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Mount Hood

This week in completely made up horoscopes

The Western Howl Staff

Theme: Which class drove the signs mad?

Aries 3/21-4/19  

The one with my professor that did not respond to my emails ever

Taurus 4/20-5/20

Any class with a zoom meeting during finals week

Gemini 5/21-6/20 

idk what y’all are talking abt, i taught myself this term

And they didn’t pay you? Asking for a friend -Leo

Cancer 6/21-7/22

My classes were chill⏤

Leo 7/23-8/22

Shout out to the prof who just started grading stuff from week 4. Thx for making it really difficult to study for finals owo

Virgo 8/23-9/22

I’m just glad I never have to take a literature class again

Libra 9/23-10/22

The social class. I am succumbing to the pressure of maintaining multiple jobs and school. But like whoooo Spring Break ig 

Scorpio 10/23-11/21 

D, all of the above

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21

Oh, you know… that professor who decided that using McGraw-Hill’s connect was a good idea t(-.-t)

Capricorn 12/22-1/19

I won’t say names, but let’s just go with the prof who didn’t know how to do a ppt

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18

F–k that class that didn’t grant an extension when i lost power

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20

I don’t understand why I need to study English when I already speak it.

Commencement Committee in final stages of graduation plans

Graduation format survey currently under review by committee

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

This year’s graduating seniors are currently waiting on plans from the Western Oregon University Commencement Committee.

On Jan. 7, the committee sent out a survey to students, inviting them to voice opinions on how this year’s graduation ceremony should be structured. Within the survey, students were given three graduation format options: graduation parade, graduation week or a graduation drive-thru. The option of a normal graduation ceremony was not offered, as the committee already decided against the idea. 

According to the survey results listed on wou.edu/graduation, of the 447 participants, 257 students listed graduation week as their first choice in their preferred mode of graduation. A drive-thru ceremony, with 227 votes, was the second preferred option and the graduation parade had 231 votes as the third option.

“I know that some people may not agree with me,” said senior molecular biology major Paige Gillespie, “but I think given the pandemic they had reasonable options that still benefit those that are graduating.”

Gillespie noted her disappointment that her family will not be able to see her graduate in person.

“I was only going to participate for my family, as I am the first person in my family to graduate from college,” said Gillespie. “But the sense of accomplishment is still there … I think I chose the one with the parade of sorts because I thought it would be the coolest.”

At this time, the committee is still deliberating the preferred method for the 2021 graduation ceremony, and plans to announce the graduation format on March 29.

The story will be updated as more information is released.

Contact the author at scarpenter18@mail.wou.edu

Western hosts virtual Family Weekend

Student Engagement accommodates students living at home and on campus for Family Weekend

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

Western’s 66th annual Family Weekend has been decentralized and formatted to fit an online platform. For this year’s activities, Student Engagement has ensured students living on campus and students living at home can participate by creating two “WOU family care packages.”

Packages: Families or students can purchase these packages for $20 which includes shipping cost. If families have more than one Western student, or there are multiple families, students can purchase two packages total.

  1. Package #1: Made for students living at home ⏤ Contains a Western family-themed car decal, a DIY craft kit, murder mystery Zoom link, a custom Western puzzle and Family Weekend merchandise.
  2. Package #2: Made for students living on or near campus ⏤ Contains a Western family-themed car decal, a DIY craft kit, murdery mystery Zoom link, Family Weekend merchandise and a card that is sent to the student or family member.

Families can add on $10 if they are interested in purchasing additional Family Weekend t-shirts. Each family can order up to three t-shirts. For more information, visit their website at this link https://wou.edu/student-engagement/programs/family-weekend. All package orders are due to Kelly Welch by March 29.

Contact the author scarpenter18@mail.wou.edu

Committee searches for new president

The Board of Trustees has assembled an advisory committee to assist in the search for an interim president

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

On Oct. 8, 2020, current university president Rex Fuller sent out an email to colleagues announcing his plans to retire in fall 2021.

Since the announcement, the Board of Trustees has approved of new “Board Statement on Presidential Vacancies” search guidelines for the interim president — mid-summer 2021 to June–July 2022 — and search guidelines for the regular president. The newly assembled advisory committee consists of Betty Komp, Ryan Hagemann, Jon Carey, Dr. Vivian Djokotoe, Sandra Holland, Dr. Bojan Ilievski, Malissa Larson, Mike Morgan, Nathan Sauer, Dr. Rob Winningham and Alex Ped. The titles of each committee member can be viewed on the presidential vacancy website at wou.edu/presidentialvacancy.

For student representation, the Associated Students of Western Oregon University President NJ Johnson was tasked to suggest a candidate to the board.

“I advocated for more students to be on the committee,” said Johnson, “but that was not what the Board of Trustees voted on and the Board of Trustees is the governing board.”

In his recommendation, Johnson chose junior criminal justice major and ASWOU Senator Elizabeth Braatz.

“I selected Elizabeth because I knew that she could represent the student body in a way that we could be proud of,” said Johnson. “Elizabeth has a really diverse range of student leadership experiences from University Housing and including ASWOU.”

However in the finalized committee, Betty Komp decided to implement her own candidate, Alex Ped, a nontraditional Western student since 2002.

“I asked for suggestions and made it clear diversity was important,” said Komp, “but ultimately I make the decision on who’s on the committee.” 

At this time, the final committee containing 11 community members consists of one person of color. 

The Board of Trustees office has selected March 12 at 11 a.m. to hear from the campus community’s thoughts on how the committee should go about looking for an interim president. The committee will begin to review application materials on March 15.

The story will be updated as more information is released. 

Contact the author at scarpenter18@mail.wou.edu 

‌Daft Punk’s era has come to an end

Exploring Daft Punk’s unique goodbye YouTube video

Natalie‌ ‌Dean‌ ‌|‌ ‌Entertainment‌ ‌Editor‌ ‌ ‌

The world of music received some surprising news at the end of February: legendary French duo Daft Punk has announced the band’s break up. After performing together for 28 years, Daft Punk released a nearly eight minute long YouTube video titled “Epilogue,” which shows an interesting farewell between the two artists. As of the video’s release on Feb. 22, it has racked up over 23 million views, and the message portrayed through the footage is that of an authentic, creative and explosive goodbye. 

Thomas Bangalter and Guillaume Emmanuel “Guy-Manuel” de Homem-Christo are seen in their iconic, shiny robot helmets and are shown walking forward, surrounded by a deserted landscape. The two walk at different paces, with Bangalter stopping and watching Homem-Christo walk off into the distance. 

The two share a short stare, and Homem-Christo returns to Bangalter to stand face-to-face — in this case, it’s chrome helmet to helmet. The rest of the video continues with Homem-Christo setting off a timer on Bangalter’s back, only for Bangalter to walk onward and then explode. The ending of the video shows each of their hands coming together to form a brightly glowing triangle, with the years “1993–2021” below it. For the final few minutes, the viewer is left with the final image of a figure ⏤ presumably Homem-Christo ⏤ walking toward the sunset.

Their cryptic goodbye video is exactly what should be expected from Daft Punk after all these years, as they gave their audience one final show and ended with their own flair. While the video doesn’t offer a reason as to why the band is splitting up, it does provide a final farewell and nod to their musical legacy since their debut album, “Homework,” released in 1997. 

Since the near three decades of performing and music making, Daft Punk leaves fans around the world with their beloved electro hits and singles, “Around the World,” “Da Funk,” “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger,” “One More Time” and “Get Lucky.” Thankfully, their existing music can still be streamed, but many were shocked and saddened to hear that they’re done collaborating for now. Daft Punk’s publicist has confirmed the group’s retirement, but did not elaborate on if they are pursuing new projects under different names. 

Contact the author at ndean17@wou.edu

Embroidery is one of life’s thimblest pleasures

Embroidery is the latest activity to try from home 

Natalie‌ ‌Dean‌ ‌|‌ ‌Entertainment‌ ‌Editor‌ ‌

Through the last year, people have had to get creative with their activities and pastimes. The world went through a collective bread baking phase and making the TikTok famous whipped Dalgona coffee, but there’s one activity that’s been overlooked. Embroidery has long been used throughout history to adorn and craft clothing items or to make elaborate art pieces. It continues to be a popular and eclectic activity, with a variety of ways to mix materials and try new designs. 

The starting materials don’t have to cost the artist a lot of money, and many smaller items can be found around the house or at an art store. It’s a hands on project that requires practice and patience, but it pays off to see the finished product. Here are some insider knowledge, tips and tricks that can make it easier to enjoy:

Starter supplies: 

  • Key items for any beginner embroiderer would be a wooden or plastic embroidery hoop or frame, a set of needles, thread of the artist’s choosing, fabric and sharp scissors. 
  • I find it useful to have a small pouch or container to keep supplies in, and it helps keep some of the smaller items organized.
  • Hoops, frames, fabrics and embroidery patterns can be found in thrift stores at low price points and often be bought in bulk. 

Optional supplies: 

    • There are specialty embroidery scissors that one can use, which tend to be smaller and sharper than traditional scissors — they are also often decorated or embossed. 
    • A thimble is small but mighty, and it can protect sensitive fingertips from the threading and sewing process. 
    • Using a very small amount of thread conditioner or beeswax can prevent tangling and knotting. If using a conditioner kit, lightly take the thread that is being used and run it along with the conditioning agent, while pressing against the thread with a finger. Then, pull the thread between two fingers to remove any static.

    Learn the stitches: 

    • Knowing the difference between a French Knot, a Running Stitch, Chain Stitch, Stem or Split Stitch, Long and Short Stitches, Woven Wheels and Lazy Daisy Loops will help narrow down which ones should be used for the desired effect.  
    • Take it slow at first; consider watching YouTube videos and practicing on cheaper fabric to get the hang of it. 
    • Watch out for pulling stitches too tight, which can distort the fabric and overall design. 
    • Overlapping stitches can provide a lush look for flowers or nature scenes.
    • Stitches that involve knots can be perfect for finer details or building texture.

    Contact the author at ndean17@wou.edu

    Podcasts: true crime for killing time

    A collection of podcasts for true crime junkies

    Rylie Horrall | Managing Editor

    According to forbes.com, podcasts are beginning to become a mainstream form of entertainment. With the medium’s diverse options for listeners, it’s easy for anyone to find something they would enjoy. For those interested in true crime thrillers and mysteries of the like, check out these podcasts.

    • “Ear Hustle” ⏤  This podcast tells the daily realities of inmates in California’s San Quentin State Prison and their lives post-incarceration, and is the first to be created and produced in an actual prison. Told by current and former inmates themselves, the episodes feature difficult, humorous and honest stories for listeners on Stitcher, Spotify and RadioPublic. More information and episodes can be found on their website, earhustlesq.com.
    • “S-Town” ⏤  A branch from the creators of “This American Life” ⏤ a popular podcast series about life stories ⏤ host Brian Reed explores the story of John, a man from Alabama that hates his town and wants to dig up information about a wealthy family. Supposedly, the son of this family has gotten away with murder, and more mysteries and death are unearthed during this search for the truth. Listen to it now on Stitcher, RadioPublic and stownpodcast.org.
    • “True Crime All The Time” An anthology of true crime stories by Wondery, “True Crime All The Time” focuses on lesser known cases, sparing no details. The hosts Mike Ferguson and Mike Gibson claim they “don’t take themselves too seriously, but take true crime very seriously,” providing relief amongst serious discussions. Those who like this podcast can also listen to Wondery’s various other true crime podcasts. Listen on Stitcher, Spotify and their website wondery.com.
    • “True Crime Garage” ⏤  A new case is covered every week on this podcast. Whether it’s local horror stories or headline news, cold or open cases, serial killers or unsolved mysteries, hosts Nic and the Captain provide ample entertainment for their listeners. All episodes ⏤ past and present ⏤ are available on Stitcher, Soundcloud and their website truecrimegarage.com.
    • “And That’s Why We Drink” ⏤  Hosts Christine Schiefer and Em Schulz take their listeners on both paranormal and true crime journeys every Sunday. Covering terrifying cases of ghosts and killers, their motto is “The world’s a scary place. And that’s why we drink!” Episodes and more can be found on their website ⏤ andthatswhywedrink.com ⏤ Spotify, Stitcher and Apple Podcasts.
    • “Down the Hill” ⏤  Each episode uncovers more information about the murder of two girls, Abby and Libby, from Delphi, Indiana ⏤ a case that is still open today. A recording of the killer’s voice from a phone call still remains the biggest clue in this three-year-old mystery, and investigators have yet to apprehend the culprit. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and their website downthehillpodcast.com.
    • “Ear Hustle” ⏤  This podcast tells the daily realities of inmates in California’s San Quentin State Prison and their lives post-incarceration, and is the first to be created and produced in an actual prison. Told by current and former inmates themselves, the episodes feature difficult, humorous and honest stories for listeners on Stitcher, Spotify and RadioPublic. More information and episodes can be found on their website, earhustlesq.com.
    • “Mommy Doomsday” ⏤  A podcast from Dateline NBC, it focuses on the children of Lori Vallow from Rexburg, Idaho, who disappeared in September three years ago ⏤ a bizarre and haunting story of death, deception and Doomsday that’s available for listeners on Stitcher and Apple Podcasts.
    • “S-Town” ⏤  A branch from the creators of “This American Life” ⏤ a popular podcast series about life stories ⏤ host Brian Reed explores the story of John, a man from Alabama that hates his town and wants to dig up information about a wealthy family. Supposedly, the son of this family has gotten away with murder, and more mysteries and death are unearthed during this search for the truth. Listen to it now on Stitcher, RadioPublic and stownpodcast.org.
    • “Serial” ⏤  Made once again by the creators of “This American Life,” one story is uncovered over the course of a full season. Full of twists and turns amongst the plot and characters, even the narrators don’t know what happens at the end. Current and past episodes can be found on Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and serialpodcast.org.
    • “True Crime All The Time” An anthology of true crime stories by Wondery, “True Crime All The Time” focuses on lesser known cases, sparing no details. The hosts Mike Ferguson and Mike Gibson claim they “don’t take themselves too seriously, but take true crime very seriously,” providing relief amongst serious discussions. Those who like this podcast can also listen to Wondery’s various other true crime podcasts. Listen on Stitcher, Spotify and their website wondery.com.
    • “True Crime Garage” ⏤  A new case is covered every week on this podcast. Whether it’s local horror stories or headline news, cold or open cases, serial killers or unsolved mysteries, hosts Nic and the Captain provide ample entertainment for their listeners. All episodes ⏤ past and present ⏤ are available on Stitcher, Soundcloud and their website truecrimegarage.com.

    Contact the author at rhorrall17@wou.edu