shirt. It is unknown whether or not Taylor Swift approved of the couple’s costumes. 7.5/10.

Joe Jonas

Joe Jonas may not have sported the iconic Taylor Swift red lipstick, but he did sport the red lips of the iconic figure, Flo from Progressive Insurance. He completed the look with all-white attire and a blue headband to accentuate those brown locks, topped off, of course, with a pin reading, “I love insurance.” 8/10.

Kim Kardashian

This Halloween, the “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” star donned the character, Mystique, from the X-men superhero universe. Funnily enough, and in a twisting turn of events, Kim accidentally wore the costume to a friend’s birthday party, in a small misunderstanding that the party was a Halloween costume party. For that, it receives a rating of 8.5/10.

Space Up this Year Friendgiving Spread with this Captivating Dessert

Written by:Jude Bokovoy 

Don’t let the name drive one away — this olive oil cake recipe has subtle notes of lemon that will satisfy any craving. This cake is perfect for a Friendsgiving with countless presentation options, simple ingredients and perfect for a light dessert.


Start to finish: 1 hour 10 minutes

Yields: 8 servings

1 ¼ cup all-purpose flour

⅔ cup granulated sugar

¼ teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon baking powder

¼ teaspoon salt

½ cup greek yogurt

2 large eggs

⅔ cup high quality olive oil

Juice of half a lemon

Zest of a whole lemon


⅛ cup powdered sugar

20 raspberries

Preheat the oven to 350℉. Add dry ingredients to a large mixing bowl and stir until combined. Create a well in the middle of the bowl and set aside. Combine wet ingredients in the order listed above, leaving out lemon juice and zest. Pour wet ingredients into the well of the dry ingredients and slowly whisk the corners of the dry ingredients in. Once fully combined, add lemon juice and zest. Oil a nine inch circular pan, then pour batter evenly into the pan. Bake for 35 minutes or until golden brown. While the cake is cooling, use parchment paper to create a stencil to make a design in powdered sugar. Once the cake is cool, apply the stencil and tap on the powdered sugar using a small strainer or spoon. Set raspberries beside the cake for guests to apply to their slice. For more details check out the full recipe at

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A Beginner’s Guide to Exercise

Written by: Gretchen Sims

Ever wondered how to maximize a workout? How to do the most in what little time a college student has? Is the thought of branching out from the cardio machines nerve wracking? 

Going to the gym can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. This is one way of organizing a full week of working out to make things seem more manageable. Keep in mind that this is just one way of splitting a workout — many people do different workout splits and that is perfectly okay. Do whatever works best. 

For an everyday workout, a warm up and cool down is extremely important. Typically, ten minutes of each is recommended. Dynamic, or movement-based, stretching is a great warm up. Static stretching, based upon the amount of time a stretch is held, is a good cool down.

After weight training, one should do around ten to twenty minutes of cardio depending on one’s goals. When working out with the goal of losing weight, try to focus on cardio. When working out with the goal to build more muscle, do less cardio. 

Monday: Shoulders, biceps and triceps.

Tuesday: Chest, back and forearms (optional). 

Wednesday: Rest.

Thursday: Legs.

Friday: Shoulders, biceps and triceps.

Saturday: Chest, back and forearms (optional). 

Sunday: Rest.

When starting the cycle, begin with where one left off in the pattern. This will make it so that the workout cycle is repeated every two weeks. Switching things up can keep things more interesting and less mundane. 

For each muscle group one is focusing on, a good way to organize exercises is to aim between 8 and 12 reps for 3 to 5 sets. Knowing where to begin can be difficult. One way to start is to work each day’s muscle groups on the cable pulls, then on the machines and ending in the free weight section.

In the case of a Monday split for example, one would use the cable pulls for shoulders, biceps and triceps; then move on to machines where, in the same order, one would pick machines that hit these same muscle groups. Finally, one would cycle through these muscle groups one final time on the free weight mats. 

Now, it is important to note the importance of rest days. Remember to rest in order to allow the muscles — which one essentially tears up when working out — time to rebuild themselves. Powering through the gym every day might seem appealing, but this will not yield one’s intended results.

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Winter Cheer Tryouts are Rapidly Approaching

Written by  Jude Bokovoy

Winter cheerleading tryouts are on Nov. 14 — who’s ready? Interested in a place to work on cheer skills, bond with likeminded people and perform in front of a crowd each week? The WOU Cheerleading Team may be just what one is looking for. Follow the guide below to get a sneak peek of what to expect and how to stand out.

Tryout preparation—- First, follow @woucheerleading on Instagram to get information and register by Nov. 12. Then create a dance routine and Western-related cheer to perform for the individual tryout. Make sure to take care of oneself to ensure one’s best performance — whether it’s going to the gym consistently, practicing jumps, getting back into tumbling or anything else.

What to expect at tryouts —-  Arrive a few minutes early to the upper level of the New P.E. building to introduce oneself to the coaches, team members and the people one will be trying out with. Once everyone has warmed up and stretched, the individual tryouts begin. One by one each person trying out will be called back into the gym to perform their own original dance to their song of choice. After this, they will demonstrate their two best jumps, perform their custom cheer and answer a few questions from the judging panel. Tumbling is encouraged, but optional. 

Once everyone has completed their individual tryout, cuts will be made. 

Next, those who are called back will stunt with returning team members. This is one’s time to shine. Open mindedness is a quality that the WOU Cheer Team greatly values. After everyone has been able to perform to their greatest abilities a halftime-style dance routine and cheer will be taught. 

Everyone will be split up into small groups to perform the dance and cheer for the final portion of tryouts.

To stick out among the group, volunteer to call the cheer, be loud and rally one’s heart out after both the cheer and dance. 

What is it like to be a WOU Cheerleader? —- Being on the team is a great experience that will push limits and create lasting friendships. The team is curated based on skill and personality to ensure the safety and enjoyment of each member. For the winter team, practices are held twice a week. There are zero to four Basketball games each week, and with the likey addition of competing in Anaheim California, a WOU cheerleader’s schedule is quite full

Completion of the workout circuits assigned by the athletic trainers will be required twice a week as well. Practices require physical and mental preparation to try a new stunt is always a necessity. Cheerleaders are expected to learn halftime routines within two practices to perform later in the week, so focus is a required quality. Although cheerleading is a big time commitment, the majority of the team is able to maintain being full time students, employees, and cheerleaders harmoniously. 

Being a WOU Cheerleader is an experience unlike any other. Experienced cheerleaders are preferred, but those with no experience are welcome to try out. 

If one has any questions or needs any assistance related to tryouts or WOU Cheer, Coach Caitlin Masterson is happy to assist. To do so, reach out to her via Instagram @woucheerleading.

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Passion for the Passage

Written by Jude Bokovoy

Wanting a place to display one’s creations? Whether one’s interests lie in writing, art or photography, The Northwest Passage has a place for it all. The Northwest Passage is accepting submissions until Nov. 4 for their fall 2022 issue. 

What is The Northwest Passage? Each term, students from Western get the opportunity to submit all of their artistic creations for the chance to be featured in the latest issue. During the weeks leading up to and following the deadline, the Editor-in-Chief will create a shared Google drive containing all submissions, which are voted on anonymously by the publication’s editorial board. Once voting is complete, the Editor-in-Chief will format the booklet — including all of the chosen pieces. After designing, editing, and reviewing, the issue will be ready to print. The finalized copies will be distributed at campus locations, as well as some businesses in downtown Monmouth. 

Contributing to The Northwest Passage is a great way to get one’s name and work out into the world  while building one’s resume. Having published works of any kind looks great on applications. One of the best things about The Northwest Passage is that one can submit classwork to be featured. Submitting classwork requires little to no extra work on the part of the author or artist that is submitting. 

To submit one’s most treasured pieces for a chance to be featured in this term’s edition of The Northwest Passage, email submissions to 

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It’s Ok to Buy That One Dress From SHEIN

Written by Mirella Barrera-Betancourt

The allure of clothing brands like H&M, Shein and Forever 21 can be tempting to many consumers. With their cheap prices, trendy clothing and wide display of styles, fast fashion clothing brands have become increasingly popular amongst social media influencers or so-called “trendsetters.”

It is a generally undisputed fact that fast fashion is bad for the planet and ethically immoral — but what some need to acknowledge is that, for many people, it can be their only option. 

Many environmentalists opposing fast fashion argue that it is worth it to spend the couple more dollars needed to buy something that will last. But when it comes down to using that last paycheck to buy an expensive pair of jeans or save it for healthier grocery options, most would choose the latter. High end and sustainable clothing is sometimes just not an option, especially for college students, who are often living paycheck to paycheck.

Perhaps it’s time to stop dumping all the blame on those who shop fast fashion, and instead look at the systems businesses employ that encourage this behavior from their consumers. Today, an individual cannot scroll through Instagram without seeing a Shein ad urging them to buy that baby blue mini dress — regardless of the fact that it’s fall and they would probably freeze to death trying to wear it.

While there have been various attempts to boycott fast fashion companies, the reality is that it would take an enormous portion of consumers to make enough of an impact for prominent companies to even consider changing their ways. 

Cutting out fast fashion from an individual’s lifestyle choices can be difficult for many; however, it is possible to be an ethically responsible and conscious consumer. 

Shopping fast fashion does not necessarily have to result in the disposal of such large amounts of clothing after a short period of time. Fast fashion is often not the stereotypical “wear once and throw away” notion that many people seem to believe. 

If shopping fast fashion is an individual’s only option, being a more sustainable consumer can simply mean: “buy what you need and wear what you buy.” If properly maintained, a clothing item from Shein could last up to four years. 

Furthermore, depending on the condition, used clothing can be consigned, lent to others, or donated to second-hand shops. In recent years, shopping at thrift stores has become more normalized. Some popular Oregon second-hand stores include Salvation Army, St.Vincent de Paul and Goodwill.

The verdict is this: above all, one should be conscious of their shopping habits. In the end, giving in to buying that Shein dress from an Instagram ad every once in a while is not going to make much of a difference in the vast, unethical world of fast fashion. What will truly make a difference is what one decides to do with that piece of clothing down the road. Will one throw it away after a single use? Or will they consciously maintain it so they can wear it proudly for the next four years?

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