Mount Hood

A students’ tips for acing scholarship applications

Written by:Mirella Barrera-Betancourt

As of Nov. 1 2022, Western’s General Scholarship Application is open for students seeking financial aid for the 2023-2024 academic year, with a deadline of Mar. 1. If students are discouraged from applying for scholarships, they are not alone. Scholarships tend to be highly competitive, making it seem as if the odds of being awarded one are slim to none. Here are six tips to help make scholarship applications less daunting.

Make an impression. This may seem obvious, but the standard for neatness and specificity in scholarship essays is often ignored. These attributes encompass many aspects of the application process. When filling out scholarship forms, the key is to formulate a chain of working drafts, working off one form in order to perfect the other. When writing an essay, include concrete details and examples of one’s accomplishments. A good rule of thumb to make the writing process smoother is to include the standard “who,” “what,” “where,” “when” and “why.”

Create a list of your good traits. Today, there are scholarships available for nearly every individual trait, from nationality, one’s spoken languages, first generation students and students who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Students often believe that applying for a broader, general scholarship increases their chances of being awarded. However, students who apply for trait-specific scholarships have a smaller pool of applicants to compete against.

Apply for small awards. If there is a scholarship that fits one’s qualifications but is offering a small award, don’t overlook it. Small awards can add up quickly. In addition, small awards tend to have less competition than larger awards.

Take advantage of ScholarshipUniverse. ScholarshipUniverse, available through the WOU portal, includes an integrated search engine for more than 8000 scholarship opportunities. ScholarshipUniverse has an integrated questionnaire, which narrows down scholarships according to the student’s qualifications and individual traits.

Complete the full application, including the optional work. Many scholarship applications provide students with “optional” application materials, such as essays, letters of recommendation, or even something humorous, such as a joke. While it may sound exhausting to complete this additional and very much optional piece of work, it may increase one’s chances of being awarded against more qualified applicants who failed to complete it.

Reapply. Scholarships are not a one-time deal. Even if a student fails to secure financial aid from a particular scholarship, it is wise to reapply. In fact, the next application process will roll out much smoother than the first application process, considering the student is already well-versed in the process.

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Explore Next Door

Written by: Jude Bokovoy

Monmouth is at the center of an assortment of towns and cities, giving students an opportunity to explore different places, most of which are only a short drive away. Take a look at the list below for inspiration for one’s next day trip.

Dallas — Bike or walk along the Rickreall Trail System. This trail weaves in and out of trees, parks and along the creek throughout the town. For a bite to eat, go to Spoon N Folks Thai Cuisine for a thai iced tea, noodles or curry — all for a reasonable price. For students over 21 years of age, there are a few bars that have free pool nights as well as darts and karaoke. 

Salem — Try breakfast at Isaac’s Downtown for coffee, bagel sandwiches and pastries. Bush’s Pasture Park is a great place to take a peaceful stroll. The Riverfront Park is another great place for a walk; during the spring one can go down to the dock to feed grown ducks and baby ducklings, then head to Basil and Board for unique individual pizzas for lunch. Whether it’s the mall or a museum, both are great places to kill some time. Sip on a cocktail while sharing an appetizer with friends during happy hour at Ritter’s Housemade Foods. For dinner, have some tacos or pasta at the Masonry Grill.

Corvallis — Grab a cup of coffee and a plant at Greenhouse Coffee and Plants. Pick up a sweet or savory crepe at the Saturday Corvallis Farmers Market. For those who enjoy hiking or mountain biking, the Oregon State University McDonald-Dunn Research Forest is a great place to visit. Have a sandwich and side salad at downtown’s Bodhi Cafe and Bakery. Watch a movie at Darkside Cinema or roll a strike at Highland Bowl. End the day with a burger and fries at Bo and Vine Burger Bar.

McMinnville — This town is full of galleries for those who appreciate art. Those who are 21 and older can enjoy wine tastings and tours at a variety of wineries. Experiment with a variety of “tapas” at La Rambla Restaurant and Bar— warning, it can get pricey. Spend the rest of the time exploring all of the cute shops downtown. 

Lincoln City — The beach is a great place to fly a kite, find shells, explore and relax while watching the sunset. Order a burger and fries at HWY 101 Burger and play a game of pool. If shopping is a hobby, look no further, the Lincoln City Outlets are full of rare and popular stores. There are also lots of shops and restaurants to choose from when walking along the downtown strip. 

Portland — Drive an electric scooter along the riverfront while taking in the beautiful scenery and getting the city feel. Try creative sandwiches at Lardo for lunch. Explore the Alberta Arts District by going into small shops, visiting hidden food trucks then getting a scoop at Salt and Straw Ice Cream. Test one’s capacity for heat with a chicken slider and fries at Dave’s Hot Chicken. Portland has plenty of things to do, just search up one’s desires and chances are that Portland has it. 

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Pleasing Pasta

Written by: Jude Bokovoy

Searching for a simple, quick and healthy pasta recipe? Take a gander at the recipe below to see if it sounds like it would be up one’s alley. 


Start to Finish: 15 minutes 

Yields: 2 servings

½ bag of rigatoni 

½ of a lemon

3 large kale leaves

4 tablespoons olive oil

2 garlic petals

5 tablespoons parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon seasonings of choice

Start by putting four cups of water into a pot over heat to boil. In the meantime, remove garlic petals from the clove. Smash petals with the back of a knife to flatten then place in a warm pan with two tablespoons of olive oil. When water is boiling, place kale leaves into the pot until soft. It should take around three minutes. When ready, put the kale leaves into a blender by using tongs, then add garlic and olive oil. Add seasonings then blend until smooth. Bring another four cups of water to boil then add pasta to cook. While pasta is cooking, add the sauce into a pan to reheat (if using red pepper flakes this is a great time to add them). Once pasta is done, add to the pan and fold until pasta is evenly coated. Plate then sprinkle with parmesan cheese. One can find a video tutorial on the Tik Tok account @justines.table.

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Get to Work

Written by: Mikayla Coleman

First developed by psychoanalyst Carl Jung, shadow work is described by as a type of therapy that focuses on the shadow self — a hidden or repressed part of the psyche. The goal of shadow work is to combine the shadow self and the present psyche of a person so that repressed impulses can be managed in a healthy way. 

Listed below are a variety of shadow work journal prompts curated to encourage one to better connect with themselves, explore the depths of their history and become more aware of their unconscious mind. 

  • What do you need more of in your life? 
  • When are you hardest on yourself? Where do you think this stems from? 
  • What do you consider yourself to be morally passionate about? Why? 
  • How do you typically react when you are angry? Is this similar to individuals who have been in your life since childhood? 
  • What negative emotions do you avoid? Why? 
  • How do you want people to feel around you? 
  • What are you most passionate about? 
  • What drains you? What excites you? 
  • What are your priorities? 
  • If you could write a letter to a person who hurt you, what would you say? 
  • When did you recognize your parents/guardians are not perfect?
  • How much do you think you rely on external validation? How do you feel you could improve with this? 
  • What do you know today that you did not know about this time last year? 
  • What was your favorite activity as a child? Do you still participate in it? 
  • What things are you looking forward to in your lifetime? 
  • What are qualities and traits in others that you admire?
  • What does being confident look like? What does it feel like? 
  • How do you show compassion to others? How can you extend that same compassion to yourself? 
  • What emotions do you find hardest to accept? How do you handle these emotions? 
  • How do you handle change? Why do you think that is? 
  • How would you define your personal spirituality? 

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Easy Egg Bites

Written by:Mikayla Coleman

With a busy student schedule, it can be hard to remember to do basic tasks to take care of oneself. One meal that is often forgotten is deemed the most important meal of the day — breakfast. Use this recipe to make a quick and tasty breakfast on the go. 

Muffin Tin Egg Bites

Start to finish: 30 minutes

Yields: 12 Egg Bites

12 eggs

¾ cup turkey sausage

½ cup fingerling potatoes

½ cup shredded cheese of choice

Paper or silicone muffin tin liners

Preheat oven to 450℉. Cook sausage by heating a large pan. Once the pan is warm, break up the sausage into small pieces while cooking thoroughly throughout. When sausage is cooked, set it aside in a separate container. Steam fingerling potatoes and cut into half or quarter pieces and set aside. In a large mixing bowl whisk together the eggs and a variety of spices to one’s liking. Some options include paprika, parsley salt, garlic powder and pepper. Once eggs are thoroughly mixed, add cheese, potatoes and sausage and mix until well combined. Line a muffin tin with paper or silicone liners and fill with egg mixture, about ¾ full. Place in the oven for fifteen minutes, or until eggs are completely cooked through and solid. Store refrigerated in a tupperware to enjoy for up to five days. 

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Make 2023 your Best Year Yet

Written by: Jude Bokovoy 

2023 may mean many different things to people. This could be your graduation year, the year one gets their first apartment, or any other milestone, however, it can also bring a lot of uncertainty. Start the new year on a high note with these helpful tips below. 

Clear one’s mindset — Whether it’s core values, passions or aspirations — focus on what is important. Three ways that can help one get into a clear headspace is through meditation, prayer or brainstorming.

Get organized — This can be a key component of staying on track and motivated to pursue each day with confidence. Having a planner can help one stay on top of tasks throughout the week while adding unexpected agendas. Getting into a routine is also a great way to get back into the swing of a busy schedule.

Make plans — Get out there. Keep up with relationships by setting aside time to do activities with the people that mean the most to you. This could be as simple as going to a Western home game or as adventurous as taking a trip.

Have the conversations one’s been putting off — At times it can be difficult to start a serious conversation, especially one that has been cast aside. It is important for oneself and the people involved to know what’s truly going on. Whether it is standing up for oneself, starting a relationship or asking for a raise. Who knows? The other person may just be thinking the same thing. 

Do everything wholeheartedly — Narrowing down one’s schedule to their passions and needs can allow the opportunity to put their all into tasks. Putting one’s full effort into their schoolwork, job or sport can help gain achievements, open doors and exude more passion. 

Experiment with classes — There are so many different courses provided by Western. Some intriguing courses may fall outside of one’s major or minor requirements. Fear not, Western’s team of advisors do an excellent job at moving courses around to fit one’s desired outcomes. So take those classes and learn about areas of interest. The knowledge can easily be beneficial later on in life, and you may find a new academic passion.

Get on top of one’s degree tracks — Because Western allows independence when it comes to planning out one’s schedule, it can be easy to fall behind. This is why it is important to make sure one is taking the correct amount of courses each term to graduate according to their plan. Take prerequisites for required courses, take courses that apply to one’s desired career and experimental interests, as well as leaving room for light terms for one’s busy seasons outside of school. 

Set goals — When setting goals, make sure that they can be achieved independently. People may often rely on other people to reach their goals unknowingly. To avoid doing this, one can alter their goals from “win our next game” to “shoot seven three-pointers,” or “make more friends” to “put oneself out there” and so on. No goal is too big or  too small, all that matters is that it pushes one and gives one something to look forward to. 

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The Functionality of a Cat

Written by: Nicholas Sarysz

While dogs may be man’s best friend, what if that man is an introvert? This is where the vainglorious cat comes into play. Many would associate a cat with the ideas of playing, cuddling, purring and cuteness. As a devoted cat owner myself, I can assure anyone that those ideas are mostly bulls–t.

For example, my 3-year-old orange tabby —Moe, whom I often refer to as Boba— could be described using far different attributes. While Moe is cute, his desire for play only comes at the most inconvenient times possible, while also including wanton destruction and incredible unpredictability. Similarly, his need for human contact is inversely proportional to the availability of any humans around him. He is also odd in the fact that his purrs usually come when he is visibly confused or distressed.

This begs the question, what is the functionality of having Moe as my beloved companion? Moe takes up a disproportionate amount of my monthly food budget, needs his litter box scooped every day and refuses to allow me to eat or sleep peacefully. To almost any sane person, he would be a detrimental existence. But f–k ’em if they can’t take a joke, because I would take a bullet for this cat.

Arguably, Moe will always have more negatives than the contrary, but he isn’t all bad news. For starters, he seems to have picked me over my significant other as his “person”. 

The perks for this include Moe following me into the bathroom, looking upon me begrudgingly as I clean up after him and stealing my food.

Another lovely aspect of the entity that is Moe is that he does an exceptional job informing me when there is any moving object outside of my apartment. Moe’s favorite way of communicating potential harm is by assaulting the living room windows.

In all seriousness, he is a good Boba. He has never eaten anything he shouldn’t have, with the notable exception of one chicken nugget. Moe also doesn’t require the constant babysitting that many animals are known for. In all reality, he just exists in the same space that I do, because I forced him to. He —like many cats— had no say in who his roommate is, or even what that “room” is. His life could be considered an existential bummer, yet it is up to me to make sure the most can be made of it. So this begs the question —what is the functionality of a cat owner?

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While dogs may be man’s best friend, what if that man is an introvert? This is where the vainglorious cat comes into play. Many would associate a cat with the ideas of playing, cuddling, purring and cuteness. As a devoted cat owner myself, I can assure anyone that those ideas are mostly bulls–t.

For example, my 3-year-old orange tabby —Moe, whom I often refer to as Boba— could be described using far different attributes. While Moe is cute, his desire for play only comes at the most inconvenient times possible, while also including wanton destruction and incredible unpredictability. Similarly, his need for human contact is inversely proportional to the availability of any humans around him. He is also odd in the fact that his purrs usually come when he is visibly confused or distressed.

This begs the question, what is the functionality of having Moe as my beloved companion? Moe takes up a disproportionate amount of my monthly food budget, needs his litter box scooped every day and refuses to allow me to eat or sleep peacefully. To almost any sane person, he would be a detrimental existence. But f–k ’em if they can’t take a joke, because I would take a bullet for this cat.

Arguably, Moe will always have more negatives than the contrary, but he isn’t all bad news. For starters, he seems to have picked me over my significant other as his “person”. 

The perks for this include Moe following me into the bathroom, looking upon me begrudgingly as I clean up after him and stealing my food.

Another lovely aspect of the entity that is Moe is that he does an exceptional job informing me when there is any moving object outside of my apartment. Moe’s favorite way of communicating potential harm is by assaulting the living room windows.

In all seriousness, he is a good Boba. He has never eaten anything he shouldn’t have, with the notable exception of one chicken nugget. Moe also doesn’t require the constant babysitting that many animals are known for. In all reality, he just exists in the same space that I do, because I forced him to. He —like many cats— had no say in who his roommate is, or even what that “room” is. His life could be considered an existential bummer, yet it is up to me to make sure the most can be made of it. So this begs the question —what is the functionality of a cat owner?

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