Mount Hood

Spend a Saturday at the Saturday Market

Written by: Jude Bokovoy

Saturdays in the spring are made to be spent at a farmers market. Why not shop local at the Independence Saturday Market? From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., fresh produce, crafts and baked goods are up for grabs. To make the day even more special, take a ride there on the Monmouth-Independence Trolley. The first market is in the parking lot of Umpqua Bank right next to the main four-way stop in downtown Independence. The second has a different schedule and can be found in front of the fountain at the Independence Riverfront Park. Below are vendor options from the first market on the first Saturday of May. Bringing cash is highly recommended. 

Vendors may include but are not limited to:

Lucky Crow Farm LLC — This may be a familiar name because of their other location at the Corvallis Farmers’ Market. They sell assorted plants from big beef tomato starts, to acorn winter squash.

table of (dis)contents — Pick up a custom cutting board made by hand, using traditional pre-industrial joinery methods.

BACKYARD BOUNTY — Make friends with the booth owners, Lester Todd and Connie Silverstien. One will find assorted pickled items, jams and a few plants. Because both are over the age of 80, it was explained that Silverstien’s granddaughter does all of the gardening and that the couple does all the pickling. When asking for a website, they simply replied that Todd has a flip phone, Silverstein has a smartphone and that neither of them have a computer, stating “we’re dinosaurs.”

Sunreach — One will discover an assortment of mushrooms personally grown in Falls City, Oregon. Even if mushrooms aren’t of interest, that doesn’t mean that one can’t stop to admire their beauty. 

Marti Sohn — Taking up two booths, one for winter crafts and the other for spring gardening, one can be sure to find a treasure. On the craft side there are tea cups made into candles from following a Martha Stewart craft book. On the other side, there is a variety of jams including blueberry, currant, jalapeno pepper jelly and pear butter. 

Other booths that can be found include: Randa’s Makings, EM’S TREATS N’ TRINKETS, Dysfunctional Kin Co., Seed To Bloom, Nyx Creature Shop and BIG POPPER KETTLE CORN.

Take the time to stop by and see for oneself. 

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Bring love to Monmouth

Written by. Jude Bokovoy

Tyrone Spates, known as the “Jesus loves you guy,” is one of Monmouth’s newest residents. Standing on the four-way intersection connecting Monmouth Avenue and Highway 99, Spates proudly wears neon clothing and shirts that read “Jesus Loves You,” as he dances and waves for residents to honk and smile at. 

Q: What’s your full name and mission?

A: Tyrone Spates, just to let people know Jesus loves you.

Q: How long have you been in Oregon, where else have you lived?

A: I’m from Memphis, Tennessee, and I’ve been here three years — Salem and here.

Q: How long have you been doing this?

A: For three years — since I got here.

Q: What inspired you to do this?

A: I was in prison. I got in the wrong car, and I get 23 years in the penitentiary. And I had open heart surgery… April 8, I didn’t eat, sleep or take a dump for two weeks. So you know I was in bad shape. I picked up the bible, and I went right to Matthew 7:7 and guess what it says; ‘ask Tyrone and it will be given, seek Tyrone and you will find, knock and the door will open onto you’. I said “Lord, don’t let me down here.” And when I called Him, the mic camera said ‘special report to medical.’ When I called Him, they called me (in). When I called, he came runnin’ for real. And when I got out of prison, I said Imma tell everybody to the end of the world, that You (Jesus) loves me, and you love them too. And that’s what got me doin’ what I do.

Q: What is your goal later in life? 

A: Well, I was homeless for three years. I got me a housing voucher in six months and I couldn’t find no where to go with my voucher. It’s like (having) winning a lottery ticket but can’t cash it in. Lord told me go call Miss Capi Lynn. She works for the Salem Journal newspaper. She’s my angel, my brother said ‘she’s your vessel.’ God used her for a vessel and got me off the street. February 15th my voucher was over with, I called Miss Capi, she said “baby we’re going to do something about this.” She got me right here right now. I stay right there (proudly stating his address) and I got a housing voucher. The whole house is functional, everything been given to me, brand new. And everybody ain’t giving this to the homeless. My mission is to get me something like a food truck to feed the homeless. It’s (there’s) not homeless in Monmouth, but they homeless in Salem. There’s a lot of homeless people in Salem, up on the bridges. So I go where people don’t even go, where churches don’t go. See people using drugs, they need help. I pass out sacks of food, peanut butter sandwich, a bag of chips, a cake and a water bottle. That will go a long ways when you’re homeless. I understand, I used to get it myself, I know how much it would help a person out. I try to do it everyday, I try to record myself doin’ it, but it’s hard when your passin’ out a sack lunch and trying to record myself and do all that at one time. So I just pass out and only let God bless me.

Q: How do you know Miss Capi?

A: I used to stand outside the Salem Journal for six hours every day and wave at traffic. And I was just doin’ it everyday. I just love to do it. She said can I tell your story? I said sure. She put me on the front of the newspaper. There was a big ol’ article about me. She just told everything about me you know. You know I told her about you, (Spates told Capi). I’m going to make sure she puts in that you’re my angel, you’re going to be in the paper too ma’am. I told her last night that I was going to meet you today. 

Q: What’s your newest blessing?

A: Now He blessed me over here at the Chicken House (Kentucky Fried Chicken). I put the application in, she said Tyrone you got the job. From 4:30 p.m. they close at 9:30 p.m. so I don’t know what time I get off. Today’s my first day of work. I’m a dishwasher so I’ve got to watch a tape and then wash the dishes. It’s been 26 years since I’ve had a job. So I don’t know how it’s gon’ go, I really don’t even know. I can’t wait to get up there, my brother said “let your first impression be your best impression.” So I’m going to try that, go with all black on (unlike his typical neon attire accompanied with a Jesus Loves You shirt). I wasn’t getting nothing out here at first. I was just waving, people give me donations sometimes. I sell Jesus Loves You shirts, I ain’t got no more shirts because my funds have had ran out. So when I get some funds I’ll sell more Jesus Loves You Shirts. I give a lot to small kids to inspire them to tell your mothers you love them. My mama held me by the hands. She said son I love you and kissed me. Six hours later she was in the hospital, she had a blood clot in her stomach and she died. I never got the chance to tell her that I love her, and it hurts me everyday. That’s something I’ll hold for the rest of my life. She told me that, but I never got the chance to tell her that. I tell everybody, tell your mother you love her, cause look to your right, look to your left, somebody won’t be there in a minute. People don’t like when I talk like that, but that’s the truth. 

Q: What inspired you to sell T-shirts and what colors do you provide?

A: Well, I can get any color you want. But they say I got to get with the program I got to get black and gold, yella, I want to get all the colors this week. I got size small to a 4x. For $20, and I make $6 off a shirt (0.30% profit) when I sell them. I love standin’ out there and makin’ people smile. I turn your frown into a smile. It takes so many muscles to frown, your whole face stressin’ out. You’ll live longer (if you smile) for real. He (God) ended up blessing the (t-shirt) business. All the blessings delayed, not a blessing denied. So if you’re asking for something and He hasn’t given it to you, just wait he gon give it to you. It took him three years to give me mines. I’d been homeless for three years, my brother said “come back here” I said ‘I can’t go back this is my home.’ If I come back down there in six months, real talk I’d probably be dead — Memphis is warzone for real. I’m so glad to be down here. I can take a walk around. In Memphis, when you park your car to fill up for gas, they jack. So when you fill it up, they take the car. I can’t go home, this is my home up here. 

Q: I heard that The Sippery is going to sell your shirts, is that true?

A: Yes! I’ve got to say something about her too. I sold the lady a shirt in a big ol’ black truck one day. The next morning she called me and said this lady right here Tyrone, she wants to meet you. And you know I didn’t know. She said “I own The Sippery honey you can come into my place and sell your shirts.” I said what? She said “yeah.” I didn’t want to miss it because I want her in the paper too. 

Q: Do you like it when people honk at you?

A: I love it. It’s different here than in Salem. Why I say that, is ‘cause in Salem, if you have an old white man and you an old white woman, she’s got to ask her husband. I watch them, she asks can I wave at him? He say yeah, she goes crazy. But down here, mhm, they don’t do none of that. They wavin’ off the top, it’s different around here. It don’t take a lot to make me happy. You know sometimes it takes cars, money, not me. I just see people smilin’ and I’m happy. 

Q: Do you see yourself stopping at some point?

A: Yep He’ll (Jesus) be back in a minute. Imma stop when he gets back. It ain’t much longer of me doin’ this, no talk, real talk. 

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Liv’n it up in Lifestyle

Written by:  Jude Bokovoy

Searching for a job for next school year that looks great on a resume, teaches tangible skills and will prepare one for professional writing in the workplace? Here’s why being the Western Howl’s Lifestyle Editor should be on your application list. 

Encourages activity — One of the most common topics associated with the current lifestyle section is things to do and places to go. This role will get one out of their comfort zone and out of town to encourage students to do so as well. There is no limit on topics or area code to stay within; the Howl is one’s oyster. 

Passions — Spread the word about all of the hobbies and little joys one partakes in. Interested in cooking? Write a recipe. Enjoy making jewelry? Show off creations and give a tutorial on how others can do just the same. Even if it’s a random or niche activity, if one is passionate about it, one can put it in the newspaper. 

Capture time — Writing about trends, apps, popular activities and places creates a snapshot in time for all students to look back on. It also encourages one to participate to get a full understanding before reporting about it. 

The people — Not only will one have a support system at the Howl, but also the opportunity to give interviews to people one finds interesting. Whether it’s a business owner, artist or whoever, there’s a good chance an interview can be made possible. 

Have ideas come to life — For any article one writes, there is always a photo or a graphic to describe it. When it comes to graphics, one can think of anything that makes them happy and curious, tell a designer and see it on production night. It’s so fun to see what the designers do with the idea to make it their own as well. With photos one will be able to work on their photography skills and will have their photo on the cover from time to time. 

Inspires one to be a better person — Writing for the lifestyle section gives the unique opportunity to give advice to fellow students. This could be anything from living with roommates to being true to oneself. It gives one time and reason to think about how they can improve themselves and how far they have come to give advice directly from one’s life. 

Grow as a writer — Being an editor is like jumping into an upper-division writing course with three professors and one as the only student. There will be so much to learn about writing, with one’s own style and Associated Press style at the forefront. It will take some getting used to at first, but with time having a team of people editing one’s work will become normal. The healthy and encouraging environment is made for people to grow and someone will be there to answer any question no matter how silly it may sound. 

Contact the author at

What the lifestyle editor writes about:

  • Activities
  • Restaurants 
  • Hobbies
  • Places
  • Advice
  • Recommendations

Gluten-Free Blueberry Lemon Cake

Written by: Mikayla Coleman

As spring moves in and summer approaches, one may be looking for something sweet and refreshing to snack on. Whether one is entertaining a group of friends or celebrating solo, this moist gluten-free blueberry lemon cake is sure to please. 


Start to finish: 50 minutes

Yields: 16 servings

Gluten-free Blueberry Lemon Cake

3 ⅔ cups gluten-free 1:1 baking flour

1 ½ cups granulated sugar 

1 tbsp baking powder 

1 tsp baking soda

1 ½ dairy-free milk

½ cup butter

½ cup greek yogurt 

1 tbsp lemon zest, about one lemon

3 tbsp fresh lemon juice, about one lemon 

1 tbsp vanilla extract 

2 tsp lemon extract, optional 

½ cup fresh blueberries 

Fresh Blueberry Frosting

8 ounces fresh blueberries 

1 cup butter or vegan butter 

3 cups powdered sugar 

1 teaspoon vanilla extract 

Preheat the oven to 350°F and line two 8-inch nonstick cake pans with parchment paper. If one doesn’t have a nonstick cake pan, grease each pan with cooking spray, coconut oil or butter and lightly flour each pan by adding 1 tablespoon of extra flour per pan. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder and baking soda. In a medium bowl, mix together the dairy-free milk, butter, greek yogurt, lemon zest, lemon juice and vanilla extract. Fold the wet mixture into the dry until combined. Fold in the blueberries. Evenly divide the batter between the prepared cake pans and place them in the oven to bake for 33 to 35 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted in the middle. 

The cakes should be completely set and bounce back at a light touch. Remove cakes from the oven and carefully invert them onto a cooling rack, then turn them right side up. Let the cakes cool completely, this should take about 30 minutes. 

To make the frosting, place about 1 ½ cups of blueberries in a food processor or blender and puree until smooth. Stop to scrape the sides as needed, this should take a minute or two. Place the butter in a large mixing bowl and beat until smooth and creamy, add 1 cup of powdered sugar and beat again. Add 1 more cup of powdered sugar and beat until combined. Add ½ cup of blueberry puree and beat again until smooth. Add the remaining powdered sugar and vanilla extract and beat until smooth and fluffy. Add more berry puree as desired for a creamier and parable icing, or add additional powdered sugar for a thicker and more pipe-able frosting for decorating.

When ready to frost, place one cake on a cake plate or stand. Evenly spread a 1/2 cup of the blueberry frosting on the top of the first layer. Place the second cake on top and frost the top, edges and sides of the cake with the rest of the blueberry frosting.  Use the remaining berries to decorate the cake as desired. 

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Out of Town Eats

Written by: Jude Bokovoy


Screen Door — This popular floral granny-style eatery in Portland is the spot for brunch and pictures. Known for their chicken and waffles, one can get anything imaginable to start off their day from shrimp and grits to eggs benedict. Currently there are two locations in the Portland area, both recommending reservations. 

Posies Bakery & Café — If one is looking for a casual café experience, this is the place. The Portland based shop offers a wide variety of pastries, drinks and has a decent sized breakfast menu for a café. 

Ground Espresso Bar & Café — Looking for a spot for coffee and breakfast sandwiches in the Gorge? This café in the heart of downtown Hood River provides house roasted coffee, pastries and many sandwiches made with locally grown ingredients. 


Lardo — If one loves a good pork sandwich, don’t pass up the opportunity to go to Lardo’s. With both summer and winter menus to choose from, one can experiment with their unique sandwiches from their Pho-rench Dip to the Italian Flag. Although pork is their speciality, they offer many other meats, as well as pescetarian and vegetarian options. Find them in Lake Oswego, scattered around Portland and even in Las Vegas. 

Bunk Sandwiches — Known for their Cubano, Bunk offers an array of sandwiches to choose from. Don’t forget to get an order of their garlic parmesan waffle fries with their homemade burger and ranch sauce. Catch them at the Bridgeport Village Mall or by the Central Eastside of Portland. 

Bodhi Artisan Kitchen and Bakery — Indulge in a sandwich with high quality ingredients in the Corvallis and Albany areas. One will find a spin on a classic tuna melt down to a portobello sandwich with goat cheese and other lovely flavors. 

Dave’s Hot Chicken — This is the place for a cheap dependable meal. A date could easily share a #2, two sliders and fries for around $12. Get out of one’s comfort zone to try their different levels of spice ranging from lite mild to reaper. This chain can be found around Portland and will soon be available in Salem.


Tacovore — The array of tacos from this Corvallis favorite will blow one’s mind. They include unique variations, fresh ingredients and sauces, providing many options. Tacovore also has a location in Eugene and Portland.

Papi Chulos — This viral Jalisco-style taqueria is one of the hot spots in Portland and Bend. They have a lot to offer when it comes to the cooking techniques of their meat. Don’t forget to check out their merch on the way out.

Cha! Cha! Cha! — This restaurant prides themselves on their authentic cuisine. Their simple ingredients and flavorful sauces provide the perfect bite every time. One can find them sprinkled throughout Portland.


Bo & Vine Burger Bar — With locations in Salem, Corvallis and Eugene, provides a unique burger experience. Offering a variety of options, sauces and shareable sides this place is a must go.

Nicoletta’s Table and Marketplace — Not commonly known for their burgers, this restaurant  has a fantastic wagyu bacon cheeseburger. Notable features include fresh avocado, tomatoes, garlic aioli and parmesan truffle fries on the side. 

In-N-Out Burger — A shining star in Keizer, In-N-Out gives Oregonians the opportunity to grab a California classic. I highly recommend including chopped chili’s on animal style fries alongside one’s burger. 


Gorge White House Food Cart — This delectable food truck in the beautiful garden of the infamous Gorge White House is an experience that can’t be missed in the spring. Their fruitful flatbreads will change one’s mind about having berries on a slice. Also their tater tots… no words. They can be found just outside of Hood River with a great view of Mt. Hood. 

Cibo — This Italian restaurant will toss and bake pizzas right by the table. Their use of fresh ingredients won’t go unnoticed and options will keep one guessing what to choose. One pizza is plenty for two to share. Cibo is found in the south east of Portland. 

Basil & Board — A Salem staple, Basil and Board will keep one coming back for more. Spend a sunny day in their rooftop seating with a hot slice of pizza and a cold drink to sip on. Choose from their wide selection of mini pizzas or create one unique to one’s personal taste. To ensure securing a table, make a reservation a few hours beforehand. 

Contact the author at

Cat Product Recommendations

Written by: Mikayla Coleman

Looking for a way to spoil one’s cat? Whether one has just brought home a new kitten from the shelter or has been loving their cat for years — these products can make cohabitation with our favorite furry friends easier and more fulfilling. 

    • Clear bird feeders If one has a home or apartment that has windows that are low to the ground, consider buying a clear bird feeder that can be easily attached to the window for viewing pleasure. There are even some clear bird feeders that are made with one-way glass so that cats are able to observe them, but not scare them away with a feline’s ferocious staring.  
  • Snuffle matsWhile more commonly marketed toward dogs, snuffle mats are a great way for cats to gain mental stimulation, especially if one owns a strictly indoor cat. Snuffle mats are essentially a mat or rug filled with loose strips, pouches or pockets for one to hide cat treats in. When using a snuffle mat, a cat must use their nose and paws to surpass obstacles in order to “hunt” for their treats.  
  • Cat strollerOkay, this one seems really extra, but who doesn’t love going above and beyond for their pets? Ranging from $75 to $200 on Amazon, mesh or clear plastic cat strollers allow indoor cats the chance to experience the outdoors in a controlled and safe environment. As someone who compulsively purchased a cat stroller this past summer, I can wholeheartedly recommend one to those who have indoor cats. Taking a stroll with my furry companion to get my morning coffee was often the highlight of my day. 
  • Silvervine chew sticks — One thing no one told me before I got a kitten is that they go through the teething process. While being nibbled by my kitten was endearing at first, those little teeth come to feel like razor blades over time. Silvervine is similar to catnip— cats love it— and the toy lends itself to the teething and playing process while also being entirely natural. 
  • Cat door holder — This product is great for those who have roommates or more than one type of animal living in their household. This door holder is meant to keep one’s door slightly open so a cat can easily access one’s room, or the room in which the litter box resides. This prevents the cat from accidentally being locked in or out of a room that they may need access to without constantly having doors wide open. 

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Documenting the Duration

Written by: Jude Bokovoy

It can be easy to get sidetracked balancing college and documenting one’s life. Whatever one finds important, don’t lose track of it. It is nice to have things to look back on to reminisce in nostalgia and keep close. 

Photography — It may seem awkward for some, but try to take a picture with or of one’s friends from time to time. Through documenting one’s friendships as they grow and strengthen, one will be able to reminisce and have a reminder of how far that relationship has come. 

Videography — If one isn’t too familiar with the art of videography, it may take some time for it to feel natural. One way to do this is to create mini vlogs. This could be little snippets from a day with friends or a whole ordeal with a voice over. These could be kept to oneself or uploaded on a platform such as Tik Tok, giving the ability to store them and share with the people in them.

Journaling — If one  doesn’t want to forget what is currently happening in their life or what  one prioritizes at the current moment, jot them down. Soon enough one will find themselves with a notebook or Google Doc full of memories. If one needs a nudge, look up some journal prompts to start. 

Scrapbooking — Wanting a tangible place to keep all of those photos that have been taken? Creating a scrapbook is an ongoing, relaxing and artistic process. Whether one creates a book for each year, season, or the entirety of college — try to make it an enjoyable experience. There are plenty of stickers, mini frames and accessories available at craft stores and online shops. If digital creation is more up one’s alley, there are plenty of options to do so. Pro tip, if creating a digital scrapbook through Shutterfly, wait for a coupon to appear before purchasing; it happens more often than one would expect. 

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