Mount Hood

Oregon cat transmits plague to its owner

Written by: Claire Phillips | Entertainment Editor

In February of 2024, an Oregon resident was diagnosed with the bubonic plague. New cases of the plague always cause a small panic, but this case hasn’t been the first in the last decade. 

The patient, who was treated with antibiotics in Deschutes County, was speculated to have been infected by their pet cat. 

The plague is on the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention’s long list of nationally notifiable diseases because a single case can prompt the need to check for other cases. Other nationally notifiable diseases include cholera, Lyme disease, smallpox and measles.

Due to the plague’s gruesome history of death and destruction, public panic is another reason for concern. While the bubonic plague can spread among a population with drastic effects, in modern times, there is not much reason to panic. 

The Oregon resident was diagnosed and treated quickly, meaning they posed little risk to their community. Additionally, the bubonic plague is not transmissible between humans — only between an animal and humans. 

The bubonic plague wiped out a third of Eurasia during its initial outbreak. There are an average of seven cases a year in the United States. The association of the word “plague” sounds scary, but there are now methods of fighting back — bloodletting, leeches and religious cures have been left in the medieval ages.

Two methods used to combat the bubonic plague are quarantining and social distancing. Post-COVID, it’s no wonder Americans are worried about the spread of the plague. However, it’s safe to say that the bloody history of the plague can be left in the past.

Seven hundred years ago, humans were living among rats and fleas. They had no access to the treatments modern society has now. Health experts discourage the hunting of rodents by cats so Oregon residents don’t have to worry about their beloved pets.

In Oregon, the most common transmitter of the bubonic plague are squirrels, and officials warn against feeding one’s local squirrels to avoid future outbreaks.

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Weapon epidemic

Written by: Hannah Field | News Editor

Content warning: this article contains mentions of gun violence and death

Across 13 school districts in Oregon, 48 students were disciplined for bringing guns on school grounds in 2023 — an uptick of more than double the cases reported during the 2018-2019 school year, the last before the pandemic. That year, only 18 cases of guns on campus were reported.

The school districts of Centennial, Corvallis, Crook, Glide, Greater Albany, Jefferson, Medford, North Clackamas, Oregon City, Pendleton, Portland, Reynolds and Salem-Keizer reported student possession of a handgun, shotgun or rifle. The Oregon Department of Education released these records after a request for information filed by KGW. Four out of all 48 cases were middle schoolers.

Juvenile probation officer, Kyle Kinion, has worked closely with West Albany High School for 17 years, holding a unique position in Oregon as the school’s resource officer. West Albany High School sits in the Greater Albany School District, one of the listed 13 districts having reported guns caught on campus. “The (kids) that I work with haven’t shown up with weapons at school because they want to be the bad guy. It’s because they feel that they’ve been pushed to a certain point — (like) they need to protect themselves,” said Kinion. “So much of being a kid, unfortunately, is fear.”

May 2024 will be the upcoming 26th anniversary of the Thurston High School shooting, an Oregon shooting preceding Columbine by nearly a year. Fifteen-year-old Kipland Kinkel was suspended on disciplinary action due to his admission of keeping a stolen handgun in his locker. Following the suspension, he shot his parents, supposedly because of the shame he felt, and, one day later, open-fired in the school cafeteria — killing two students, Ben Walker and Mikael Nickolauson, and wounding 25 others.

Kinkel entered Thurston High School with two knives, two pistols and a rifle, with more than a thousand rounds of ammunition. After firing into a crowd of more than 300 students, it was reported that Kinkel was taken down by his peers — screaming, “Just kill me!” as he fell.

The story has been a grim reminder of the importance of mental health awareness and school disciplinary action — leading to action across Oregon in schools.

“There’s always plans in place. I sit on it — it’s the School Threat Assessment Team, STAT team. Most school districts, communities, or counties have this and this was put in place after the Kip Kinkel Thurston shootings,” said Kinion.

Former Western student Julius Hardman was attending class at Parkrose High School in Portland his junior year when a classmate entered the school with a shotgun under his trenchcoat — loaded with only one bullet intended for himself.

Hardman was in the B-wing of the school when a peer burst through the door shouting that they “gotta go right now.” Upon being asked by the teacher to calm down and explain the situation, she stated that “there was a guy with a gun.”

“She was too serious to be faking,” said Hardman. “Two minutes after she came in, there was an announcement on the intercom saying this is not a drill. (After that) there was a convoy of dudes in army camo.”

The student with the weapon was allegedly heartbroken after his split from his girlfriend, a fellow student. He was disarmed effectively before anyone was hurt — going on to live a relatively normal life after receiving psychological help, while leaving hundreds of former high school students possibly traumatized for life.

“I know that girl who busted into our classroom — she was in the room that (the gunman was in),” said Hardman. “She was f——g terrified.”

Skylar McNett, a current Western freshman, experienced a lockdown in their high school due to a call that there was a shooter on school property. Little did the school know, it was a hoax.

“We’re (all) sitting in lockdown, completely unaware, with the doors barricaded. Some of us have scissors in our hands and books, stuff like that, in case a person tries to break in, because we don’t know what’s going on,” said McNett. “We check online, and all we see is that three people are dead and that there was an active shooter. And it was so terrifying.”

They watched as SWAT officers passed by the windows, securing the perimeter with “giant assault rifles.” Two hours passed before it came out that it was a false call — the perpetrator of which was never discovered.

“I want to be a teacher,” said McNett. “I’m going to have to deal with school safety and be responsible for the lives of like thirty students in (situations) that I can’t control.”

The hoax followed the 2015 Umpqua Community College shooting in McNett’s hometown of Roseburg — an event of which McNett knew the victims.

“Somebody saying something to me in the hallways — because I’m a grown man — isn’t going to be the same as a fifteen-year-old who’s in the throes of puberty, with all these things going on in their head. On top of some mental health issues they are going through,” said Kinion. “ … We need to make sure that the community is safe. We need to make sure that they’re safe also. That’s the double-edged sword — making sure we do what’s best for the youth, but also make sure they’re going to be safe and that people around them aren’t going to be harmed.”

Kip Kinkel had his own query in 2023: “How could I have gotten to this point at 15 that all these things came together — where my humanity collapsed, and I did this horrific thing to people I loved and to people I didn’t know?”

The fear Hardman and McNett felt has been resounded by thousands of students across the nation as shootings have become a well-known travesty.

Yet, in 2023, 26 years after the Thurston High School shooting, 48 kids were disciplined for bringing guns to Oregon schools — a statistic emphasizing hundreds of kids’ fears. 

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Not alone

Written by: Libby Thoma | Staff Writer

According to the Legal Information Institute, abuse is described as “an action that intentionally causes harm or injures another person.” Abuse can happen to anyone — any gender, race and sexuality is susceptible to abuse. Although abuse is mainly perceived to occur in romantic relationships, it can occur in any interpersonal relationship. 

Multiple forms of abuse exist such as physical, sexual and verbal abuse along with, according to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, digital and financial abuse. Coercion is also a type of abuse, which includes reproductive and sexual coercion. Lastly, stalking is also considered a form of abuse.

Many people are not properly educated on what constitutes abuse. This can lead to victims not knowing that what they are experiencing is, in fact, abuse and may struggle to find a way out. Experiencing any physical violence, threats of physical violence or any language that is aimed at controlling, scaring or isolating a person is abuse. Abuse doesn’t only exist within these lines and is more complicated than what can be quantified. Control is the main factor behind abusive behaviors. If one is feeling controlled in any sense of the word, one may be experiencing abuse and should reach out for help. 

According to the domestic violence hotline, 24 people per minute are victims of abuse by an intimate partner, and this excludes all other interpersonal relationships in which abuse can occur. 

An anonymous source spoke about her story, “I had no clue what I was getting myself into. In the beginning, there was no abuse, it was a normal relationship. But as time went on he began to hit me, assault me and limit what food I ate and how much I ate. It’s so hard to see it when you’re in it too, because they’ll apologize while also isolating you from everyone. It wasn’t until recently that I realized how bad it was, and it’s almost three years later.”

There are many resources available for those experiencing abuse. 

The Domestic Abuse Hotline — (800)-799-7233

National Sexual Assault Hotline — 1-800-656-4673,

Abby’s house — (503) 838-8219

One may also visit the Victim Connect Research Center

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Blooming spring recipes

Written by: Taylor Duff | Staff Writer


From start to finish: 20 min

Greek red wine vinaigrette dressing (purchase or make) 

Red onion 


Grape tomatoes 

Fresh parsley 

Olives of choice 

Banana peppers 


Salt and pepper to taste

Feta cheese to top

Begin by chopping your red onion, cucumber, grape tomatoes, banana peppers, olives and avocado and add to a large bowl. Next, roughly chop your parsley and sprinkle on top of the veggie mix. Then, drizzle the red wine vinaigrette over the veggie mixture and season with salt and pepper to taste. Lastly, toss together and sprinkle with feta cheese.       


From start to finish: 45 min 

2 Tbs Chicken bouillon powder 

Angel hair pasta 

Half a stick of butter 

1Tbs of minced garlic 

1 Tbs of red pepper flakes 

Fresh parsley 

1 Cup grated parmesan 

2 lemons squeezed 

Salt and pepper to taste 

Start by boiling a pot of water large enough to fit the angel hair pasta and season the water with the chicken bouillon powder. Once the water is boiling, add the pasta and stir periodically. Reserve 1 cup of pasta water and drain your pasta once cooked according to the package. On medium heat in a large pan add the half stick of butter, minced garlic and red pepper flakes and stir until melted and combined. Now add in the drained pasta and some of the reserved pasta water with the fresh parsley, grated parmesan, juice from the lemons, and salt and pepper to taste. Mix until combined and serve. 


From start to finish: 70 min

1 cup of flour

1 cup of white sugar 

1 cup of milk 

1/4th cup melted butter 

A pack of mixed frozen or fresh berries about 2 cups 

In a large bowl combine flour, sugar and milk — whisk until combined. In a 9 by 13-inch pan, pour the melted butter, moving it around so it coats the bottom. Pour the mixture over the butter and top with the mixed berries. Place in a 180-degree oven for 50 minutes or until cooked through the cobbler. Let cool and enjoy.   

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Spring break inside

Written by: Taylor Duff | Staff Writer

With spring break approaching, many students do not have the funds to travel or participate in expensive activities, leaving them to wonder what they will do during their break. Some are most likely catching up on sleep, but here are some ideas for how to spend one’s spring break, other than sleeping.  

Read a new book — Reading is proven to be beneficial to the mind, and there are many options out there for any genre or length. Audiobooks are also a great alternative because they can provide a more immersive experience for some. TikTok and other social media sites have many recommendations to discover.  

Watch a new TV series or have a movie marathon — Streaming services have many choices for film and TV. If one isn’t sure what they might like, try watching the first episode of a show or the trailer to see if it’s something one may be interested in. 

Play board games — Board games are underrated as there are always more to try out. Games are always fun to play time and time again. 

Try a new hobby — A new hobby can be exciting and something that could get a person out of their comfort zone. The most popular hobbies include painting, cooking, writing, gardening, video games and so much more. Another fun hobby one can try is pottery; many pottery shops offer a chance to try it out or paint some pottery pieces that have already been made. 

Try a new recipe — The internet is full of delicious and adventurous recipes that give one a chance to practice cooking skills and learn a thing or two. Not much of a cook? Try a new restaurant in the area and step outside of one’s comfort zone; this could lead to a new favorite dish.   

Listen to some new music — Music is a great way to decompress and enjoy the moment no matter where one might be. Try listening to a new artist and discover what one likes and dislikes.

Declutter — With spring coming, spring cleaning is also an option, which many don’t like to participate in, but if the moment arises and boredom is too prevalent then decluttering is a great way to get cleaning done and feel refreshed. This is also a good time to redecorate or take care of household tasks one has been putting off. 

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How to save money

Written by: Libby Thoma | Staff Writer

Saving is always important, as a little bit of savings can help in case of an emergency. This is close to impossible for most, especially those in college. This article is meant to give some ideas, but many are living paycheck to paycheck, and it is important to note that it is a privilege to be able to save money. 

Couponing — Although many are embarrassed to use coupons, couponing can save a person up to one thousand dollars per year. found that Americans can save about $1,465 per year. Coupon codes can be found through the mail, newspapers and magazines, apps and even in-store.

Budgeting — This is when one plans how and when to spend money, beginning with necessities. Start by calculating income, tracking spending, setting realistic goals, making a plan and sticking to it. Rocket Money is a safe online financial service that can help with budgeting. 

Scholarships and grants — Scholarships can be found on the Western Portal in the scholarship icon at the top of the page. Grants are money from the government that do not need to be repaid, these are given based on need. Grants can be found through websites such as Oregon Student Aid. One must ensure to fill out FAFSA before filing for scholarships and grants.

Work on one’s own time — College students looking for a job that fits with their schedule should consider working on their own time at jobs such as Instacart, DoorDash, Uber Eats and other services that allow one to choose their hours. These jobs are a way to earn money on a busy college — or other — schedule. This money can be an extra source of income to put into savings.

Set goals — Setting goals is an important step in saving money. Begin with setting a specific and realistic goal. Setting a deadline, and getting a savings account can assist with reaching said goal.

There are hundreds of ways to save money; to find more, find reputable websites to look over for ideas. 

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Meet the director

Written by: Hannah Field | News Editor

Content warning: this article includes mentions of assault and violence

Kristen Perry has her dream job.

Her first time applying for Director of Abby’s House at Western, Perry didn’t get the position — derailing her career path, although only temporarily. After graduating from Western, she experimented with other positions, jobs she loved and couldn’t keep, but found herself back in Monmouth. It was what she truly wanted to do — and maybe that’s why six months later, the position opened, as if it was waiting for her.

Since November 2021, Perry has been the Director of Abby’s House.

“In a way, I don’t like the title,” explained Perry sheepishly. “It’s like, oh, I’m talking to the most important person at Abby’s House — and that’s not necessarily true.”

What is true, however, is the very real existence of Abby’s House advocacy.

Perry is a confidential advocate — which, she stresses, is not the same as a therapist. The title, supported by a lengthy training program, allows for Perry to speak with individuals about a vast range of topics — often centering on trauma — and she cannot share that information with anyone else.

“I myself have experienced sexual assault and I experienced that while I was in college, which is why I got involved,” said Perry. “I get to work with survivors who are at their lowest. And I get to help bring them up — lift them up, mentor them — and also help them work through their trauma. I feel very special and very honored that people feel comfortable telling me their stories.”

Abby’s House represents a comfortable, open space — a sentiment Perry has promoted in the seemingly smallest of choices, like the decision to find a new name.

“Abby’s House, the Center for Equity and Gender Justice — nobody knows what Abby’s House means … that (it) doesn’t portray everything we encompass,” said Perry. After multiple name changes in the past, Perry’s on the hunt for an acronym that will better suit all of Abby’s House’s purposes. Some examples of which include internships, basic needs, safety training, violence prevention, providing resources and more.

The Abby’s House website will be updated to be easier on the eyes and more accurate. Abby’s House will also grow to encompass the Stonewall Center in the fall.

“I just want people to know we are truly here for everyone,” said Perry. “We will do the extra research. We will provide any extra resources.”

Perry has made it clear that she won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

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