Mount Hood

Aquaculture to play a key role in global protein production

By: Brian Tesch,
Advertising Manager

With diminishing habitats, decaying fisheries and an increase in demand for Seafood, aquaculture across the globe is poised to play an important role in the future of food supply. It is unlikely that wild capture fisheries will be able to produce any higher yields in the future. In many parts of the world, wild fisheries have been experiencing a sharp decline. Most notable are the Atlantic salmon, a species that once dominated the eastern seaboard with numbers estimated in the hundreds of millions are now around 500,000. Despite ambiguous packaging and with a few minor exceptions, all of today’s Atlantic salmon you will find in your local grocery store was farm raised in an aqglobal_seafood_production-colornoaa-govuaculture facility. While the industry is easily replacing salmon demand, it has a long way to go.

On paper, fish are the most efficient source of animal protein to produce. There are many ways to compare efficiency when it comes to proteins, to simplify, we will look at the feed
conversion ratio. The ratio expresses the amount of feed by weight, to produce a protein by weight. Fish being the most efficient have a 1.2 ratio, meaning it takes 1.2 pounds of feed to produce one pound of fish. Beef and pork have ratios that are 8.7 and 5.9 respectively (taken from NOAA). The reason for its efficiency is directly related to the industry’s biggest challenge. Fish are predators and are built to consume and process more complex forms of proteins and nutrients, unlike cows or pigs. This is great when it comes to efficiency scales and sustainable production of protein, but like most things, there’s a catch. Since fish are predators they must eat other sources of proteins.

Most fishmeal today is produced from the harvest of pelagic fish less desirable for human consumption such as herring or anchovies. This poses a problem because it puts a lot of weight on herring and anchovy populations and it does not completely solve the problem of sustainable fish production. Most of the aquaculture industry is based on converting less desirable fish into more desirable fish. This is a problem because in this process, nutrients and proteins are lost. It’s important to note that populations of anchovy and herring are more likely to decrease than increase, making fish feed another limiting supply on the aquaculture industry.

So while global fishery production is very limited and mostly in decline, Aquaculture has been supplementing the growth in the seafood industry but most of that growth is based on the natural carrying capacity of smaller fish such as anchovies, which is very limited and mostly also in decline. Paired with demand for Seafood increasing as global populations set to reach 9 billion in 2050, the industry has some very limited problems. Continuing of this course, the Aquaculture industry will reach a limit in the amount of feed, therefore fish they can produce.

What is the solution?

Increasing anchovy populations is one way, but done unnaturally is outlawed. People have tried artificially increasing fish populations in the past but most have been labeled as geo-terrorists.

Most notable was Russ George in an attempt to restore fisheries in the Northeast Pacific. He poured 120 tons of iron into the ocean in 2012 in an attempt to artificially bloom algae. Iron being a limiting nutrient for algae in the open ocean. In the next following years, fishing yields quadrupled in the region, but because no scientist was brought on to the experiment, it’s impossible to prove the increase in yields as a direct result of Russ George’s ambitious experiment.

If you can’t increase populations, the only other option is to decrease the reliance of anchovy in fish food. The aquaculture industry all over the world is looking for sustainable protein substitutes for fish feed, and progress is being made. The solution is simple, find alternative food sources to raise fish on. Once the feed becomes sustainable and uses less fish, the aquaculture industry is poised to become the world’s leader in protein production due to its sustainability, efficiently and overall tastiness.

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Complete cultural immersion: how study abroad can change a student’s perspective

By: TK Layman

Staff Writer

Studying in another country can sound like an exciting yet daunting event that many students dream of doing one day. Western Oregon University offers many study abroad programs, and informational meetings to help students achieve their goals of experiencing another country, culture and possibly language for a full term.

Students have a variety of programs that can fit their individual interests. From a diverse list of countries like Argentina, China, Germany, South Africa and several more, students can immerse themselves in a new country and way of life.

Exchange Student Beatrice Andersson came from her hometown of Karlskoga, Sweden to study at Western Oregon University. When asked why she chose Western Oregon, and her favorite parts of studying here she stated, “It was that the school was more involved with the students. The people here are very friendly and very helpful. The teachers here are really involved with their students and engage them.”

The experiences gained can impact a student for a lifetime. A person who studies abroad will be learning a new way of life in another part of the world, have the possibility of learning a new language and immersing themselves in an unfamiliar environment.

“Just do it … there will be a time where you will feel uncomfortable with the whole experience, and you just want to go home, but those times are nothing compared to the amazing experiences you will get as a whole,” Andersson expressed.

If you are interested in studying abroad there are few ways to learn more. On the WOU Study Abroad page you can search which program they feel will fit you best, followed by a group advising session offered Wednesday’s at noon in Maaske 114. For anyone wanting to learn more you can call 503-838-8905, email or stop by Maaske 112 for more information.

WOU Study Abroad home page

WOU Study Abroad location and Information

Music at Western (On campus music performances)

By: Katherine Ljungqvist

Research has shown time and again that music can promote mental health, improve sleep quality and relieve stress and anxiety.

According to John Hopkins Medical research, exposure to new music has been linked with increased creativity; for a college student, these benefits can be paramount to a person’s success.

Fortunately for us, Western offers numerous musical performances throughout the year where one can reap the benefits of music.

The Western Oregon University music department is kicking off the 2016 fall term with a number of music events at Smith Hall and Rice Auditorium. Weekly performances are scheduled starting Nov. 5 through Dec. 4, which will include guitar and chamber ensembles, the Western Orchestra, a performance by the Tom Bergeron Brazil Band and a performance by the student run Brazil orchestra with special appearances by the Brazilian Bassist, Wagner Trinidade.

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Western’s music department head, Dr. Tom Bergeron, to discuss some of this year’s events and also the major role that Latin American music plays in America’s music education. When asked how students can benefit from exposure to live music performances at Western, Dr. Bergeron responded that these performances offer students “edutainment.” “We’re playing music that we hope you’re going to enjoy, but we’re also trying to … put it into context,” said Bergeron.

Part of how this is accomplished is with the presence of guest musicians such as Wagner Trindade, who lend their knowledge and talents to performances.

Many college music departments feature symphony or jazz ensembles, but Latin American music is a staple in America’s music culture, and is subsequently growing in popularity in American music education.

While many Latin American countries are small enough to stay off the music industry’s radar, Brazil is the second largest country in the Americas as well as the “largest self-contained music industry in the Western Hemisphere.” The presence of Latin American influence in America’s music culture is prominent, which is why it is so beneficial for music students to receive exposure to this element of the industry.

Performances by the Tom Bergeron Brazil Band and other Western music events throughout the year are posted on the music department home page, and are free to students with their student ID. So if you’re looking for affordable entertainment this year that has educational and mental health benefits, then you should check out the Western music department event schedule.

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Editor’s picks

By: Ashton Newton
Entertainment Editor

Editor’s Recommendation:
“Norwegian by Night” by Derek B. Miller is a novel about an elderly American man who moves to Norway with his granddaughter and her husband. In Norway he saves a little boy from death and begins a journey running from a killer, the law and his family.library-2-color
The book is a thriller but doesn’t feel that way because of how rich the characters are. I was instantly drawn into the lives the characters were living and every problem they had.
Also great is the “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” novelization written by Alan Dean Foster. The book adds details that are left out of the movie. Some deleted scenes from the movie are included, as well as more dialogue between characters that were cut from the film.

Editor’s Disparagement:
It’s becoming more and more practical to shop for books on Amazon. You don’t have to leave your house and prices are generally really cheap. But there’s something about going to a bookstore that will always be better. While Amazon is great for buying books, buying books from bookstores helps small businesses and is great for finding books you would’ve never read if you were only shopping on Amazon. Blindly buying a book to read is difficult on Amazon since ratings are right in front of you at all times.

Review: “Doctor Strange”

By: Ashton Newton
Entertainment Editor

“Doctor Strange” is the 14th film in the huge Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has included space, gods and psycho robots. “Doctor Strange” brings the brand new world of mysticism into the universe as well, and does it incredibly.

Not only one of the most visually stunning films Marvel has had to date, but “Doctor Strange” brings fans a completely new side of the cinematic universe with magic and other dimensions.

The film jumps head first into Marvel’s mystical side, while keeping things simple enough for casual viewers to understand how things fit into the universe as a whole. With 14 films, keeping them simple at the core is important, and “Doctor Strange” does this perfectly.

Stephen Strange’s defining characteristic is his arrogance. He’s a world famous neurosurgeon with a massive ego. The film starts with him as an unlikeable character, but Strange grows and is very much human.

What makes this movie so grounded is that all of these sorcerers are human. Some might be hundreds of years old, but they talk like humans and they have the same problems as humans. Everyone in this movie can be relatable, which is an important quality to have in any superhero movie.

Characters are brought to life by incredible performances all around, notably Tilda Swinton’s Ancient One and Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange.

The visuals in “Doctor Strange” were some of the best that Marvel has had. Scenes are always accompanied by patterns that are satisfying to look at. Buildings are moving, dimensions are crossing and all of it stays true to the comics and brings Steve Ditko’s incredible art to life.

The side characters don’t play a huge role in the film. The focus is very much on Strange and his origin, so important characters like Wong and Mordo were not given the attention they deserve. But I think it was important to have a large focus on Doctor Strange since he’s the hero being introduced into the Marvel Universe.

The villain, Kaecilius, continued Marvel’s trend of weak and underdeveloped villains. Mads Mikkelsen did a great job playing him, but he made such a little impact that I couldn’t even remember his name when I left the theater. Doctor Strange’s sentient cape has more of a personality than Kaecilius.

“Doctor Strange” expands Marvel’s cinematic universe and definitely has a place in it. The movie loosely mentions characters and events from previous movies, as well as showing off Avenger’s Tower a couple of times.

The most exciting quality about Marvel movies is that they are always setting up the stage for something bigger. There’s always a plan for the future and each movie is just a small part of something huge. “Doctor Strange” definitely feels as if it’s setting up for something great. There’s more to come for Strange and the stage is definitely set for that.

“Doctor Strange” is a great movie. It blends together humor and action, while entering a whole side of Marvel’s huge universe.
Although brought down slightly by unimportant side characters and a weak villain, “Doctor Strange” is one of the best Marvel movies to date.

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+ Stunning visuals
+ Incredible performances

– Weak, underdeveloped villain

The Candy Critic: Reese’s

By: Ashton Newton
self-proclaimed candyman

When I dig into a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, I know exactly what to expect. That perfect blend of chocolate and peanut butter melting in my mouth and, for just a second, washing away every worry in the world. Reese’s are perfection.

But the joy of Reese’s doesn’t stop there. There are Reese’s Pieces, Reese’s Puffs, Reese’s Big Cups, Reese’s Holiday Cups and so much more. Not to mention Reese’s White Chocolate Cups, humor-1-colorDark Chocolate Cups, Crunch bars and even the off-brand chocolate peanut butter candy has some of the Reese’s feel.

I’m going to start off with the classic Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup two-cup pack. This is the true, loved and tested product that turned Reese’s into a candy empire. When opening the pack there is some suspense. You see the peanut butter cup, you know that soon it will be yours, but you must first take off the brown wrapping, which is an art in itself and must be done with extreme care. Actually eating the peanut butter cup can be done in many ways, but the best way I’ve found is just to eat the whole thing at once. As expected, absolutely fantastic taste and perfect chocolate peanut butter balance. 10/10
Next up is the popular Reese’s Pieces product. These M&M sized peanut butter filled snacks are great for when you’re on the go, but rely too heavily on the peanut butter and not enough on the chocolate. They’re not bad, but I’d choose the peanut butter M&M’s over them any day. 7/10

Another negative is the Reese’s Big Cups. A huge part of the Reese’s experience is the balance between chocolate and peanut butter, and this candy throws that idea out the window. It’s an extreme candy and must be eaten with the utmost responsibility. It’s easy to overdo it with these and get sick. Too much peanut butter is a bad thing. 6/10
Differing greatly from the classic idea of what Reese’s should be is Reese’s Puff cereal. Reese’s Puffs are one of the best cereals out there because they give the incredible taste of Reese’s peanut butter and chocolate without having to deal with peanut butter or chocolate. They’re simple, tasty, and allow you to eat Reese’s for breakfast. The only negative is the fact that they’re not Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. 9/10

Christmas, Halloween and Easter bring the holiday cups. These fun shaped treats break the law of Reese’s balance by having way more peanut butter than chocolate, but it doesn’t matter because they are amazing because of it. I’d much rather have holiday cups than a normal Reese’s cup. No brown wrapping and fun shapes bring holiday cups above normal Reese’s cups, only brought down by the limited quantity. 10/10

Finally, the most innovative Reese’s candy around: the Reese’s Pieces Peanut Butter Cup. This incredible invention not only gives you the perfection that is a Reese’s peanut butter cup, but also fills it with Reese’s Pieces, correcting the lack of chocolate from individual Reese’s Pieces. These are a must have. The merge of Reese’s two most popular products is such a simple idea, but one that brings forth the best Reese’s product to date. 11/10

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Caretakers of the constellations

By: Kinsey Bushart

“Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2” had its first trailer released Oct. 19. In the trailer, the gang of space superheros continue on their journey to, of course, guard the galaxy.

In the minute and a half video, Starlord and Drax the Destroyer have a heart-to-heart conversation, Gamora is an action star, Rocket Racoon blasts a hole in something and is more than likely about to get into some sort of trouble along with his adorable little pal, baby Groot. So, it’s business as usual.

This action packed sequel continues the Marvel Cinematic Universe and is sure to bring the crowds just as much enjoyment as the first “Guardians of the Galaxy.” The film is planned to be released to theaters May 5, 2017.

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